Course Reserves

Course Instructor
AIE 335: Social /Cultural Consideration Lara-Cooper
ANTH 102: Introduction to the Anthropology of Language Scoggin
ANTH 103: Biological Anthropology Glenn
ANTH 104: Cultural Anthropology Adams
ANTH 105: Archaeology & World Prehistory Smith
ANTH 302: Anthropology of Religion Adams
ANTH 305: Hum Ev Bio, Diversity, Health Glenn
ANTH 307: World Heritage and Archeology Klessig
ANTH 308: Sustainable Food Systems Rasmussen Vasquez
ANTH 318: Ethnography Scoggin
ANTH 329: Selected Topics in Social Anthropology Solares
ANTH 332: Skeletal Biology & Forensics Ramsier
ANTH 350: Method & Theory in Archeology Smith
ANTH 354: Cultural Resource Management Castro; Angeloff
ANTH 670: Core Concepts in Applied Anthropology Ulmer
ANTH 671: Methods in Applied Anthropology Klessig
ART 103A: Prehistoric to Medieval Sheldon
ART 103B: Renaissance to Contemporary Sheldon; Conley
ART 104J: Art in the United States Conley
ART 105D: 3D Foundations Schroeder
ART 122: Life Drawing I Atherton
ART 250: Darkroom Photography Maxon
ART 251: Photography I Hootnick
ART 303: Global Contemporary Art Alderson
ART 307: Arts Integration in the Elementary Classroom Kita
ART 321: Drawing II Gonzalez-Guerra
ART 350: Ceramics: High Fire Zdrazil
ART 356: Museum & Gallery Practices Casiano
ART 410W: Art History Seminar Madar
ART 437: Professional Practices in Art Maxon
Aviation (Marshall): Aviation instruction Marshall
BA 105: Critical Thinking in Org. Stumpf
BA 202: Personal and Family Financial Management Byrne
BA 210: Legal Environment of Business Sleeth-Keppler
BA 250: Financial Accounting Qu
BA 252: Management Accounting Qu
BA 340: Principles of Marketing Ray Chaudhury
BA 360: Principles of Finance Byrne
BA 370: Principles of Management Vizenor
BA 430: Introduction to New Ventures Vizenor
BA 431: Global E-Commerce Entrepreneurship Stumpf
BA 432: Leading Sustainable Businesses Stumpf
BA 447: E-Marketing Strategy Ray Chaudhury
BA 449: Macromarketing Ray Chaudhury
BA 453: Tax Accounting Zender
BA 454: Financial Statement Auditing Zender
BA 469: Financial Risk Management Panta
BA 496: Strategic Management Singh; Gaines
BIOL 102: Human Biology Burrell
BIOL 105: Principles of Biology Montgomery; Wilson
BIOL 304: Human Genetics Schroeder
BIOL 307: Evolution Bronson
BIOL 330: Principles of Ecology Jones
BIOL 340: Genetics Blackman; Wilson; Rutschow
BIOL 350: Cell Biology Sprowles
BIOL 412: General Microbiology Cuellar Gempeler
BIOL 434/534: Population & Community Ecology Jules
BIOL 685: Seminar in Biology Kiemnec-Tyburczy
BOT 105: General Botany Tomescu; Chin
BOT 310: General Plant Physiology Chin
BOT 330: Plant Ecology Jules
BOT 350: Plant Taxonomy Brandt
BOT 355: Lichens and Bryophytes Steenbock
BOT 356: Phycology Wade
CANN 120: Intro to Cannabis Studies Newhart
CANN 420: Cannabis Law and Public Policy Dolphin
CD 109Y/109Z: Amer Sign Language Level I & II Jackson
CD 251: Chldrn, Families & Their Comm Callaway-Cole
CD 255: Early Childhood Development Coppock
CD 257: Supervised Work with Children I Mager
CD 350: Life-Span Development Rana
CD 355: Language Development Lara-Cooper
CD 362: Children & Stress Rana
CD 366: Exceptional Children/Families You
