CSUMB library

Course Reserves

Course Instructor
AGPS 128: Introduction to Soil Science Hynes
AGPS 350: Research Methods in Crop and Soil Science Hynes
ASL 101: Beginning American Sign Language I Mott
ASL 102: Beginning American Sign Language II Mott; Brown
ASL 201: Intermediate ASL I Brown
Assessment Kits: Only available to enrolled students in : SPED 564 or SPSY 660,670,680 Ross; Draper Rodriguez; Guzicki; Kulkarni; Barajas
BIO 106: Introduction to Plant Science
BIO 204: Introduction to Life Science Thomas
BIO 210: Molecular and Cell Biology and Animal Physiology
BIO 211/L: Ecology, Evolution, Biodiversity and Plants/Lab Stanfield
BIO 301: Research and Technical Writing in Biology Alter
BIO 306: Biotechnology for Agriculture Dundore-Arias
BIO 310: Biochemistry I
BIO 311: Genetics Titen
BIO 320: Microbiology Zeidberg; Kato
BIO 330: Vertebrate Physiology Titen; Kato
BIO 332: Plant Physiology
BIO 340: Ecology Bergsma
BIO 341: Evolution Bio & Pop Genetics Alter
BIO 364: Mammalogy
BIO 370: Developmental Biology Titen
BIO 410: Bioinformatics
BIO 412: Comparative Genomics Titen
BIO 420: Marine Invertebrate Zoology Zeidberg
BUS 201: Macro Economics Fausti
BUS 206: Business Law Haselton
BUS 299: Business Analytics Fundamentals Chou; Gupta; Parmelee
BUS 300S: Business Ethics in Action Bernacchio; Iliff
BUS 301: Principles of Business Analytics
BUS 304: Business Communication, Ethics, and Critical Thinking Wisdom; Posteher
BUS 305: Principles of Management
BUS 306: Fundamentals of Marketing Wieland; Millson
BUS 307: Finance Mabul
BUS 308: Information Systems for Decision Making Abouzahra; Sharma; Mabul
BUS 322: Integrated Marketing Communications Lin
BUS 330: Human Resources Management Iliff
BUS 332: Global Responsible Business
BUS 350: Financial Literacy Acosta; Saha
BUS 351: Risk Management & Tax Planning Froshman
BUS 352: Estate Planning & Professional Conduct Ciliberto
BUS 375: Agribusiness Trading and Risk Management
BUS 383: Intermediate Accounting I Hua
BUS 384: Intermediate Accounting II Hua
BUS 385: Income Tax Fundamentals Miller
BUS 422: Professional Selling and Sales Management Wieland
BUS 425: Global Marketing
BUS 430: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship Nariswari
BUS 433: Management of Nonprofit Organization Kuan
BUS 434: Policy/Regulation in Environmental Agribusiness
BUS 435: Supply Chain Management Shakya
BUS 437: Applied Logistics for Vegetables and Fruit
BUS 441: Project Management
BUS 451: Venture Formation/Finance Barbeau
BUS 482: Auditing Schneider
BUS 493: International Business Mabul
BUS 498: Internship
CHEM 110/111/L: Chemistry I/II/Lab MacDonald; Gonzalez-Samano; Sharma
CHEM 211/312: Organic Chemistry I/II Gonzalez-Samano
CHEM 212L: Organic Chemisty II Lab
CHEM 310: Biochemistry I Sreenivasan
CHEM 320: Environmental Chemistry Haffa
CHEM 410: Biochemistry II Slown
CHHS 215: Introduction to Human Services
CHHS 300: Major ProSeminar Arevalo
CHHS 330: Collaborative Leadership & Community Building
CHHS 384: Quantitative Analysis of Survey Data Navarro
CHHS 395: Special Topics Cabral
CHHS 396S: Junior Field Practicum Seminar SL Stinneford; Arevalo
CHHS 400A/B: Senior Capstone-A/B McMurtrie; Ibessaine
CHHS 411: Community Engaged Research
CHHS 445: Principles of Grantsmanship Stinneford
CHHS 450: Introduction to Policy Analysis Shelby; Silverthorne
