walter stern library

Course Reserves

Course Reserves FAQ and Policies

Course Instructor
ACCT 3250: Fundamentals of Tax - Individuals Emery; Wang; Choi
ANTH 4400: Linguistic Anthropology Thompson
ANTH 4598: A Demon Haunted World Thompson
ANTH 4900: Senior Seminar in Anthropology El Hadidi
ART 1009: Practice and Appreciation of the Visual Arts Dominick; Costello; Green; Haug; Vazquez
ART 3648: History of Photography  Kershaw
Art Department: Art Department Kohl; Caesar; Chang; Kelley; Oregiron; Sugarmann; Turner; Vanderlip; Weller
BA 1008: Perspectives in Business Stark; Robinson
BA 3008: Diversity in Business Organizations Choi
BA 3010: Data Analysis and Decision Making Mishkind
BA 3010:: Data Analysis and Decision Making Wilmes
BA 3010,: Data Analysis and Decision Making
BA 3108,: Business and Society Olson; Choi
BA 3108: Business And Society Huge
BHSX 8010: Introduction to Chemical Dependency Counseling Rhodes
BHSX 8030: Law & Ethics, Community Prevention, Education, Outreach & Referral Patino
BHSX 8040: Introduction to Case Management Landwehr
BIOL 2010: Introductory Biology - Cells Gillard
BIOL 2120: Introductory Biology - Plants Thomey
BIOL 2210: Human Anatomy Dodenhoff
CAFS 1100: Introduction to CAFS Tyus
CAFS 3110: Infant/Toddler Development Reid
CAFS 3140: School Aged and Adolescent Reid
CAFS 3560: Aging and the Family Reid
CAFS 3600: Parenting and Family Relations Wallace
CAFS 3800: Multiple Perspectives on the Importance of Play Williams
CEE/CS Collection: CEE/CS Collection
CHEM 1100: Foundations of Analytical Chemistry Kiani
CHEM 1600: Foundations of Physical Chemistry Talbert; Santoke
CHEM 2240: Foundations of Bioinorganic Chemistry Hamed
CHEM 2300: Foundations of Organic Chemistry Solano; Bergkamp; Hudson; Bacher
CHEM 2400: Foundations of Biochemistry Forester; Lafever
CHEM 2500: Foundations of Food Science Forester
CHEM 3300: Organic Chemistry I Solano; Bacher; Bergkamp; Hudson
CHEM 3310: Organic Chemistry II Solano; Hudson; Bergkamp; Bacher
CHEM 3400: Foundations of Biochemistry Forester; Lafever
CHEM 3500: Food Analysis Forester
CHEM 3510: Food Science Forester
CHEM 3940: Seminar in Biochemical Literature Gebauer
CHEM 4400: Foundations of Biochemistry Forester; Lafever
CHEM 4500: Food Chemistry Forester
CHEM 4510: Advanced Nutrition & Metabolism Forester
CHEM 4908: Senior Seminar Solano
CMPS 3240: Computer Architecture II: Organization Cruz
CMPS 3350: Software Engineering Griesel
CMPS 4510: Vulnerability Analysis
COMM 1008: Strategies of Public Communication Moreno; O'Bannon Miller; Jackson; Forsythe; Zipnick; Watkins Denison; Price; Phillips
COMM 2518: Introduction to Film Studies Dell'Amico
COMM 3000: Theories of Communication Jackson
COMM 3008: Technical and Report Writing Garza; Garcia
COMM 3008.: Technical and Report Writing Slaughter; Stepanovich; Plata; Butow; Garcia; Lamb; Nucum; Simmons; Gabbitas; Threatt
COMM 3020: Ethical Issues in the Media Garcia
COMM 3230: Public Relations Research Han
CRJU 1108: Introduction to Criminal Justice Sims; Nelson- Burkert; Hall
CRJU 1108.: Introduction to Criminal Justice Hall; Nelson- Burkert
CRJU 2210: Issues, Values, and Ethics in Criminal Justice Hays
CRJU 3150: Research Methods Nelson- Burkert
CRJU 3170: Theoretical Perspectives in Criminal Justice Flores; Nelson- Burkert
