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Course Reserves

Any materials that your course instructor has put out for reserved use can be found here. Read the CSU Statement on Textbooks.

Course Reserves

Course Instructor
AFRS 104W: Writing About American Inequality Onwuzuruoha; Schettler
AFRS 129: African American Literacy Classics Schettler
AFRS 150: South Africa Schettler
ANTH 105W: Applied Anthropology Verin-Shapiro; Ballew
ANTH 111: Ethnographic Fieldwork Saxton
ANTH 116W: Anthropology of Religion Verin-Shapiro
ANTH 123: Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia Banh
ANTH 161: Bio/Behavioral Evolution of the Human Species Dodd
ANTH 164: Human Paleopathology Juarez
ARCH 145: Historic Preservation and Urban Renewal Hattersley-drayton
ARM 148: Masterpieces of Armenian Culture Ohanessian
ART 230: Seminar in Art Theory Jordan
ARTH 11: The Early Modern World Gordo Pelaez; Bradshaw
ARTH 180: Methods and Theories of Art History Jordan
ASAM 110: Asian American Communities Banh
ASAM 175: Asian American and Asian Cultural Studies Banh
CFS 139: Advanced Child Development Practicum Pronovost
CFS 37: Introductory Child Development Practicum Pronovost
CFS 39: Introduction to Child Development Yang
CHEM 110A: Physical Chemistry Closser
CI 161: Methods & Materials for Teaching Music Mowrer
CLAS 102W: Contemporary Chicana/Latina Writing and Culture Lerma
CLAS 114: Mexico and the Southwest 1810-1910 Mendez
CLAS 42B: Introduction to Chicano-Latino Research Methods Gamez
CM 30: History of Architecture I Hattersley-drayton
COMM 114: Communication and Learning Aguilar
COMM 164: Intercultural Communication Dosanjh
COUN 201: Seminar in Multicultural Aspects of Counseling Raheem
COUN 219: Field Practice in Student Services Xiong
COUN 280T: Applying Counseling Skills to Student Affairs Practice Xiong
CSDS 139: Deaf Culture Warshaw
CSDS 175: Internship in Interpreting Crume
CSDS 188T: Topics in Communicative Disorders and Deaf Studies Crume
CSDS 207: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Studies Freed
CSDS 213: Motor Speech Disorders Freed
CSDS 220: Intro to Dysphagia and Traumatic Brian Injury Pomaville; Freed
DANCE 171: Philosophical Bases and Trends in Dance Jordan
DRAMA 115: Dramatic Arts Laboratory Sandi-Diaz; Herring; Ellis
DRAMA 137: Creative Dramatics Herring; Olsen; McKnight
DRAMA 163: Dramatic Literature Dion
DRAMA 33: Fundamentals of Acting Bellaver
DRAMA 62: Theatre Today Carrion; Dion
DS 123: Statistical Analysis II Jacobs
DS 71: Quantitative Analysis Teyarachakul
ENGL 10: Accelerated Academic Literacy Crisco; McDaniel; Scadding; Sutton
ENGL 103: Masterpieces of American Literature Arcé
ENGL 115W: Literature of the New Testament Maldonado
ENGL 160W: Writing Workshop Hernandez
ENGL 165: Craft and Technique in Creative Writing Saito
ENGL 189: Shakespeare
ENGL 20: Introduction of Literature Godfrey
ENGL 241: Seminar in Form and Theory: Poetry Saito
ENGL 261: Seminar: Writing Peotry Saito
ENGL 31: Readings in British Literature Sutton
ENGL 5A/5B: Academic Literacy I & II Crisco; Scadding
FM 20: Textile Science Davis
FM 21: Fashion Merchandising Fundamentals Davis
FREN 109: French Literature and Culture Kuhn
FREN 110: French Theater Kuhn, Rose Marie
FREN 112: French Prose: Essay and Short Story Kuhn, Rose Marie
FREN 113: French Poetry Kuhn, Rose Marie
FREN 120T: Topics in French Civilization Kuhn, Rose Marie
FREN 149: Voices of Africa Kuhn
GEOG 115: Violent Weather/Climatic Hazards Mcfeeters; Ogunjemiyo; Boyd
GEOG 129: Environmental Impact Assessment Dangi
GEOG 133: Environmental Policy Management Dangi
GERON 100: Images of Aging in Contemporary Society Contreras
HIST 101: Women in History Fields