CHHS 496A/B: Sr Field Pract Seminar-A/B Rogers; Stinneford; Ibessaine; McMurtrie; Forte; Silverthorne
CST 201: Media Tools I Webster
CST 227: Design Fundamentals Attia
CST 231: Problem-Solving/Programming Gross
CST 237: Intro to Computer Architecture Islam
CST 238: Intro to Data Structures Gross
CST 274: History of Communication Technologies and Politics in America Evanick
CST 302: History of Communication Design
CST 304/404): Typography/Publication Workshop Omoto
CST 311: Intro to Computer Networks McCann; Ogden
CST 312: Network Security
CST 325: Graphics Programming Guerrero
CST 334: Operating Systems Ogden; Islam
CST 338: Software Design Byun; Biblarz; Clinkenbeard
CST 345: Visual Thinking
CST 363: Introduction to Database Systems Wisneski; Abdoli
CST 383: Introduction to Data Science Bruns
CST 406: Graphic Identity Omoto
CST 412: Network Administration
ED 212S: Federal, State, and Local Governments and their Impact on Public Schooling
ED 510: Providing Behavior Supports in the Classroom Blair; Turner; Harrower; Ross
ED 609: Math Methods Sayavedra; Mastrup
ED 612: Pedagogy for Ling Diversity
ED 616: Lang/Literacy Curriculum I
ED 617: Lang/Literacy Curriculum II
ED 634: Literacy for Linguistically Diverse Learners Williams
ENGR 240: Strength of Materials
ENSTU 120: Writing about the Environment Zanger Zuniga
ENSTU 130: Science, Media, and Society Zanger Zuniga
ENSTU 309: Climate Change Science and Solutions Worcester
ENSTU 349S: Environmental Interpretation and Outreach Silberstein
ENSTU 350: Research Methods in Environmental Studies Derr
ENSTU 365: Critical Pedagogy for Environmental Education Derr
ENSTU 376: Infrastructure Systems: Past, Present and Future Fernandez
ENSTU 384S: Social and Ecological Justice Service Learning Derr
ENSTU 387: Water Resource Assess/Law/Politics Ostovar
ENSTU 412: Enviro Thought & Practice Derr
ENVS 282: Monterey Bay:Case Study Environment Sci & Pol Silberstein; Minovitz
ENVS 300: Critical Thinking & Communication in Environmental Science Stanfield; Robles-Beilby
ENVS 332: Intro to GIS/GPS Burton; Lydon; Garig; Olson
ENVS 350: Quantitative Field Methods Burton
ENVS 360: Natural History of California Wildlife
ENVS 363: Field Natural History for Educators
ENVS 475: Projects in Natural Resource Management
FYS 143: Philosophy of Nonviolence Silguero
FYS 147: Literature of Healing: The Representation of Mental Illness in Latinx Literature Gonzalez
FYS 179: Myths and Realities of Asia
FYS 183: Eat, Love, Learn
FYS 191: Comp. Ethnic Experiences
GEOL 210/310: Introduction to Earth Science/Natural Disasters and Human Impacts Turrini-Smith; Martin
GS 205: Politics of Everyday Life
GS 206: Understanding Globalization Bhatti
GS 214: Global History I: Ancient Times to 1500 George
GS 215: Global History II - World History Since 1500 Vermote
GS 236: Global Policing Spoto
GS 300: Major ProSeminar Bhatti
GS 325: International Development
GS 330: World Views
GS 351: Introduction to Global Economics: Theory, Ethics, Applications Kimm
GS 362: Global Literatures Bhatti
GS 403: Capstone Proposal
GS 445: Capstone Seminar
HCOM 110: Fundame Speaking & Listening Ritscher; Escamilla; Spoto; Mathias; de la Llata Aimé
HCOM 120: Critical Reading and Writing Fletcher; Graham; Watson
HCOM 125: 11 & 12: Writing and Reading for College Success Mullins
HCOM 170: Introduction to Mass Communication Song
HCOM 200: Critical Thinking & Ethics Swanson; Watson; Graham; Mullins; LaFollette