CRJU 3170,: Theoretical Persp Crim Justice Taylor
CRJU 3250: Advances Topics in Policing Ellwanger
CRJU 3250,: Advances Topics in Policing Hays
CRJU 3260: Advanced Topics in Courts Fong
CRJU 3260.: Advanced Topics in Courts Estes
CRJU 3260,: Advanced Topics in Courts Raber
CRJU 3270: Advanced Topics in Corrections Flores; Joo; Nelson- Burkert
CRJU 3280: Advanced Topics in Juvenile Justice Taylor
CRJU 3280.: Advanced Topics in Juvenile Justice Joo
CRJU 3318: Women and the Criminal Justice System Ziegler-Lopez
CRJU 3320: Race, Ethnicity, & Crime Justice Hays
CRJU 3448: Drugs & Crime Ellwanger; Longwith
CRJU 3608: Gangs In America Malhi
CRJU 4600: Criminal Justice Policymaking Nelson- Burkert
CRJU 4908: Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice Nelson- Burkert
CSUB 1029: First Year Seminar Kegley; Sixtos; Cornelison; Johnson
ECON 3020: Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Ryan
EDAD 6200: Instructional Leadership Glatfelter
EDAD 6300: Management and Learning Environment Martin; Guerrero
EDAD 6500: Ethics and Integrity Guerrero; Esquivel; Fullwood
EDAD 6600: External Context and Policy Szolowicz
EDCI 6300: Educational Leadership Schmidt
EDCI 6300.: Educational Leadership Ravalin
EDCI 6400: Curriculum Development & Transformation Szolowicz
EDEL 5100: Literacy Arts for Diverse Learners LaGue
EDEL 5100.: Literacy Arts for Diverse Learners Dakwa
EDEL 5300: Class Management and Differentiated Instruction Clark; Fambrough; Conte
EDEL 5400.: Literacy and Social Studies LaGue
EDLD 6090: Advanced Applied Educational Research and Measurement Kebede
EDLD 6750 : Applied Theories of Justice  Cantrell
EDSE 5100: Literacy Arts for Diverse Learners Dakwa
EDSE 5300: Literacy Across the Curriculum Gearhart; Marks; Gearhart
EDSE 5300': Literacy Across the Curriculum Cole
EDSE 5500.: Assessment for Single Subject Teacher Adkins; Hays; Rivas; Phannaphob
EDSP 4100: Teaching Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students in SPED Martinez
EDSP 4270: Establishing Foundations of Special Education Saavedra; McNett
EDSP 5640.: Classroom Management and Positive Behavior Support McNett
EDSPP 4270: Foundations of SPED McNett
ENGL 1100: Critical Reading and Writing Young
ENGL 1100.: Critical Reading and Writing Fox
ENGL 1109.: Writing and Research Fox
ENGL 1109: Writing and Research Young; McGhie; Wong; Karpe; Aragon; Adams; Harris; Drennan; Gudgad; Enriquez; Killeen Pena
ENGL 1109': Writing and Research Dever
ENGL 1208: Introduction to Literature Dell'Amico; Wong; Fox
ENGL 1208.: Introduction to Literature Schuster
ENGL 2100: Intro to Creative Writing Woodman
ENGL 2210: American Literature Survey II Frye
ENGL 2220: Ethnic-Minority American Literature Ayuso
ENGL 2518: Introduction to Film Studies Dell'Amico
ENGL 3010: Teaching High School English Language Arts
ENGL 3109: Modes of Writing Frye
ENGL 3109/: Modes of Writing Dell'Amico
ENGL 3109!: Modes of Writing Flachmann
ENGL 3119.: Advanced Writing Woodman; Ruff; Penrose
ENGL 3119: Advanced Writing Barrett
ENGL 3119,: Advanced Writing Penrose
ENGL 3119;: Advanced Writing Woodman
ENGL 3200: Major American Authors: Beginnings to 1900 Frye
ENGL 3210: Major American Authors: 20th Century Frye
ENGL 3220: Studies Fiction: African-American Experience  Schuster
