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Course Reserves

Any materials that your course instructor has put out for reserved use can be found here. Read the CSU Statement on Textbooks.

Research Services: English/Economics/Psychology/Statistics

Title Author Location Call Number Availability
A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago Style for students and researchers (8th edition.) Turabian, Kate L.,
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Student's guide to writing college papers (4th edition /) Turabian, Kate L.,
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MLA Handbook (Eighth edition.)
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A writer's reference with Writing in the disciplines (Eighth edition, [custom edition for Fresno State].) Hacker, Diana,
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Publication manual of the American Psychological Association : the official guide to APA style. (Seventh edition.)
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The Chicago manual of style. (Seventeenth edition.)
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Z253; PN147
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Concise rules of APA style (Sixth edition.)
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Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth edition.)
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MLA handbook for writers of research papers. (Seventh edition.)
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MLA handbook (Ninth edition.)
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Statistical abstract of the United States
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Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5. (5th ed.)
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RC455.2.C4; RC455.2.C4
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Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5-TR (Fifth edition, text revision.)
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RC455.2.C4; RC455.2.C4
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ALA guide to economics & business reference
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Last updated 02-08-2025 8:02 am