HCOM 202: Philosophy of Human Nature Abraham; Spoto
HCOM 224: American Indigenous Literatures and Cultures Homa; Stromberg
HCOM 225: Literature,Film & Culture Wang
HCOM 230: Environ Creative Writing Summerhill
HCOM 231: Latinx Creative Wrtg Wrkshp Escamilla
HCOM 247: African Legacy Worldwide
HCOM 251/265: Introduction to US History/Histories of Democracy Zanger Zuniga; O'Donnell; Yantis
HCOM 260S: Politics & Participation Zanger Zuniga; Hua
HCOM 265: Histories of Democracy Zanger Zuniga; Nguyen; O'Donnell; Reichard
HCOM 301: Ways Of Knowing Provost
HCOM 302: Religion and Law
HCOM 303: Academic and Professional Writing
HCOM 304: Relational Ethics
HCOM 307S: Social Impact Of Mass Media SL Song
HCOM 312(P): Cooperative Argumentation-Theory and Practice Mascarenhas
HCOM 316: Media Ethics
HCOM 320: Grammar, Usage, and Power
HCOM 321: Introduction to Rhetoric and Culture
HCOM 325: Narratives of American Immigration
HCOM 327: Survey American Literature Stromberg
HCOM 328: Latina Life Stories
HCOM 330: Intro Creative Writing Homa
HCOM 332: Poetry Writing Workshop
HCOM 335: American Ethnic Lit & Culture Spoto
HCOM 339S: Creative Writing and Service Learning
HCOM 342: Feminist Theories & Methods Spoto
HCOM 343: Race and Gender Justice Spoto
HCOM 350S: Oral Hist/Comm Mem SL LaFollette
HCOM 357: Constitutional Law Reichard
HCOM 361: Crime and Communities
HCOM 362: Constitutional History
HCOM 373: Introduction to Public Relations
HCOM 437: Shakespeare Spoto
HCOM 443: Black Feminist Theory & Praxis
HCOM 470: Graduate Admissions Workshop
HCOM 475: Senior Capstone Belanger; Abraham
HCOM 477: Communication in Everyday Life
HDFS 200: Introduction to Child Development Millovich; Lopez; Verlezza
HDFS 302: Research Methods in HDFS Lopez
HDFS 310: Parenting Across the Lifespan
HDFS 315: Risk and Resiliency in Families
HDFS 340: Close Relationships and Family Development Crossman
HDFS 341: Family Violence: Identification, Prevention, and Intervention Crossman
HDFS 350: Lifespan Development: Transition and Change Chadwick
HDFS 355: Behavioral and Emotional Disorders of Childhood and Adolesence Galer
HDFS 356: Infancy and Early Childhood Chadwick
HDFS 365: Adolescence Lopez
HDFS 371: Adulthood & Aging Kajs-Wyllie
HDFS 377: Geriatrics & Gerontology
HOSP 221: Shifting Flavor Landscapes & Unseen/Hidden Populations
HOSP 312: Sustainable Hospitality Operations Management Moreo
HOSP 323: Introduction to Event Planning and Management
HOSP 471: Sustainable Tourism Management
HOSP 473: Sustainable Destination Planning and Management
HOSP 481: Sustainable Event Management
HOSP 482: Sustainable Lodging Management
HOSP 499: Strategic Management for Sustainable Hospitality (Sr Capstone)
IST 524: Instructional Technology
ITAL 101/102/201: Beginning Italian I/II & Intermediate Italian I Santamaria
JAPN 101/102: Beginning Japanese I/II Ogaki
JAPN 201: Intermediate Japanese I Ogaki
JAPN 212: Samurai Spirit
JAPN 215: Cool Japan Today Pham
JAPN 305: Introduction to Japanese Culture & Civilization Wright
JAPN 307: Japan-American Experience
JAPN 309: Masterpieces in Japanese Literature Pham
JAPN 310: Japanese Cinema
JAPN 495: Special Topics Wright
KIN 161: Health and Well Being Cassidy; Meyer; Tiscareno; Luke; Edwards
KIN 263: Introduction to Human Sexuality Derr
KIN 300: Major Pro-Seminar Leininger
KIN 303: Fundamental Athletic Injury Management