HIST 11: American History to 1877 Carden; Rivera; Creviston; Petersen
HIST 179T: The Holocaust in American Culture Fields
HUM 104: Humanities in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Kuhn
HUM 105: Cultures of the Portuguese-Speaking World Avila
ID 70: Design History, Theory & Criticism I Polgar
IT 74: Manufacturing Processes Austin
LATIN 1A: Elementary Latin Eastin, Kristi
LING 121: Hmong Language, Culture, and Identity Yang
LING 130: Language and Gender Burke
LING 132: Linguistics and Reading Adisasmito-Smith
MATH 100: Exploring Mathematics Amarasinghe
MCJ 9: Film Appreciation Schuelke
MGT 124: Production/Operations Management Spencer; Souza
MKTG 100S: Marketing Concepts Ong
MUSIC 118OT: Opera Theatre Radford
MUSIC 119: Voice Techniques and Materials Mowrer
MUSIC 145: Audio and Music for Visual Media Krikorian
MUSIC 161A/B: Survey of Western Art Music Karr
MUSIC 170B: Music of the Americas: United States Karr
MUSIC 171: Introduction to World's Music Hooshmandrad
MUSIC 179: Choral Techniques and Materials Mowrer
MUSIC 182: Basic Arranging Lamb
MUSIC 187: Pop Music: Jazz and Rock Karr
MUSIC 260T: Opera: Its Origins and History Karr
MUSIC 277: Seminar in American Music Karr
MUSIC 75: History of Rock and Roll Karr
NCSI 1A: Integrated Science: Physics and Chemistry Donnelly-Hermosillo
PH 100: Community Health Thatcher
PH 104: Global and Cultural Issues in Health Escamilla
PH 110: Drugs, Society, and Health Boyle IV
PH 114: Health Behavior Thatcher
PH 131: Principles of Health Education Thatcher
PH 160: Principles of Toxicology Tennant
PH 161: Environment and Human Health Tennant; Boswell; Mirlohi
PH 92: Public Health Statistics Mirlohi
PHIL 1: Introduction to Philosophy Botts
PHIL 121: Ethics in Criminal Justice Botts
PHIL 132: Religion and the Margin Howard
PHIL 133W: Literature of the New Testament Maldonado
PHIL 25: Methods of Reasoning Winant
PLANT 40: Introduction to Ornamental Horticulture Nishinaka
PLSI 103: California Politics HagamanCummins
PLSI 120: International Politics Ram
PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions Garst; Chavez; HagamanCummins; Vieira; Cline; Wallace; Abosch; Haines; Hansen
PSCI 21: Elementary Astronomy White
PSYCH 10: Introduction to Psychology Thackrey; Johnson
RA 133: Recreation and Parks Facilities Planning and Operations Mahoney
Research Services: English/Economics/Psychology/Statistics
SOC 1: Principles of Sociology Nkosi
SOC 111: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Huigen; Crowell
SOC 125: Statistics for the Social Sciences Sullivan; Crowell
SOC 130W: Contemporary Social Issues Acebedo Gonzalez
SOC 131: Sociology of Sex and Gender Vang
SOC 143: Deviance and Control Huigen
SOC 163: Urban Sociology Whitley
SOC 175: Qualitative Research Methods in Sociology Sullivan
SOC 3: Critical Thinking about Society Huigen; Nelson; Kennedy; Nkosi
SPAN 121A: Composition A Hernandez; Morillo Lopez
Special Collections: Latin America/Spanish America
SPED 120: Introduction to Special Education Mahoney
SSCI 110: California Studies Orbock
SSCI 16: Introduction to Global Studies Sullivan
SSCI 180: Diversity in the U.S. Schettler
SWRK 135: Human Behavior and the Social Environment Cronin; Vungkhanching; Collet; Armistead
SWRK 136: Cultural Diversity and Oppression Simpson
SWRK 171: Qualitative Research in Social Work: Theory and Application Mercado
SWRK 200: Social Welfare Policy I Crawford
SWRK 212: Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multisystem Approach Simpson
Test Preparation: CBEST/CSET Liberal Studies Program
WGSS 101: Women In History Fields
WGSS 110: Representations of Women Kensinger
WGSS 143: Feminist Theory Kensinger

Last updated 03-28-2025 11:00 pm