Course Reserves

Course Instructor
AAS 100: Intro to Asian American Studies Tamai
ANTH 102-01: Cultural Anthropology Curtis
ANTH 104: Intro to Bioanthropology Kuzminsky
ANTH 214: Anthropology in Science Fiction Olsthoorn
ART 100: Understanding Art Processes Coughran; Lloyd
ART/BUS 334: The Business of Art Kubitza
ART/PSY 338: Psychology of Art and Artists Valentine; Ellis
ASL 101: American Sign Language 1 Sladek; Wu
ASL 102: American Sign Language II Sladek
BIOL 200/201: Organismal and Pop Biology Norris; Swig; Hales; Dilly
BIOL 203: 02: Statistics for Biologists Hales; Htway; Swig
BIOL 210/211: Human Anatomy and Physiology Profant; Thomas; Andreoli
BIOL 300: Cell Biology Harris
BIOL 302: Genetics Zhao
BIOL 303: Evolutionary Biology Denton
BIOL 320: Deep Sea Biology & Ecology Dilly
BIOL 333: Emerge Public Health Issues Parmar
BIOL 400: Molecular Biology Zhao
BIOL 428: Biology of Cancer Parmar
BIOL 431: Bioinformatics Dilly
BIOL 450: Ichthyology Norris
BIOL 451: Ornithology Alvarado
BIOL 476: Apiculture and Bee Biology Alarcon
BIOL 503: Biotech Law and Regulation Kroll
BIOL 510: Tissue Cultures Techniques Stem Hernandez Moreno
BLST 203: Introduction to Black Feminis Cosby
BUS 110-01: Business Law Kroll; Rockenstein
BUS 111: Introduction Bus Thru Writing Murphy
BUS 310: Business Discourse 21st Century Prof Murphy
BUS 320: 03: Business Operations Jaeger; Yoo
CHEM 105: Introduction to Chemistry Deans
CHEM 110: Chemistry of Life Burnside
CHEM 121/122: 01: General Chemistry I Munroe; Kobrin
CHEM 311/312 314/315: ALL: Organic Chemistry I & II Awad; Schulze; D'Angelo
CHEM 460/462: Biochemistry I Deans
CHEM 461: Biochemistry I Lab Kobrin; Munroe
CHS 342: Reproductive Health & Justice Luna
CHS 383: Chicana/O Latina/O Identity Teranishi Martinez
CHS 430: Research Method Chicana/o Studies Alamillo
CHS 499: Comm-Based Research Capstone Alamillo
CHS/ECS 345: Latinx Children's Literature Perez-Gonzalez
CHS/NRS/HLTH 343: Health in Latina/o Community Luna
COMM 225: Professional Communication Boyd Barrett
COMM 328: Communitybased Di Storytelling Castro Sotomayor
COMM 340: 01: Conflict Mgmt and Mediation Clarke
COMM 442: Organizational Communication Youn
COMM/ESRM 450: Environmental Conflict Resolution Castro Sotomayor
COMP 162: Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Al-Salman
COMP 262: Computer Organization/Architecture Zierhut
COMP 350: Software Engineering Isaacs
COMP 362: Operating Systems Scrivnor
COMP 424/ IT 105: Computer System Security Al-Salman
COMP 429: Computer Networks Scrivnor
COMP 445: Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition Barber
COMP 447: Societal Issues in Computing Onzol; Thoms
COMP 554: Algorithms Miller
COMP/IT 105: Intro to Programming Isaacs
COMP/IT 420: Database Theory and Design Miller
ECS 101: Intro to Early Childhood Education Sadiq
ECS 221: Child Family & Community in Ca Estrada
ECS 310: STEAM in Early Childhood Bynder
ECS 320: Teaching and Learning Programs Riojas Cortez
ECS 456: Family and Community Engagement Sadiq
ECS 460: Infant/Toddler Educaring White
ECS 462: Suppporting Dual Language Learners Ramos; Sadiq
ECS 468: Early Lang: Lit & Math Dev 3-8 Mckinnon; Chase
ECS 470: Teach & Learn Preschool/Primary Chase
EDD 703: Complex Organizations Designed Itkonen
EDML 416: Foundations of Bilingual Educ Gamboa