KIN 310: Athletic Strength & Condition Beckham; Luke
KIN 330: Physical Activity & Health Cassidy
KIN 340: Personal Training Martin
KIN 346: Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Powell
KIN 350: Worksite Health Promotion Beckham
KIN 355: Ethics in Physical Activity and Health Powell
KIN 360: Nutritional Science Machek
KIN 363/L: Human Sexuality/Lab Benedetti
KIN 366: Health Behavior and Promotion Powell
KIN 370/371: Anatomy & Physiology I/II Sevene; Edwards
KIN 373: Health and Physical Education Garry
KIN 375: Motor Behavior Bellumori
KIN 390: Exercise Physiology Luke; Machek
KIN 430: Phys & Biomech Aerobic Exer Bellumori; Luke
KIN 461: Stress Management
KIN 499: Senior Capstone I/II Leininger
LING 392: Nature of Language & Language Acquisition Thao; Gage
LING 393: Language, Power, and Literacy in Education Nares-Guzicki
LS 233: Arts in the School and Community
LS 242S: Service Learning in Public Schools
LS 311: Educational Issues and the Latino Community
LS 380: Teaching for Social Change Lopez
LS 384: Issues in Comp & Intl Ed Thao
LS 390: Culturally Sustaining Literature for Elementary and Middle Grades Lopez; Waltz
MAE 634: Literacy Diverse Learners Wong; Ryman; Williams
MAE 642: Multicultural Community Partnerships
MATH 10: Support Course for MATH 100
MATH 115: Finite Mathematics
MATH 150: Calculus I Huerth; Mata; Clinkenbeard; Doss
MATH 170: Discrete Mathematics Deka
MATH 300: Major Proseminar Shereen
MATH 308: Elementary Math - Adv Viewpt A Zambrano; Sindel Spahl
MATH 309: Elementary Math - Adv Viewpt B Zambrano
MATH 329: College Geometry
MATH 362S: Service Learning for Mathematics and Statistics Consultants
MATH 375: Numerical Analysis for Mathematics and Statistics Scott
MATH 410/411: Modern Algebra I/II Hu
MATH 421: Mathematical Analysis II
MPA 100: Introduction to Music Ovens; Wineglass
MPA 102: Chromatic Harmony
MPA 104: Musicianship I
MPA 220: From Gregorian Chants to Hip-Hop Kourtova
MPA 301: Music for Children Tottress
MPA 304: Writing About Music Cavicchi Munoz
MPA 330: Voice Training I Tottress
MPA 365: Survey of Global Music Jones
MSCI 270: Introduction to Oceanography
MSCI 340: Marine Ecology Haupt; Bergsma; Logan
MSCI 341: Conservation Genetics Kozal
MSCI 350: Quantitative Marine Science Salinas Ruiz
MSCI 359S: Marine Science in the Community Pelc; Waissbluth
MSCI 370: Biological-Physical Oceanography Palacios
MSCI 430: Marine Experimental Physiology
MSCI 455: Marine Fish Ecology
MSCI 475: Marine Conservation Biology DeVogelaere
NURS 300: Professional Nursing Proseminar
NURS 310: Healthcare Policy and Population Health
PANM 312: Public Administration & Non-profit Management Shelby
PH 320: Intro to Community Health McMurtrie; Cabral
PH 407: Multicultural Health Education Cabral
PH 417: Global Women's Health Issues Judson
PH 487: Sexual Health Education and Training McMurtrie
PHYS 121: Integrated Physical Science Martin
PHYS 220: Physics I
PSY 100: Introduction to Psychology Dyer-Seymour
PSY 200: Introduction to Research Methods
PSY 300: Career Preparation for Psychology Majors Burchett
PSY 301/L: Advanced Psychological Statistics/Lab Yamashita; Matthews
PSY 302: Psychology Research Methods and Data Analysis Penalver; Hamai; Pinet
PSY 305: Psychological Testing and Measurement Wirick
PSY 310: Biological Psychology De Miguel; Deupree
PSY 315: Psychopharmacology Holbrook
PSY 320: Psychopathology Stratford; England-Aytes
