PSCI 110: American Government
Meyer; Larson; Zerbe
Title | Author | Location | Call Number | Availability |
California politics : a primer (Fifth edition.; Fifth edition.) | Van Vechten, Renée | Checking . . . |
JK8716 |
Checking . . . |
Current debates in American government (Third edition.) | Emenaker, Ryan, | Checking . . . |
JK276 |
Checking . . . |
American government : a brief introduction (Seventeenth edition.) | Lowi, Theodore J., | Checking . . . |
JK276 |
Checking . . . |
The Politics of Power (7; 7) | Katznelson, Ira | Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
The Pollitics of Power (7; 7) | Ira Katznelson | Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
By the people : debating American government (Fifth edition.) | Morone, James A., | Checking . . . |
JK276 |
Checking . . . |
California politics : a primer (Sixth edition.) | Van Vechten, Renée, | Checking . . . |
JK8716 |
Checking . . . |
By the people : debating American government (Fourth edition.) | Morone, James A., | Checking . . . |
JK276 |
Checking . . . |
American Government: A Brief Introduction (15th ed.) | Lowi, Theodore | Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
Democracy for the Few | Parenti | Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
American government : a brief introduction (Fifteenth edition.; Fifteenth edition.) | Lowi, Theodore J. | Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
American Government (14th Brief ed.) | Lowi | Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
1984 | Orwell, George, | Checking . . . |
PR6029.R8 |
Checking . . . |
California politics & government : a practical approach (Thirteenth edition.) | Gerston, Larry N., | Checking . . . |
JK8716 |
Checking . . . |
The divide : American injustice in the age of the wealth gap (First edition.) | Taibbi, Matt. | Checking . . . |
HM671 |
Checking . . . |
How democratic is the American Constitution? | Dahl, Robert A., | Checking . . . |
KF4550 |
Checking . . . |
Last updated 03-09-2025 6:22 pm