RS 104: Asian Religions


Title Author Location Call Number Availability
Before Buddha was Buddha : learning from the Jataka tales Martin, Rafe,
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Start Where You Are : A Guide to Compassionate Living. Chöön, Pema.
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Start where you are : a guide to compassionate living (1st ed.) Chödrön, Pema.
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The magic life of Milarepa : Tibet's great yogi (First edition.) Dam, Eva van,
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Endless path : awakening within the Buddhist imagination : Jataka tales, Zen practice, and daily life Martin, Rafe,
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Zen mind, beginner's mind : 50th anniversary edition (Fiftieth anniversary edition.) Suzuki, Shunryu,
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BQ9288 .S994 2020
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The Other Shore : A New Translation of the Heart Sutra with Commentaries. Nhat Hanh, Thich.
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A Wild Love for the World : Joanna Macy and the Work of Our Time. Kaza, Stephanie.
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BQ4570.E58 W55 2020
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Endless path : awakening within the Buddhist imagination : Jataka tales, Zen practice, and daily life Martin, Rafe
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BQ1462.E5 M359 2010
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Radiant mind : essential Buddhist teachings and texts (1st ed.)
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Before Buddha was Buddha : learning from the Jataka tales Martin, Rafe,
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Last updated 03-09-2025 6:36 pm