Title | Author | Location | Call Number | Availability |
The language of new media (1st MIT Press pbk. ed.) | Manovich, Lev, | Checking . . . |
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The bias of communication (2nd edition) | Innis, Harold A. | Checking . . . |
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Semiotics : the basics (Third edition.) | Chandler, Daniel. | Checking . . . |
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Flame wars : the discourse of cyberculture | Checking . . . |
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Cognitive surplus : creativity and generosity in a connected age | Shirky, Clay, | Checking . . . |
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The video game theory reader | Checking . . . |
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The printing revolution in early modern Europe (2nd ed.) | Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. | Checking . . . |
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Technopoly : the surrender of culture to technology (1st Vintage books edition) | Postman, Neil, | Checking . . . |
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Literacy in the new media age | Kress, Gunther R. | Checking . . . |
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Digital play : the interaction of technology, culture, and marketing | Kline, Stephen, | Checking . . . |
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Cell phone culture : mobile technology in everyday life | Goggin, Gerard, | Checking . . . |
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Being digital (1st Vintage books edition) | Negroponte, Nicholas, | Checking . . . |
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The book | Borsuk, Amaranth, | Checking . . . |
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The late age of print : everyday book culture from consumerism to control | Striphas, Theodore G. | Checking . . . |
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Cultures of print : essays in the history of the book | Hall, David D., | Checking . . . |
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The case for books: past, present, future | Darnton, Robert | Checking . . . |
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Life on the Screen | Turkle, Sherry. | Checking . . . |
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McLuhan For Beginners. | Gordon, W. Terrence. | Checking . . . |
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Building a bridge to the 18th century : how the past can improve our future | Postman, Neil, | Checking . . . |
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Double fold : libraries and the assault on paper | Baker, Nicholson, | Checking . . . |
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Passions, pedagogies, and 21st century technologies | Checking . . . |
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The Book | Amaranth Borsuk | Checking . . . |
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Remediation : understanding new media | Bolter, J. David, | Checking . . . |
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Understanding media : the extensions of man | McLuhan, Marshall, | Checking . . . |
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The metaphysics of virtual reality | Heim, Michael, | Checking . . . |
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Amusing ourselves to death : public discourse in the age of show business (20th anniversary edition) | Postman, Neil, | Checking . . . |
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Passions, pedagogies, and 21st century technologies | Checking . . . |
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The book : a cover-to-cover exploration of the most powerful object of our time (First edition) | Keith Houston | Checking . . . |
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Cell phone culture: mobile technology in everyday life | Goggin, Gerard | Checking . . . |
rbrCRJ 52 |
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Essential McLuhan | Checking . . . |
rbrCRJ 53 |
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Marshall McLuhan: The book of probes | McLuhan, Carson | Checking . . . |
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Composing cyberspace: identity, community, and knowledge in the electronic age | Holeton, Richard | Checking . . . |
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Practices of looking: an introduction to visual culture | Sturken, Marita | Checking . . . |
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Media and society in the digital age | Kawamoto, Kevin | Checking . . . |
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Good video games + good learning: collected essays on video games, learning and literacy | Gee, James Paul | Checking . . . |
rbrCRJ 49 |
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The bias of communication | Innis, Harold A. | Checking . . . |
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Digital Literacy | Gilster, Paul | Checking . . . |
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Life on the screen: identity in the age of the internet | Turkle, Sherry | Checking . . . |
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Software for the self: techology and culture | Smith, Anthony | Checking . . . |
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Digital Play: the interaction of technology, culture, and marketing | Kline, Stephen | Checking . . . |
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Growing up digital: the rise of the net generation | Tapscott, Don | Checking . . . |
rbrCRJ 44 |
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Laws of media: the new science | McLuhan, Marshall | Checking . . . |
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The video game theory reader (2003th ed.) | Checking . . . |
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What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy | Gee, James Paul | Checking . . . |
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Forward through the rearview mirror: reflections on and by Marshall McLuhan | Checking . . . |
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McLuhan for beginners | Gordon, W. Terrence | Checking . . . |
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Cultures of print: essays in the history of the book | Hall, David D. | Checking . . . |
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The gutenberg galaxy: the making of typographic man (2011th ed.) | McLuhan, Marshall | Checking . . . |
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The language of mew media | Manovich, Lev | Checking . . . |
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First person: new media as story, performance, and game | Checking . . . |
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The virtual community: homesteading on the electronic frontier (Revised ed.) | Rheingold, Howard | Checking . . . |
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Visual intelligence: how we create what we see | Hoffman, Donald David | Checking . . . |
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Flame wars: the discourse of cyberculture | Checking . . . |
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Visual rhetoric in a digital world: a critical sourcebook | Handa, Carolyn | Checking . . . |
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Literacy in the new media age | Kress, Gunther | Checking . . . |
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Semiotics: the basic | Chnadler, Daniel | Checking . . . |
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The metaphysics of virtual reality (1993th ed.) | Michael Heim | Checking . . . |
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Cognitive surplus: how technology makes consumers into collaborators. | Shirky, Clay. | Checking . . . |
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Double fold: libraries and the assault on paper. (1st ed) | Baker, Nicholson. | Checking . . . |
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Electric language: understanding the message. | McLuhan, Eric. | Checking . . . |
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Electronic literture: new horizons for the literary. | Hayles, N. Katherine. | Checking . . . |
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Essential McLuhan. (1st ed) | McLuhan, Marshall. | Checking . . . |
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The late age of print: everyday book culture from consumerism to control. | Striphas, Theodore G. | Checking . . . |
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The late American novel: writers on the future of books. | Checking . . . |
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Library: an unquiet history. | Battles, Matthew. | Checking . . . |
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The outenberg galaxy: the making of typographic man. | McLuhan, Marshall. | Checking . . . |
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Print is dead: books in our digital age. | Gomez, Jeff. | Checking . . . |
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Technopoly: the surrender of culture to technology. (First vintage books ed) | Postman, Neil. | Checking . . . |
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Print is dead : books in our digital age | Gomez, Jeff, | Checking . . . |
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Remediation: understanding new media. | Bolter, Jay David. | Checking . . . |
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The shallows: what the internet is doing to our brains. (1st ed) | Carr, Nicholas. | Checking . . . |
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The gutenberg elegies: the fate of reading in an electronic age. | Checking . . . |
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The medium is the massage: | Checking . . . |
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The printing revolution in early modern Europe: | Checking . . . |
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This is not the end of the book: a conversation curated by Jean-Philippe de Tonnac. | Carriere, Jean-Claude. | Checking . . . |
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Understanding me: lectures and interviews. (ed) | McLuhan, Marshall. | Checking . . . |
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Understanding media : the extensions of man ([1st ed.].) | McLuhan, Marshall, | Checking . . . |
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Building a bridge to the 18th century how the past can improve our future. (1st ed.) | Postman, Neil. | Checking . . . |
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Amusing ourselves to death: public discourse in the age of show business. (ed) | Postman, Neil. | Checking . . . |
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Being digital. (1st ed) | Negroponte, Nicholas. | Checking . . . |
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Camera lucida: reflections on photography. | Barthes, Roland. | Checking . . . |
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The case for books : past, present, and future | Darnton, Robert. | Checking . . . |
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Checking . . . |
Last updated 03-28-2025 1:33 pm