Course Reserves

Course Instructor
ACCY 1: 1: Accounting Fundamental Kim
ACCY 1: Accounting Fundamentals Zhang
ACCY 112: Intermediate Accounting II Liu
ACCY 171: Federal Tax Procedures I Lyon
ANTH 1: Introduction to Biological Anthropology Sullivan
ANTH 101: 2: Cultural Diversity Barata
ANTH 101: 6: Cultural Diversity Duangboudda
ANTH 102: 1: The Nature of Culture Duangboudda
ANTH 105: Anthropology of War Barata
ANTH 108: 1: Economic Anthropology Walker
ANTH 110: 3: Archaeological Method and Theory Berrey
ANTH 121: 2: Archaeology of Mexico Berrey
ANTH 121: Archaeology of Mexico Crandall
ANTH 13: 2: Magic, Witchcraft and Religion Karam
ANTH 13: 7 & 8: Magic, Witchcraft and Religion Roberts
ANTH 13: Magic, Witchcraft and Religion Murphy
ANTH 131: Europe in the Ethnographic Imagination Murphy
ANTH 146: Ethnographic Analysis Barata
ANTH 159: Forensic Anthropology Hens
ANTH 188: Anthropology of the Body Raschig
ANTH 189: Critical Medical Anthropology Raschig
ANTH 192B: Laboratory in Ethnographic Techniques Raschig
ANTH 2: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Raschig
ANTH 299: Special Problems Raschig
ANTH 3: Introduction to Archaeology Tiley
ANTH 4: 3: Language,Culture+Critcal Thinking Yoo
ART 109: 1: William J. Simmons Simmons
ART 109: Modern Art O'Brien
ART 111: Latin American and Latino Art History Dosch
ART 112: 1: Contemporary Art O'Brien
ART 114: Special Topics in Early Modern Art Miller
ART 160: 1: Special Topics in Studio Art Jeong
ART 1A: 2: Art in the Western World: From Stone Age to End of Middle Ages Dosch
ART 1A: Art in the Western World: From Stone Age to End of Middle Ages Seban
ART 2: 1: History of Islamic Art Mirmobiny
Art 5: Art of the Americas Dosch
ART 7: 3: Intro Art+Visual Culture Anderson
ASTR 4B: 2: Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology Barniol Duran
BHON 107: Business Finance Ikromov
BHON 108: Fundamentals in Marketing Tong
BIO 1: 3: Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology Coleman
BIO 10: Basic Biological Concepts Sprowls; Oppenheimer; Isaac; Kammerer; Jazbi
BIO 105: 1 & 2: Life in the Ocean Davidson
BIO 121: 2: Molecular Cell Biology Hennig
BIO 121: 3: Molecular Cell Biology Gilkerson
BIO 122: Advanced Human Anatomy Ernst
BIO 124: Clinical Hematology Barclay
BIO 125: Body Fluid Analysis Soto
BIO 126: Comparative Vertebrate Morphology Collins
BIO 130: Histology Nguyen
BIO 131: 2: Systemic Physiology Altman
BIO 131: 3: Biological Sciences Wright
BIO 131: Systemic Physiology Davidyan
BIO 133: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Renal Physiology Strandgaard
BIO 139: 2: General Microbiology Lindgren; Bendorf
BIO 140: Medical Microbiology Bonavita
BIO 143: General Virology Nguyen
BIO 149A: Immunology Olsan
BIO 160: 1: General Ecology Baxter
BIO 160: 5: Ecology Kneitel
BIO 167: Quantitative Methods in Biology Davidson
BIO 188: Evolution Holland; Lin
BIO 2: Cells, Molecules and Genes McDonald
BIO 20: 1: Biology: Human Perspective Lin
BIO 20: Biology: Human Perspective Holland
BIO 22: 2: Introductory Human Anatomy Ernst
BIO 22: Introductory Human Anatomy Bahlman
BIO 222: Introduction to Scientific Inquiry Olsan
BIO 39: Micro Allied Health Students Kirvan
CE 131: 1: Hydrology Poindexter
CE 170: 2: Soil Mechanics Chaudhuri
CE 170: Soil Mechanics Armstrong
CE 4: 1: Engineering Graphics Ouchida
Center for Teaching Learning: Center for Teaching & Learning Dubois
CHAD 123: 2: Qualitative Methods in Human Development Bersola-Nguyen
CHAD 131: Language Development Bersola-Nguyen
CHAD 133: 2: Quantitative Methods Jones
CHAD 135: Cross-cultural Child Development Natzel
CHAD 136: Developmental Experiences, Methods and Curriculum Natzel
CHAD 138: Social and Emotional Development Gill
CHAD 143: 2: Mind and Brain in Developmental Context O'Hara
CHAD 150: Early Literacy Development Yeung
CHAD 156: 3: Child Development in Context Duane
CHAD 172: 1: Identity Development Jones
CHAD 23: Assessment and Observation in Child Development Bersola-Nguyen
CHAD 30: 1: Human Development Pitts
CHAD 30: 2: Human Development Gill
CHAD 30: 4: Human Development Bersola-Nguyen
CHAD 30: 4 & 8: Human Development Natzel
CHAD 30: 5: Human Development Mehta
CHAD 30: 7: Human Development Feeney
CHAD 35: 6: Infants, Children and Adolescents Mehta
CHAD 35F: Human Development and Elementary Field Experience Bersola-Nguyen