CD 467: Working with Culturally Diverse Families West
CD 469: Contemp Issues in Child Devlpm West
CD 479: Policy Analysis & Advocacy Mager
CHEM 107: Fundamentals of Chemistry Burrell
CHEM 109: General Chemistry I Brown
CHEM 110: General Chemistry II Hurst; Monteiro
CHEM 228: Brief Organic Chemistry Cappuccio
CHEM 324/325: Organic Chemistry I&II Wayman
CHEM 330: Molecular Modeling Smith
CHEM 341: Quantitative Analysis Till
CHEM 361/362: Physical Chemistry I & II Harmon
CHEM 370: Earth System Chemistry Hurst
CHEM 434: Biochemistry I Schineller
CHEM 435: Biochemistry II Cappuccio
CHEM 436: Biochemistry III Sprowles
CHEM 438: Introductory Biochemistry Cappuccio
CHEM 441: Instrumental Analysis Till
COMM 100: Fundamental Speech Communication Hitchcock-Tinseth; Buller; Paynton
COMM 105: Intro to Human Communication Donaldson
COMM 108: Oral Interpretation Mackinney
COMM 212: Group Communication Paynton
COMM 213: Interpersonal Communication
COMM 222: Intercultural Communication Donaldson
COMM 300: American Public Discourse Reitzel
COMM 309B/WS 309B: Gender and Communication Buller
COMM 315: Communication and Social Advocacy Frye
COMM 429: Food Studies Paynton
CRGS 108: Pwr/Privilege:Gen/Race/Sex/Cls Torres
CRGS 313: Community Activism Sandoval
CRGS 360: Race, Gender & US Law Marshall
CRIM 125: Introduction to CJS Israel de Souza
CRIM 225S: Inequalities/Criminalization Sugata
CRIM 325: Law and Society Dolek
CRIM 410: Theories of Justice & Crime Israel de Souza
CRIM 420: Drugs and Society Israel de Souza
CS 100: Critical Thinking W/ Computers Marshall
CS 111: Computer Science Foundation 1 Sollers
CS 112: Computer Science Foundation 2 Tuttle
CS 201: Requirements Engineering
CS 232: Introducing Python Li
CS 243: Architecture Kovitz
CS 312: Algorithms Tuttle
CS 325: Database Design Li
CS 346: Telecommunications & Networks Tuttle
CS 356: Software Design Engineering Kovitz
CS 374: Operating Systems Burgess
CS 458: Software Engineering Bogle
CS 461: Computational Models Burgess
DANC 303: Dance In World Cultures Bergmann
DATA 271: Data Wrangling & Visualization Johnson
EC 630: Socio-Cultural Dimension Risling Baldy
ECON 104: Contemporary Topics in Econ Luke
ECON 202: Principles of Microeconomics Luke
ECON 306: Econ of the Developing World Matthews
ECON 309: Economics of a Sustainable Society Matthews
ECON 310: Intermediate Microtheory & Strategy Wilson
ECON 311: Intermediate Macroeconomics Matthews
ECON 323: Economic History of the U.S. Eschker
ECON 435: Principles of Money and Banking Matthews
ECON 470S/570S: Sustainable Rural Economic Development Wilson
EDUC 377: Teaching Inclusive Classrooms Torrence-Hale
EDUC 610: Education in Society Miller
EED 712: Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education Thobaben
EED 728: Elementary Education Ballinger
ENGL 104: Accelerated Comp and Rhetoric Marsden; Giannini; Sullivan
ENGL 105: Literature, Media, and Culture Marsden
ENGL 211: Intro Creative Writing McKnight
ENGL 220: Representation Matters: Literature & Identity Winston
ENGL 232: U.S. Literature and Social Change Adsit
ENGL 240: Topics in World Literatures Delgado
ENGL 309W: Narrative Medicine: Communication in Health Care Adsit
ENGL 311: Creative Writing for Environmental Justice Delgado
