Title |
Author |
Location |
Call Number |
Availability |
The New York times magazine.
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
The New York times.
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
The rest I make up
Checking . . . |
PS3556.O7344 |
Checking . . . |
Foundations of architectural design
Alexander, Robert. |
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
The bluebook : a uniform system of citation
(Twenty-first edition.)
Checking . . . |
KF245 |
Checking . . . |
The hobbit, or, There and back again
(First Mariner books edition, 75th anniversary edition.)
Tolkien, J. R. R. |
Checking . . . |
PZ7.T5744; PR6039.O32 |
Checking . . . |
McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2022
Geula, Erfun, |
Checking . . . |
LB2367.4 |
Checking . . . |
McGraw Hill GRE
(9th edition.)
Geula, Erfun, |
Checking . . . |
LB2367.4 |
Checking . . . |
American national standard for passenger ropeways : aerial tramways, aerial lifts, surface lifts, tows and conveyors : safety requirements
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
The bad beginning
(1st HarperTrophy ed.)
Snicket, Lemony, |
Checking . . . |
PZ7.S6795 |
Checking . . . |
Electric circuits
Kang, James S. |
Checking . . . |
TK454; TK3001 |
Checking . . . |
Introduction to high energy physics
(4th ed.)
Perkins, Donald H., |
Checking . . . |
QC793.2 |
Checking . . . |
The war for kindness : building empathy in a fractured world
(Broadway Books trade paperback edition.)
Zaki, Jamil, |
Checking . . . |
BF575.E55 |
Checking . . . |
So you've been publicly shamed
(First Riverhead trade paperback edition.)
Ronson, Jon, |
Checking . . . |
HM661 |
Checking . . . |
Inventing tomorrow : the future is brighter than you think
(Theatrical version.; Hour version. ed.)
Checking . . . |
Q182.4 |
Checking . . . |
Princeton lectures in analysis
Stein, Elias M., |
Checking . . . |
QA300 |
Checking . . . |
The price of renewal
Checking . . . |
HN80.S35 |
Checking . . . |
A song for Cesar : the music and the movement
Checking . . . |
HD6509.C48 |
Checking . . . |
MPP Periodic Review Summary for Christina Gonzales
(2024th ed.)
Checking . . . |
rbrRBR18 |
Checking . . . |
Reflections unheard : Black women in civil rights
Checking . . . |
E185.615 |
Checking . . . |
Building tomorrow's work force : what employers want you to know
Carlson, Scott, |
Checking . . . |
HD6278.U5; LB1778 |
Checking . . . |
The undergraduate research handbook
(Second edition.)
Wisker, Gina, |
Checking . . . |
LB2369; LB2369.W81.2 |
Checking . . . |
Clinical anatomy of the horse
(1st ed.)
Checking . . . |
SF765 |
Checking . . . |
Equine applied and clinical nutrition : health, welfare and performance
Checking . . . |
SF285.3; SF285.5 |
Checking . . . |
Practice problems for the mechanical engineering PE exam : a companion to the Mechanical engineering reference manual
(Thirteenth edition.)
Lindeburg, Michael R. |
Checking . . . |
TJ159 |
Checking . . . |
Maker Studio Storage Key, Room 2232
Property of Cal Poly Pomona Library/Access Services |
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
Chain of love = Keten van liefde
Checking . . . |
HD6072 |
Checking . . . |
Microelectronic circuits
(Eighth edition.)
Sedra, Adel S., |
Checking . . . |
TK7867 |
Checking . . . |
Governing California in the twenty-first century : |b the political dynamics of the golden state
(6th ed.)
Checking . . . |
rbrCHN 1 2017 |
Checking . . . |
Singing our way to freedom
Checking . . . |
F870.M5 |
Checking . . . |
The future of advising : strategies to support student success.
McMurtrie, Beth, |
Checking . . . |
LB2343 |
Checking . . . |
Building construction costs with RSMeans data.
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
Governing California in the twenty-first century : the political dynamics of the Golden State
(Sixth edition.)
Anagnoson, J. Theodore, |
Checking . . . |
JK8716 |
Checking . . . |
Personal finance
(14th edition.)
Garman, E. Thomas, |
Checking . . . |
HG179 |
Checking . . . |
Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches
(Fourth edition.)
Creswell, John W., |
Checking . . . |
H61 |
Checking . . . |
Equine nutrition and feeding
(4th ed.)
Frape, David, |
Checking . . . |
SF285.5 |
Checking . . . |
Veterinary medical terminology guide and workbook
(Second edition.)
Taibo, Angela, |
Checking . . . |
SF610 |
Checking . . . |
LSAT premium prep
(30th edition.; [2024 edition].)
Checking . . . |
KF285.Z9 |
Checking . . . |
Mechanical PE practice examination
(3rd ed.)
Lindeburg, Michael R. |
Checking . . . |
TJ159 |
Checking . . . |
In the shadow of the law
Checking . . . |
JV6465 |
Checking . . . |
Square foot costs with RSMeans data.
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
The Chicago manual of style.
(Eighteenth edition.)
Checking . . . |
Z253; Z253 .C453 |
Checking . . . |
Building the American dream
Checking . . . |
HD8039.B92 |
Checking . . . |
Writing your journal article in 12 weeks : a guide to academic publishing success
Belcher, Wendy Laura, |
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
MLA handbook
(Ninth edition.)