ENGL 3430: Selected Readings in Western and Non-Western Literature Schuster
ENGL 3600: Structure of English Adjaye
ENGL 4648: Sociolinguistics Carlisle
ENGL 4708: Studies in Genre Schuster
ENGL 4740: Editing Fiction for the CSUB Journal Orpheus Dell'Amico
ENGL 5120: Rhetorical Theory Case
ENGR 3300: Engineering Modeling and Analysis  Kim
ERM 3010.: Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health Management Cobb
ETHS 1208: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Moraga; Sataraka
ETHS 1208,: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Salisbury
FIN 3000: Financial Management Elhusseiny
FIN 6000: Seminar in Financial Management & Policy Emery
GEOL 1009: How the Earth Works Kaess; Mccormick; Herman
GEOL 2010: Physical Geology O'Sullivan
GEOL 3318: California Geology and Society Guo; Crewdson
GEOL 3319: California Geology and Society Soares Cruz
GEOL 3328: Water and the West Knight; Cotton; Kaess; O'Sullivan; Song
HCA 4260: Marketing in Health and Human Services Arias
HCA 5140: History and Context in U.S. Health Care Sohail
HCA 5140,: History and Context U.S. Health Care Quinonez
HCA 5260 : Marketing in Health and Human Service Arias
HCA 5360: CQI in Health, Human Services, and Nonprofits Pallitto
HCA 6030: Research Methods in Administration Moore
HCA 6030.: Research Methods in Administration Pallitto
HCA 6610: Strategic Management Pallitto
HCA 6620: Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Pallitto
HIST 1218.: Survey of US History to 1877 Rodriquez
HIST 1218:: Survey of US History to 1877 Maddox
HIST 1218;: Survey of US History to 1877 Andreotti; Dodd
HIST 1218': Survey of US History to 1877 Mulry
HIST 1228.: Survey of US History Since 1865 Rodriquez
HIST 1228: Survey of US History Since 1865 Andreotti
HIST 1228': Survey of US History Since 1865 Garcha
HIST 2000': The Historian's Craft Vivian
HIST 3008: Historical Writing Rodriquez
HIST 3008.: Historical Writing Gurrola
HIST 3008': Historical Writing Vivian
HIST 3130: The Civil War Era, 1828-1877 Rodriquez
HIST 3140: The Gilded Age and the Progressive Era 1877-1917 Gurrola
HIST 3240: California History Dodd
HIST 3240,: California History Garcha
HIST 3260 : History of the American Borderlands Gurrola
HIST 3288: Latin America and the United States Allen
HIST 3520: The Transformation of Europe: The Medieval West from 200 to 1300 CE Vivian
HIST 3530: The European Reformations Wempe
HIST 3560: Europe 1815-1914 Wempe
HIST 3640: The World of the Ancient Greeks Frakes
HIST 4220: Mexican-American History Gurrola
HIST 4528: Plagues & Public Health Wempe
HIST 4638: Building an Empire: A History of Rome Vivian
HIST 4640: Pagans and Christians in the Roman World Vivian
HIST 4770: HIST 4770 Gurrola
HIST 4908: Senior Seminar Vivian
HIST 4908.: Senior Seminar Chen
HIST 4908': Senior Seminar Dodd
HIST 5030.: Research Methods and Historiography Vivian
HIST 5110: Reading Seminar in US History to 1865 Stango
HIST 5120: Reading Seminar in US History in 1860 Rodriquez
HIST 5150 : HIST 5150  Gurrola
HIST 5310: HIST 5310 Allen
HIST 5610: Reading Seminar in the Ancient Mediterranean World Vivian
History Department: History Department American History Challenge Exam
KINE 1018: Lifetime Fitness Botello Moffit