ENGL 314: Creative Writing: Nonfiction McKnight
ENGL 315: Creative Writing: Fiction Brown
ENGL 316: Creative Writing: Poetry McKnight
ENGL 328: Structure of American English Cerbino
ENGL 336: U.S. Writers of Color Wallin-Sato
ENGL 342: Special Topics in Shakespeare Giannini
ENGL 344: Young Adult Literature Hobbel
ENGL 410/510: Topics in Queer and Trans Studies Winston
ENGL 426: Teaching Secondary Writing Hobbel
ENGL 450: Tutoring Developing Writers Adsit
ENGL 471/571: Literatures of Body, Environmental, World-Building Byrd
ENGL 580: Special Topics Seminar Adsit
ENGL 600: Graduate Studies Introduction Adsit
ENGL 605: Cultural Studies Introduction Winston
ENGR 115: Intro to Env Resources Engr Weathers
ENGR 210: Solid Mechanics Statics Lee
ENGR 225: Comp Methds for Env Engrng I Ludka
ENGR 226: Comp Mthds for Env Engnring II Ozer
ENGR 313: Systems Analysis Kaheal
ENGR 322: Risk & Data Analysis for Engineers Steimel
ENGR 326: Computational Methods for Env Engnring III Eschenbach
ENGR 330: Mech & Science of Materials Steimel
ENGR 331: Thermodynamics & Energy Systems I Kaheal
ENGR 333: Fluid Mechanics Meingast
ENGR 355: Energy Systems Engineering Fundamentals Cashman
ENGR 416: Transport Phenomena Ludka
ENGR 417: Heat and Mass Transport Process Mousaviraad
ENGR 440: Hydrology I Archibald
ENGR 441: Hydrology II Weathers
ENST 195: Topics in Nature/Culture Ray
ENST 295: Power/Privilege & Environment Masinter
ES 105: Intro to U.S. Ethnic Studies Monico; Attallah
ES 106: Intro to Black Studies Hatendi
ES 107: Chican@/Latinx Lives Bernal
ES 306: World Regions Cultural Studies Attallah
ES 308: Multi-Ethnic Resistance (U.S.) Wallin-Sato
ES 310: U.S. & Mexico Border Sandoval
ESM 105: Natural Resource Conservation Dunk
ESM 200: Inscape and Landscape Dunk
ESM 210: Public Land Use Policy Mgmt Dunk
ESM 301: International Environmental Issues & Globalization Johnson
ESM 303: Natural History & Ecology Montgomery
ESM 305: Environ Conflict Resolution Benson; Arroyo
ESM 325: Environmental Law & Regulation Marlow
ESM 353/453: Environmental Education and Interpretation Tarlton
ESM 355: Princ of Ecologic Restoration Benson
ESM 360: Intro to Envir Plan Methods
ESM 365: Local Government Planning Mickelson
ESM 425: Environment Impact Assessment Kalt
ESM 450: Applied Environmental Education & Interpretation Tarlton
ESM 455: Ecological Restoration Capstone Byrne
ESM 462: Coastal and Marine Planning Richmond
FILM 210: Screenwriting I
FILM 215: Filmmaking I Jannetta
FILM 260: Film Festival Waugh
FILM 375: Filmmaking II Lasley
FILM 425: Film Directing and Production Processes Jannetta
FISH 300: Intro to Fishery Biology Thiesfeld
FISH 310: Ichthyology Marin Jarrin
FISH 311: Fish Physiology Cuevas Uribe
FISH 435: Ecology of Marine Fish Marin Jarrin
FISH 460: Adv. Fish Conservation & Mgmt. Buchheister
FISH 471: Fish Diseases Cuevas Uribe
FISH 474: Conservation Genetics of F & W Kinziger
FOR 130: Dendrology Goff
FOR 131: Forest Ecology Goff
FOR 210: Forest Measurements & Biometry Valness
FOR 222: Forest Health and Protection Lee
FOR 311: Forest Mensuration & Growth Hohl
FOR 315: Forest Management Dagley
FOR 359: CA & US Forest Wildland Policy Rynearson
FREN 105: French Level I Drew