PSY 321/L: Clinical Psychology/Lab Lovell; Wirick; Mejia; McKeon
PSY 329: Health Psychology
PSY 330/L: Cognitive Psychology/Lab Szechter; Holbrook
PSY 331: Human Memory
PSY 333: Cognitive Neuroscience McKeon
PSY 334/L: Sensation & Perception/Lab Yamashita; Holbrook
PSY 340: Developmental Psychology Szechter; Luke
PSY 347: Social & Emotional Development England-Aytes
PSY 348: How to Love Snapp
PSY 350: Social Psychology Cricchio; Grobman
PSY 352: Theories of Personality England-Aytes
PSY 355: Social Psychology and Social Justice Rosales
PSY 391S: Psychology in the Community
RSCH 200/301: Undergraduate Research I & III Gray
SBS 100: 1: Human Biocultural Evolution Lewis
SBS 101: Introduction to Anthropology Gutierrez
SBS 212: US Histories & Politics
SBS 212S: Citizen Action Fabian; Klein
SBS 249: Native American Societies George
SBS 252: Wrl/Reg/Geo/Cul/Soc/Sp:On-line Lao
SBS 300 (P): SBS Major ProSeminar: Theory Covarrubias; Tapia
SBS 322: Asian American Women's History Lau
SBS 328: Social Science Theory Module Arias; Vermote
SBS 345: Cultural Anthropology Lewis
SBS 350: Domination and Resistance: US since 1880
SBS 356: People, Places, & Environment: An Introduction to Geography Lao
SBS 361: Introduction to GIS
SBS 362: Rsrch Mthd for SBS: Qual Emph Tapia
SBS 366/L: Research Methods for SBS: Quantitative Emphasis/Lab
SBS 379: Tattoos Makeup & Burkas
SBS 384S: Anthropology of Education: Cultural Contexts of Bilingual Education Lewis
SBS 386: Social and Political Histories of California
SBS 389: Environmental History of California Cusick
SBS 400: Senior Capstone Seminar I
SBS 402: Senior Capstone Seminar II
SL 210S: The Promise and Reality of the American Dream Gallardo; Avineri; Gidney; Escalante; Shelton
SLP 571: Autism Spectrum Disorders Chitwood
SLP 602: Professional Seminar 2 - Assessment Schwartz
SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology Baldwin
SOC 315: Marriage and Family Romano
SOC 317: Social Movements Smith; Maresca
SPAN 101/102/201: Beginning Spanish I/II & Intermediate Spanish I Cisneros; Flores; Curran; Barbosa; Saldana
SPAN 304: Intro To Hispanic Literat Oliva
SPAN 308: Hist/Cultr Aztlan:SW US
SPAN 310: Latinx Children's Lit Gonzalez
SPAN 313: Intro to Spanish Linguistics Pozzi
SPED 560/562: Inclusionary Practices/Curr Dvlpmt/Pref Practices Ferguson
SPSY 540: Developmental Counseling Talley
SPSY 611: Multi Tiered Assessment of Social Emotional Learning
STAT 100: Introduction to Statistics Swift; Unfried; Ramirez; Reynolds
STAT 330: Sampling Design and Analysis Unfried
STAT 421: Statistical Theory II
SW 310: Introduction to Social Work Rodriguez; Arevalo
SW 405: Social Work Practice Jones; Cameron
SW 406: Social Work with Groups Rodriguez
SW 415: Social Work with Child/Youth Cameron
SW 425: Social Welfare Policy Raines
SW 435: Introduction to Substance Use Disorders
SW 455: Social Work with Older Adults
SW 501: Diversity & Social Justice
SW 520: 1 & 4: Generalist Practice: Individuals and Families
SW 531: Generalist Practice III: Community and Organizational Practice
SW 550: Social Work Research
SW 561: Leadership & Administration
SW 562: Social Work with Latino Families
SW 596: 1/2/3: Field Practicum I Gurrola; Rondon Jackson; Ruiz
SW 661: Leadership & Administration
VPA 205: Introduction to Art Appreciation
VPA 320S: Museum Studies Powell

Last updated 02-27-2025 11:00 pm