KINE 3010: Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology Zenko; Botello Moffit
KINE 3040: Physiology of Exercise Kim; Sanchez
KINE 3100: Sports Medicine II: Therapeutic Modalities Harnetiaux
KINE 3338: Women, Sport and Physical Activity Reed
KINE 3340: Child and Adolescent Physical Activity and Health Wang
KINE 4150: Clinical Exercise Physiology Sanchez
KINE 4250: Physical Activity for Diverse Lifespan Population Wang
Library Reserve: Library Reserve
MATH 1050: Precalculus I College Algebra Ko
MATH 1060: Precalculus II Ko; Yun; Malouf
MATH 1209: Elementary Statistics Montoya
MATH 2010: Calculus for the Biological and Chemical Sciences I Warnert; Rush
MATH 2020: Calculus for Biological & Chemical Sciences II Warnert
MATH 2120: Number Systems and Algebraic Thinking for Preservice Elementary Teachers Kemp
MATH 2520: Single Variable Calculus II Raczkowski; Ko; Morales; Torsu
MATH 2530: Calculus III Lam
MATH 2530.: Calculus III Raczkowski
MATH 2533: Multivariable and Vector Calculus Raczkowski; Torsu
MATH 3120.: Geometry, Probability and Statistics for Preservice Elementary Teachers Kemp
MATH 4610: Linear Algebra II Trigos
MGMT 3000: Organizational Behavior Huge; Titi Amayah Ntala; Paggi; Martin
MIS 2000: Software Productivity Tools Tucker
MKTG 3020: Advertising and Public Relations Moon
MKTG 3040: Professional Selling Carter
MUS 1140: Voice Class I Kiouses
MUS 1150: Voice Class II Kiouses
MUS 1300: Studio Instruction Haney
MUS 2300: Studio Instruction Haney
MUS 2600 : Matthew Hanne Hanne
MUS 2620: Woodwind Pedagogy Chang
MUS 3300: Studio Instruction Haney
MUS 3500: History of Western Music I Haney
MUS 3510: History of Western Music II Haney
MUS 3510.: History of Western Music II Haney
MUS 3520: History of Western Music III Haney
MUS 4300: Studio Instruction Haney
NURS 2110: Health Assessment and Physical Examination (Theory) Mack
NURS 2120: Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Theory Kirstein
NURS 2130: Medical Surgical Nursing Thoery Ball
NURS 2140: Pharmacology I Kirstein
NURS 2150: Pharmacology II Kirstein
NURS 2160: Pharmacology III Kirstein
NURS 2170: Pharmacology IV Kirstein
NURS 2190: Lifespan Development Bell
NURS 3130: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing (Theory) Hernandez
NURS 3130.: NURS 3130. Kish
NURS 3131: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing (Clinical) Hernandez; Kaur; Kish
PH 2000: Introduction to Public Health Bui
PH 3218: Health Equity Thao
PH 3410: Health Policy Bui
PH 4110: Research Methods Bui
PHIL 1019,: Critical Thinking Rosenlieb; Evans
PHIL 3268: Marxism Saner
PHIL 3368: Environmental Philosophy Olson
PHIL 3548: Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality Palaiologou
PHIL 3620: Philosophy for Children Saner
PHIL 4510: Metaphysics Fairbairn
PHIL 4908: Senior Seminar Saner
PHYS 1609: Introduction to Astronomy Lewis
PJMX 8010: PJMX 8010 Kissinger
PJMX 8020: PJMX 8020 Kissinger
PJMX 8030: PJMX 8030 Kissinger
PJMX 8040: PJMX 8040 Kissinger
PJMX 8050: PJMX 8050 Kissinger
PLSI 1018: American Government & Politics Cargile
PLSI 3040: International Relations Martinez
PPA 2008.: American Govt & Public Admin Martinez
PPA 2008: American Government and Public Administration Daniels; Seo; Plane
PPA 4010: Analytical Methods in Administration Pallitto