FREN 107/207: French Level III/IV Dieme
GEOG 105: Human Geography Kirk
GEOG 300: Global Awareness Johnson
GEOG 301: International Environmental Issues & Globalization Johnson
GEOG 311: Geographic Research and Writing Perdue
GEOG 322: California Kirk
GEOG/HIST 319: Emergence of the Modern Middle East Kirk
GEOL 106: Earthquake Country Admire
GEOL 109: General Geology Levy
GEOL 210: Earth Systems History Baughman
GEOL 300: Geology of California Browne
GEOL 306: General Geomorphology Selvans
GEOL 332: Sedimentary Geology Levy
GEOL 380: Special Topics in Geology Selvans
GSP 101: Geospatial Concepts Rock
GSP 270: Geographic Information Science Gara
GSP 316: Cartography Perdue
GSP 370: Intermediate Geographic Information Science (GIS) Malloy
HED 231: Basic Human Nutrition Kam
HED 342: Nutrition Athletic Performance Bloedon
HIST 104: Western Civilization to 1650 Queen
HIST 105: Western Civ. Since 1650 Geck
HIST 110: U.S. History to 1877 Mays; Paulet
HIST 111: U.S. History Since 1877 Paulet; Dschida
HIST 200: World Cultures & History to 1500 Geck
HIST 201: World Culture & History from 1500 Geck
HIST 210: Historical Methods Cliver
HIST 350: History of the Soviet Union Cliver
HIST 383: California History Mays
HIST 397: Weekend Workshop: Variable Topics Dschida
HIST 420: Interpreting History for Teachers Dschida
INTL 100: Thinking Critically about Globalization Jurat
INTL 210: Introduction to Int'l Studies Jurat
INTL 220: Intro to Cultural Studies Jurat
INTL 410: Global Issues Analysis Matthews
JMC 302: Mass Media and Popular Arts Juarez
JMC 305: Global Media and Society Cretser-Hartenstein
JMC 318: Media Research Cretser-Hartenstein
JMC 328: Media Law Juarez
JMC 429: Advanced Public Relations Cretser-Hartenstein
KINS 165: Foundations of Kinesiology Jennings
KINS 379: Exercise Physiology Kwon
KINS 385: Adapted Physical Activity Adams
KINS 386: Structural Kinesiology Ogle
KINS 425: Strength & Conditioning Kwon
KINS 474: Psychology of Sport & Exercise Jennings
KINS 483: Evaluation Techniques of Kinesiology Braithwaite
KINS 484: Motor Development Motor Learn Ogle
KINS 580: Special Topics Ogle
LSEE 101: Foundations of Education Cook
LSEE 211: Developmental Literacy Conley
LSEE 212: Language and Literacy Conley
LSEE 308: Algebra, Geometry, and Data in the Elementary Classroom Ballinger
LSEE 313: Science for Elementary Education Weise
LSEE 315: Social Studies for Elementary Education Glaseroff
LSEE 316: LangArts for Elem School Mercury
LSEE 317: Numb/Operations/Elem/Math Ballinger
LSEE 333: English Language and Bilingual Development Aghasaleh
LSEE 377: Educ Exceptional Individuals Ryu
LSEE 421: Critical Multicultural Education Sterner
LSEE 443: Action Research I Gleason
LSEE 715: Integrated Art, Language Arts, and Social Studies I Ballinger
MATH 101 / 101I-1 / 101T: College Algebra Manor; Gent; Heese; Freedman
MATH 102: Algebra & Elementary Functions Payer
MATH 105: Calculus/Bio Sci & Nat Res Payer; Sollers
MATH 107: Introduction to Linear Algebra Larripa
MATH 109/110/210: Calculus I, Calculus II, & Calculus III Owens; Goetz; Ballinger; Johnson; Dugaw
MATH 245: Math Experimentation and Proof Dugaw
MATH 253: Discrete Mathematics Burgess
MATH 311: Vector Calculus Ballinger