EDMS 410: Child Growth and Development in the Elementary School Years Duran; Hartnett
EDMS 422: 01: Creating Manag Eff Elem School Swenor
EDSS 415: Adolescent Development for Secondary Education Friefeld
EDSS 424: Creating Manag Effectiv Sec Le Natalizio
EDUC 343: Teaching Drama to Children Covault
EDUC 412: 01: Equity, Diversity Found School Thompson; Hurtado
EDUC 497: Directed Studies Rasnow
EDUC 605: Education in a Diverse Society Pement
EMEC 200: Logic Circuits Vakilian
ENGL 105: 001: Composition and Rhetoric Spitler-Lawson
ENGL 105: 003, 004, 005, 006, 007: Composition and Rhetoric Ruvalcaba
ENGL 107: Advanced Composition/Rhetoric Gilson
ENGL 110: Multicultural Lit Non-Majors Monsma
ENGL 210: Themes and Theories in World Lit Spitler-Lawson
ENGL 240: Literary Genres in Translation Katz
ENGL 315: 001: Introduction to Language and Structure Hakala
ENGL 325: 01: Major Non- Western Authors Carswell
ENGL 326: Major British and European Authors Hakala
ENGL 327: Major American Authors Katz
ENGL 328: Mythology Monsma
ENGL 330: Interdisciplinary Writing Monsma
ENGL 330-02: Interdisciplinary Writing Carswell
ENGL 337: Literature of the Environment Monsma
ENGL 349: Perspectives Multicultural Literature Park
ENGL 360: Literary Theory Mcclellan
ENGL 410: Shakespeare's Plays Hakala
ENGL 474: Approaches to English Grammar Hakala
ENGL 477: Young Adult Literature Beauregard
ENGL 480: Intro to Grantwriting Jordan
ENGL/CHS 353: ChicanaO LatinaO Literature Guzman
ESRM 100: 001: Introduction to Environmental Science and Resource Management Horn
ESRM 100: Intro Envir Sci/Resource Mgmt Steele
ESRM 300: Coastal Contaminants Ecotox Kefela Araya
ESRM 331: Geomorphology and Hydrology Horn
ESRM 335: The Beach Steele; Horn; Patsch
ESRM 342: Environmental History Block
ESRM 367: Environmental Disasters Anderson
ESRM 433: Satellites to Sensors: Remote Kuo
ESRM/BIOL 313: 01: Conservation Biology Steele; Spies
FIN 300: 01: Business Finance Liang
FIN 410: Financial Markets and Institutions Liang
FREN 101: Elementary French Sitbon Slosburg
GLST 200: Introduction to Global Studies Scholl
GLST 499: Capstone Scholl
HIST 211: World Civil: Origins to 1500 Nolde
HIST 271-03: 03: The United States Since 1877 Barajas
HIST 300: 01: The Historian's Craft Nolde
HIST 315: Narratives of the Crusades Caldwell
HIST 369: California History and Culture Ornelas-Higdon
HIST 395: Modern Japan Nolde
HIST 491: Historiography Francois
HIST/PSY 340: Hist & Psychol of Nazi Germany Volkan; Buschmann
HLTH 100: Medical Terminology Gutierrez- Jimenez
HLTH 101: The U.S. Healthcare System Gutierrez- Jimenez
HLTH 102: Community Health Organizations Gutierrez- Jimenez
HLTH 300: Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness Gutierrez- Jimenez
HLTH 307: Issues and Ethics Betancourt
HLTH 308: Health Law Clobes
HLTH 499: Senior Capstone Project Himebaugh
IT 380: Web Programming Aten
IT 421: UNIX System Programming I Scrivnor
LS 220: Developing Literacy in Diverse Society Evans
LS 490: Capstone Course Tejada
MATH 208: Modern Math for Elementary Teachers Santiago
MGT 471: Project Management Block
MKT 310: Principles of Marketing Hachey
MPA 500: Mission Based Organizations Pement
MPA 504: Analytical Methods in Public Kelly
MUS 104: Piano Skills Ii Roberson
MUS 109: 15A: Private Lessons I Roberson
MUS 109: Private Lessons McNamara
MUS 200: History of Rock Bickel