PPA 4038:: Public Policy Making Process Pallitto
PSYC 2018: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Susa
PSYC 2110: Understanding Psyc Res I Susa
PSYC 2250: Lifespan Development McLaughlin
PSYC 3210: Principles of Learning Gancarz-Kausch
PSYC 3260: Social Psychology Vega
PSYC 3270: Abnormal Psychology Duran
PSYC 3638: Psychology of Sexual Orientation Sams
PSYC 4900.: Senior Seminar Susa
PSYC 4908: Senior Seminar Susa
Public Health Department: Public Health Department
Puedes Grant Collection: Puedes Grant Collection
RS 1118: Religion and Film: Screening the Sacred Lamas
RS 2108: Latinx Spiritualities Florez
RS 3208: Explorations in Scriptures Lamas
RS 3528: The Holocaust and Its Impact Campagna-Pinto
RS 4518: The Meaning of Death Emmett
RS 4528: Religion, Ethics, and Social Justice Florez
SOC 1008: Introduction to Sociology Arrieta
SOC 1018: Critical Thinking and Contemporary Social Problems Studebaker
SOC 1018.: Critical Thinking and Contemporary Social Health Bentle
SOC 2018: Self and Society Studebaker
SOC 2018,: Self and Society Arrieta
SOC 2018;: Self & Society White
SOC 2300: Race and Ethnic Relations White
SOC 3000: Introduction to Research Methods Lynch
SOC 3000.: Introduction to Research Methods Stowe
SOC 3040: Sociology of Deviance Arrieta; Stowe
SOC 3090: Sociology Through Films White
SOC 3208: Junior Diversity and Research Ethics Basilio; Arrieta; Dugan; Stowe
SOC 3208.: Junior Diversity and Research Ethics Stowe; Basilio; Arrieta; Dugan
SOC 3320: The African American Experience in the United States Dugan
SOC 3340: Cultural Diversity in U.S. Schools Molina-Jackson
SOC 3350: The Asian-American Experience in the United States Basilio
SOC 3360: Latino Experiences in the U.S. Sanchez
SOC 3360.: Latino Experiences in the U.S. Arrieta
SOC 3408,: Gender and Society Sanchez
SOC 3510: Childhood and Society Arrieta
SOC 3520: Older Adult in Society Novak
SOC 3630: Juvenile Delinquency White; Anderson-Facile
SOC 3650: Sociology of Crime White
SOC 3658: Violence and Society White
SOC 4008: Society and the Natural Environment Henderson
SOC 4020: Globalization and Social Change
SOC 4210.: Qualitative Research Methods Dugan
SOC 4988: Senior Seminar Sanchez
SOC 4988.: Senior Seminar in Sociology Armentor
SOC 4988': Senior Seminar in Sociology Sanchez
SPAN 4200: Translation and Interpretation Parada
SPAN 6200: Translation and Interpretation Parada
SPAN 6770: Special Topics in Spanish
SW 6100: Foundation Policy in Social Work
SW 6300: Foundation Research in Social Work Lee
SW 6420: Foundation Micro Social Work Practice Vieyra
SW 6640: Social Work Practice with Older Adult Lee
THTR 1008: Beginning Acting McMasters
THTR 1009: Art of Presentation Boeck
THTR 1019: Introduction to Theatre Boeck
THTR 1019.: Dynamic Leadership Through Improvisation McMasters
THTR 2460: Technical Theatre Production Laboratory Eicher
THTR 3138: Women Playwrights Melendez
THTR 3300: Dramatic Literature and Performance for Youth Boeck
THTR 3310: Dramatic Activity for the Classroom Boeck; Peaker-Lozano
THTR 3310.: Dramatic Activity for the Classroom McMasters
THTR 3310,: Dramatic Activity for the Classroom Corona
THTR 3460: Technical Theatre Production Laboratory Eicher
THTR Dept.: Theater Department

Last updated 03-29-2025 11:00 pm