MATH 313: Ordinary Differential Equation Larripa
MATH 315: Advanced Calculus Ballinger
MATH 344: Linear Algebra Freedman
MATH 415: Real Analysis Goetz
MATH 442: Abstract Algebra Freedman
MUS 101: Music and Society Woods
MUS 104: Intro to Music Bäckström
MUS 106J/107J: AM Jazz Band/Orchestra/Combos Aldag
MUS 108G/109G: Beginning Acoustic Guitar Trowbridge
MUS 108K/109K: Beginning Piano Mineva
MUS 108T: Beginning Strings Woods
MUS 108V: Beginning Voice Harrington
MUS 218: Keyboard Musicianship Mineva
MUS 227: Studio Trumpet/St. Trumpet, Perf & Mus Ed Cox
MUS 237: Studio Guitar Trowbridge
MUS 238: Studio Composition Post
MUS 301: Rock: An American Music Aldag
MUS 302: Music in World Culture Novotney
MUS 305: Jazz: An American Art Form Aldag
MUS 314: Theory III Fabian
MUS 406/407 J & K: AM Jazz Band/Orchestra Aldag
NAS 104: Intro to Nat American Studies Mojado; Reed; Soberanis
NAS 200: Indigenous People in US History Curtis; Carpenter
NAS 301W: Native American Literature Hockaday
NAS 302: Oral Literature and Oral Tradition Begay
NAS 306: Indigenous Peoples of Americas Ammerman
NAS 332: Environmental Justice Domingues
NRSG 350: Pathophysiology for Nursing Practicum Anozie
NRSG 372: Health Assessment and Promotion Across the Lifespan Perris; Durazo
NRSG 390: Nursing Infomatics and Information Literacy and Competency Perris
NRSG 460W: Leadership and Management Dynamics Herrera
NRSG 470: Community/Public Health Nursing
NRSG 471: Community/Public Health Nursing Practicum Perris
NRSG 490: Intro to Nursing Research Donahue (she/her)
OCN 109: General Oceanography Barriquand
PERMANENT RES.: Permanent Reserves
PHIL 100: Logic Chandler
PHIL 104: Asian Philosophy Heise
PHIL 106: Moral Controversies Mccune; Chandler
PHIL 302: Environmental Ethics Cannon
PHIL 303: Theories of Ethics Shaeffer
PHIL 304: Philosophy of Sex and Love Bockover
PHIL 306: Race, Racism, & Philosophy Shaeffer
PHIL 420: Contemporary Epistemology and Metaphysics Shaeffer
PHIL 425: Philosophy of Science Shaeffer
PHYX 109/210/211: General Physics A, B, and C Mola; Gannett
PHYX 315: Intro to Electronics Bliven
PHYX 320: Modern Physics Mitchell
PHYX 324: Analytical Mechanics Hoyle
PHYX 441: Electricity and Magnetism I Hoyle
PHYX 442: Electricity and Magnetism II Hoyle
PHYX 450: Quantum Physics I Hoyle
PHYX 451: Quantum Physics II Hoyle
PSCI 110: American Government Larson; Zerbe; Meyer
PSCI 110 (Summer): American Government Burkhalter
PSCI 160: California Institutions Walters
PSCI 220: Intro to Political Theory Meyer
PSCI 230: Introduction to Comparative Politics Sebro
PSCI 240: Intro to Internat'l Relations Zerbe
PSCI 303: Global Inequalities Sebro
PSCI 306: Environmental Politics Walters
PSCI 323: Contemporary Political Theory Meyer
PSCI 343: Global Governance Sebro
PSCI 410: U.S. Constitutional Law Burkhalter
PSCI 485W: Capstone Seminar in Politics Zerbe
PSYC 100: Psych of Critical Thinking Frederick; Sanchez
PSYC 104: Intro Psychology Kandus
PSYC 109: Intro Psychological Statistics Souter
PSYC 240: Foundations of Research Meth. in Psych Villarreal
PSYC 300: Psychology of Gender Haag
PSYC 302: Psychology of Prejudice Duskin
PSYC 306: Health Psychology Aigner
PSYC 311: Developmental Psychology Villarreal