MUS 202: Group Guitar Lessons Bickel
MUS 231: The Beatles Murphy; Marsh
MUS 265: Music Theory and Analysis Iii Roberson
MUS 330: Jazz in America Murphy
MUS 332: Music in World Cultures McNamara
NRS 508: Eviden-Based Pract & Qual Impr Landry
NRS 510: Healthcare Polic & Nurs Issues Landry
NRS 521: Primary Care Across the Lifespan Greif
PA 101: Intro to the Performing Arts Bickel
PA 210/DANCE 343: Understanding Dance & Music Elementary Eduation Lavin Hughes
PHED 302: Motor Learning, Fitness Tejada
PHIL 200: Intro to Philosophy Elliott
PHIL 210: Ethics for a Free World Caravello
PHSC 170: 01: Foundations of Physical Science Nelson; Bennett
PHYS 100: 01: Introduction to Physics I Nelson
PHYS 352: Computational Physics Hayakawa
PHYS 400: Quantum Mechanics I Wood
PHYS/ASTR/BIOL 110: Life in the Universe Bennett
PHYS/EMEC 221: Engineering Materials Relle
PHYS/EMEC 310: Electronics Rasnow
POLS 102: Comparative Government Rajmaira
POLS 103: International Politics Scholl
POLS 150: 04: American Political Institution Pugia
POLS 150: 08: American Political Institutions Kelly
POLS 306: Politics of Race and Ethnicity Rajmaira
POLS 404: Political Leadership Grove
POLS 427: Model United Nations Scholl
PSY 213: 01: Developmental Psychology Loman
PSY 213: 03: Developmental Psychology Lewis; Beers
PSY 220: Human Sexual Behavior Grey
PSY 300/301: ALL: Psych Research and Statistics Methods Talarico; Beers; Krause; Teranishi Martinez; Bueno; Smith; Malakoff; Stokes
PSY 310: History and Systems of Psychology Morrison; Krause; Adams; Beers
PSY 312: 001: Social Psychology Sanchez
PSY 312: 04: Social Psychology Adams
PSY 313: 003: Clinical and Abnormal Psychology Appell
PSY 313: 005: Clinical and Abnormal Psychology Bennett
PSY 313: 01: Clinical and Abnormal Psychology Moon
PSY 314: 02: Behavioral Neuroscience Magdaleno
PSY 314: 03: Behavioral Neuroscience Thayer
PSY 314: 04: Behavioral Neuroscience Stokes; De Oca
PSY 315: 01: Child Psychopathology Moon
PSY 315: 02: Child Psychopathology Morrison
PSY 317: 02: Theories of Personality Grey
PSY 317: 04: Theories of Personality Volkan
PSY 317: 05: Theories of Personality Grant
PSY 318: 01: Learning, Cognition, Perception De Oca; Stokes
PSY 318: 02: Learning, Cognition, Perception Campbell
PSY 318: 03: Learning, Cognition, Perception Krause
PSY 327: 01: Parenting Moon
PSY 333: Measurement & Testing Smith
PSY 346: 02: Human Motivation Detar; Soenke; Grey
PSY 370: Fundamentals of Counseling Theory Morrison
PSY 445: 01: Adolescent Development Teranishi Martinez; Stokes
PSY 445: 02: Adolescent Development Talarico
PSY 457: Criminal Behavior Lewis
PSY 460: 01: Addiction Studies Bennett
PSY 490: Topics in Psychology Thayer
SOC 100: Intro to Sociology Armanino
SOC 315: Cont Sociological Theory
SOC 321: 01: Research Methods in Sociology Blagg
SOC 327: Qualitative Approaches to Soci Cogswell
SOC 332: Race and Ethnicity Kadakal
SOC 390: Sociology of Culture Kadakal
SPAN 316: Intro to Spanish Linguistics Jiménez Jiménez
SPAN 320: Intro Spanish Translation Gonzalez
SPAN 420: Specialized Spanish Translation Jiménez Jiménez
SPAN 451/452: Intro Health Care Interpreting Gonzalez
SPAN 462: Modern Mexican Literature Becerra Garcia
THTR 180: Acting I: Foundations Burriss
THTR 280: Acting Ii: Characterization Burriss
UNIV 490: Special Topics Soule; Roberson

Last updated 02-15-2025 2:00 am