Checking . . . |
LB2369 |
Checking . . . |
The LSAT® unlocked. 2018-2019.
Checking . . . |
KF285.Z9 |
Checking . . . |
The JVC video anthology of world music and dance : 9 digital PDF books
Checking . . . |
M1627 |
Checking . . . |
The sum of us : how racism hurts everyone : adapted for young readers
(First edition.)
McGhee, Heather, |
Checking . . . |
E185.8 |
Checking . . . |
The Nash & Cibinic report.
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
Uneasy neighbors
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HD8081.M6 |
Checking . . . |
Microcontroller theory and applications with the PIC18F
Rafiquzzaman, Mohamed, |
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TK7895.E42 |
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
D804.3 |
Checking . . . |
FE civil review manual : rapid preparation for the Civil Fundamentals of Engineering Exam
Lindeburg, Michael R., |
Checking . . . |
TA159 |
Checking . . . |
Coded bias
Checking . . . |
TA1653 |
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The book proposal book : a guide for scholarly authors
Portwood-Stacer, Laura, |
Checking . . . |
PN161 |
Checking . . . |
Microcontroller theory and applications with the PIC18F
Rafiquzzaman, Mohamed, |
Checking . . . |
TK7895.E42 |
Checking . . . |
The future of teaching : how the classroom is being transformed
McMurtrie, Beth, |
Checking . . . |
LB2395.7 |
Checking . . . |
Writing your journal article in twelve weeks : a guide to academic publishing success
(Second edition)
Belcher, Wendy Laura, |
Checking . . . |
Z471 |
Checking . . . |
Steel construction manual.
(Fourteenth edition.)
Checking . . . |
TA684 |
Checking . . . |
MLA Handbook
(Eighth edition.)
Checking . . . |
LB2369 |
Checking . . . |
East LA interchange
Checking . . . |
HT384.U52 |
Checking . . . |
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5.
(5th ed.)
Checking . . . |
RC455.2.C4 |
Checking . . . |
2001, a space odyssey
(Digitally restored and remastered ed.)
Checking . . . |
PN1997 |
Checking . . . |
Civil discipline-specific review for the FE/EIT exam
(3rd ed.)
Kim, Robert H., |
Checking . . . |
TA159 |
Checking . . . |
Draft environmental impact report. Student housing replacement, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
Eaarth : making a life on a tough new planet
(1st ed.)
McKibben, Bill. |
Checking . . . |
QC981.8.C5 |
Checking . . . |
FE review manual : rapid preparation for the fundamentals of engineering exam
(3rd ed.)
Lindeburg, Michael R. |
Checking . . . |
TA159 |
Checking . . . |
Gardner's art through the ages : a concise global history
(2nd ed.)
Gardner, Helen, |
Checking . . . |
N5300 |
Checking . . . |
Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full. Part 3., nozzles and venturi nozzles = Mesure de débit des fluides au moyen d'appareils dèprimogènes insérés dans des conduites en charge de section circulaire. Partie 3, Tuyères et Venturi-tuyères.
(1st ed.)
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
How to write it : a complete guide to everything you'll ever write
(2nd ed.)
Lamb, Sandra E. |
Checking . . . |
HF5721 |
Checking . . . |
The Marx Brothers silver screen collection.
Checking . . . |
PN1997.A1 |
Checking . . . |
Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full. Part 1, Partie 1, General principles and requirements = Principes généraux et exigences générales. Mesure de débit des fluides au moyen d'appareils dèprimogènes insérés dans des conduites en charge de section circulaire.
(Second edition.)
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full. Part 4, Venturi tubes = Mesure de débit des fluides au moyen d'appareils dèprimogènes insérés dans des conduites en charge de section circulaire. Partie 4, Tubes de Venturi.
(1st ed.)
Checking . . . |
TJ935 |
Checking . . . |
Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular-cross section conduits running full. Part 2, Orifice plates = Mesure de débit des fluides au moyen d'appareils déprimogènes insérés dans des conduites en charge de section circulaire. Partie 2, Diaphragmes.
(First ed.)
Checking . . . |
TC177 |
Checking . . . |
Miles Davis & John Coltrane : the complete Columbia recordings, 1955-1961.
Davis, Miles. |
Checking . . . |
M1366.D25 |
Checking . . . |
Perry's chemical engineers' handbook.
(8th ed. /)
Checking . . . |
TP151 |
Checking . . . |
Practice problems for the civil engineering PE exam : a companion to the Civil engineering reference manual
(12th ed.)
Lindeburg, Michael R. |
Checking . . . |
TA159 |
Checking . . . |
The Rose Bowl game : 100th celebration
Moran, Malcolm, |
Checking . . . |
GV957.R6 |
Checking . . . |
The snap fashion sketchbook : sketching and design the fast way
Tate, Sharon Lee. |
Checking . . . |
TT509 |
Checking . . . |
Sources and analogues of Chaucer's Canterbury tales
Bryan, William Frank, |
Checking . . . |
PR1912.A2 |
Checking . . . |
Stress management for healthy living.
Fish, Kristine. |
Checking . . . |
Checking . . . |
USAF stability and control datcom
Finck, R. D. |
Checking . . . |
TL574.S7 |
Checking . . . |
West's business law : text and cases : legal, ethical, international, and e-commerce environment
(10th ed.)
Checking . . . |
KF888 |
Checking . . . |