PSYC 320: Behavior Analysis Walmsley
PSYC 321: Intro Behavioral Neuroscience Gahtan
PSYC 322: Learning & Motivation Frederick
PSYC 323: Sensation and Perception Kandus
PSYC 324: Cognitive Psychology Sanchez
PSYC 325: Advanced Behavioral Neuroscience Frederick
PSYC 335: Social Psychology Anjewierden
PSYC 337: Personality Theory & Research Haag
PSYC 338: Abnormal Psychology Haag; Padrón
PSYC 342W: Application of Research Methods in Psychology Gaffney
PSYC 345L: Psychological Tests and Measurement DeMatteo
PSYC 414: Adolescence and Young Adulthood Villarreal
PSYC 454: Interviewing & Counslng Tech Petullo
PSYC 473: Substance Use and Addiction Gahtan
PSYC 484: Culture and Diversity in Psych Iturbide
PSYC 486: History & Systems of Psychology Duskin
PSYC 518: Advanced Developmental Psychopathology Padrón
PSYC 608: Advanced Assessment/Case Prevention DeMatteo
PSYC 617: Cognitive Assessment II Cognitive/ Biological Bases of Behavior Miller
PSYC 638: Diagnosis of Mental Disorders Petullo
PSYC 640: Aging and Long-Term Care Guerrero
PSYC 641: Res Methds: Philos & Design Gaffney
PSYC 651: Diagnosis and Treatment of Children for School Psyc I DeMatteo
PSYC 654: Interviewing and Counseling Techniques Petullo
PSYC 657: Group Counseling and Group Psychotherapy Aigner
PSYC 658: Theories of Individual Counseling and Psychotherapy Aigner
PSYC 659: Mental Health in K-12 Schools Ajina
PSYC 667: Ethics and Professionalism Walmsley
PSYC 672: Psychopharmacology Gahtan
RAMP: RAMP Smith; Martinez; Solares
REC 100: Leisure in Society Kachevas
REC 210: Recreation Leadership Wood
REC 220: Leisure Programming Swan
REC 302: Inclusive Recreation McGuire
REC 315: Travel Industry Management Pachmayer
REC 320: Organization, Administration, and Facility Planning Marchand
REC 383: Rescue Diver Goshorn
REC 420: Legal & Fin Aspects Recreation Marchand
REC 430: Outdoor Leadership Expedition Marchand
REC 455: Internship and Career Workshop Pachmayer
REC 481: Recreation Practicum Marchand
RRS 306: Wildland Resource Principles
RRS 370: Rangeland Ecology Luong
RRS 430: Rangeland Restoration and Improvement Luong
RRS 475: Advanced Study of Rangeland Plants Golder
RS 104: Asian Religions Corigliano
RS 105: World Religions Biondo; Hart
RS 341: Spiritual Traditions of India Corigliano
RS 394: Religious Studies Workshop Corigliano
SCI 100: Becoming a STEM Professional in the 21st Century Kiemnec-Tyburczy; Owens; Black; LeDoux-Bloom
SCI 501: Research Methods and Planning Kane
SED 712: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools Ballinger
SED 734: Secondary Curriculum Instruction: Modern Language Grogan-Hurlich
SED 739: Secondary Curriculum Instruction: Physical Education Martin
SED 741: Secondary Curriculum Instruction: Social Studies Ballinger
SED 743: Content Area Literacy Ballinger; Miller
SED 754: Secondary Seminar: Social Studies Ballinger
SED 776: Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms Keener; Ryu
SOC 104: Introduction to Sociology Eichstedt
SOC 225S: Social Issues and Action Eichstedt
SOC 282L: Sociological Statistics Lab Ordner
SOC 302: Forests & Culture Ordner
SOC 308: Sociology of Altruism & Compassion Martinek
SOC 310: Sociological Theory Silvaggio
SOC 320: Environmental Sociology Silvaggio
SOC 330: Social Deviance Israel de Souza
SOC 382: Intro to Social Research Rienzi
SOC 410: Contemporary Social Theory Virnoche
SOC 472: Graduate School Planning Virnoche
SOC 475: Community Organizing Ordner
SOC 482: Internship Whitley
SOC 492: Senior Thesis Rienzi
SOC 560: Teaching Sociology Rienzi
SOC 583: Quantitative Research Methods Martinek
SOC 584: Qualitative Research Methods Virnoche
SOC 650: Race, Ethnicity, & Gender Dolek
SOC 665: Community, Ecology and Social Action Israel de Souza
SOIL 104: Sustainable Agriculture Koeneke
SOIL 260: Introduction to Soil Science Swenson
SOIL 360: Origin Classification of Soils
SOIL 465: Soil Microbiology Obeidy
SPAN 105/106: Spanish Language & Culture I&II Dean; Raich
SPAN 207: Spanish Language & Culture IV Raich
SPED 705: Multicultural Special Educ Ryu
SPED 709: Curr & Instruction:Mathematics Lee
SPED 711: Curr & Instrct: Sci & Soc Stds Weise
SPED 777: Education of Exceptional Individuals Zeppegno
STAT 108: Elementary Statistics Rizzardi; Overholser; Kim
STAT 109: Introductory Biostatistics Payer; Gledhill
STAT 323: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Kim
STAT 333: Linear Regression Models/ANOVA Kim
SW 330: Social Work Policy Gonzalez; Trochtenberg; O'Neill
SW 340: Intro to Social Work Methods Misch; Cellitti
SW 341: Social Work Methods II Cellitti; Misch
SW 382: Social Work Research McClure; O'Neill
SW 442: Advanced Social Work Methods Cole
SW 455: Field Experience Power; Jensen; Cole
SW 500: Values and Ethics - The Philosophy of Social Work Doble; Bowers
SW 530: Social Policy & Services Gonzalez
SW 582: Program Evaluation in Social Work Bowers
SW 583: Research II: Qualitative & Indigenous Research Methods McClure
SW 643: AGP: Community & Organization McClure
SW 648: AGP: Advanced Clinical Practice Bowen
SW 651: AGP: Indigenous Peoples Weldon
SW 659: Advanced Child Welfare Training Seminar Gonzalez
TA 105: Acting 1 Lescher
TA 221: Makeup for Stage and Screen Robison
TA 341: Theatre History and Criticism II Robison
WLDF 210: Intro to Wldlfe Conserv & Admn Black
WLDF 301: Principles of Wildlife Management Wan
WLDF 309: Case Studies in Environmental Ethics Sinn
WLDF 311: Wildlife Techniques Barton; Szykman Gunther
WLDF 422: Wildlife Management (Mammals) Szykman Gunther
WLDF 450: Principles Wildlife Diseases Brown
WLDF 460: Conservation Biology Robinson
WLDF 468: Spatial Wildlife Ecology Wan
WS 106: Intro to Women's Studies Hatendi
WS 107: Women, Culture, History Attallah
WS 303: Anticolonial Women's Movements Marshall
WS 309B: Gender and Communication Buller
WS 320: Act to End Violence Seminar Hatendi
WS 340: Ecofeminism Marshall
WSHD 310: Hydrology & Watershed Management Stubblefield
WSHD 424: Water Hydrology Stubblefield
ZOOL 110: Introductory Zoology Bronson
ZOOL 113: Human Physiology Slay
ZOOL 270: Human Anatomy Giacomini
ZOOL 310: Animal Physiology Slay
ZOOL 314: Invertebrate Zoology Craig
ZOOL 325: Advanced Behavioral Neuroscience Frederick
ZOOL 354: Herpetology Peloso
ZOOL 356: Mammalogy Goley
ZOOL 358: General Entomology Brandt
ZOOL 370: Comp Anatomy of Vertebrates Reiss
ZOOL 476: Prin of Animal Development Kiemnec-Tyburczy

Last updated 03-09-2025 12:00 pm