CHEM 142: Introduction to Physical Chemistry Gherman
CHEM 161: General Biochemistry Gonzalez
CHEM 1A: General Chemistry I Mack
CHEM 20: Organic Chemistry Lecture--Brief Course Kellen-Yuen
CHEM 24: 1: Organic Chemistry Lecture I Kellen-Yuen
CHEM 4: Chemical Calculations Paradis
CHEM 6A: Introduction to General Chemistry Ritchey
CHEM 6B: 2: Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry Ritchey
CHEM 6B: Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry Savage
COMS 100A: 1: Survey of Communication Studies Zuckerman
COMS 100A: 3: Survey of Communication Gooley-Carson
COMS 100B: 1: Rhetoric and Social Influence Patterson
COMS 100B: Critical Analysis of Messages Foss-Snowden
COMS 100C: Introduction to Scientific Methods in Communication Research Stitt
COMS 105: 1: Communication in Small Groups Gordon
COMS 105: Communication in Small Groups Gooley-Carson
COMS 116: 2: Intercultural Communication Omori
COMS 116: 3: Intercultural Communication Rash
COMS 116: Intercultural Communicatn Zuckerman
COMS 133: The Documentary Film Kasic
COMS 145: 1: Organizational Communication Malvini Redden
COMS 152: 2: Freedom of Speech Maben
COMS 152: Freedom of Speech Gardner
COMS 153: Mass Media Law and Regulation Gardner
COMS 166: Theories of Persuasion and Attitude Change Stitt
COMS 171: Survey Methods in Communication Research Stitt
COMS 185: Senior Practicum in Video Production Janos
COMS 186: Seminar in Health Communication Stitt
COMS 2: 3,4,15: Argumentation Miller; LaVally
COMS 202: 1: Quantitative Research Methods Woo
COMS 4: 3: Introduction to Public Speaking Ricco
COMS 5: 1-16: Communication Experience Malvini Redden; Gooley-Carson; Bruno; Aguilar; Tran; Oakley; Hilliard
COMS 5: 2: Communication Experience Clark
COMS 55: 2: Media Communication and Society Gooley-Carson
COMS 55: Media Communication and Society Gale
COMS 8: 1,2,&3: Interpersonal Com Skills Vasquez
COMS 8: Interpersonal Communication Skills Knifong
CPE 64: 1: Intro To Logic Desig Najafi; Pang; Vadhva; Dahlquist
CRJ 1: 1: Introduction to Criminal Justice Karver
CRJ 1: 4: Introduction to Criminal Justice and Society Williams
CRJ 101: 2: Introduction to Criminal Justice Research Methods Croisdale
CRJ 101: 3: Introduction to Criminal Justice Research Methods Alexandrino
CRJ 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice Research Methods Ren
CRJ 102: 2: Crime And Punishment Bogazianos
CRJ 102: Crime And Punishment Ren
CRJ 112: 1: Gangs and Threat Groups in America Hermann
CRJ 114: Sexual Offenses and Offenders Watson
CRJ 115: 2: Violence and Terrorism Mizrahi
CRJ 117: Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolutio Uwazie
CRJ 118: Drug Abuse and Criminal Behavior Karver
CRJ 123: 3: Law Arrest, Search & Seizure Noble
CRJ 123: Law of Arrest, Search and Seizure Horowitz
CRJ 130: 3: Fundamentals of Corrections Karver
CRJ 141: Police and Society Huang
CRJ 151: 1 : White Collar Crime Noble
CRJ 154: Introduction to Physical Evidence Hess
CRJ 160: 2: Justice and Public Safety Administration Huang
CRJ 160: Justice and Public Safety Administration Karver
CRJ 170: 1: Human Trafficking and Slavery Greer
CRJ 170: Human Trafficking and Slavery Ren
CRJ 190: 4: Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Okada
CRJ 190: 5: Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Fox
CRJ 190: 6: Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Schnurbush
CRJ 190: Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Bogazianos
CRJ 195: 1: Internship Noble
CRJ 196B: Law of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Mizrahi
CRJ 2: Law of Crimes Morse Fitch
CRJ 281: 1: Special Topics in Criminal Justice Fox
Crocker Art Museum: Crocker Art Museum
CSAD 110: 2: Physics of Sound and Phonetics D'Angelo
CSAD 111: Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism Davis
CSAD 112: 1&2: Language Science and Development Roseberry-Mckibbin
CSAD 123: Voice and Fluency Thordardottir; Patterson
CSAD 125: 1 & 2: Neurological Development and Disorders of Language D'Angelo
CSAD 140: Clinical Methods for Speech Language Pathology Assistants Davis
CSAD 142: 2: Topics in Autism Spectrum Disorders D'Angelo
CSAD 227: Dysphagia and the Medical Setting D'Angelo
CSAD 650: Methods: Bill and Coding Balan
CSAD 660: 1: Methods: Ethical and Legal issues Balan
CSAD 671: A: Counseling in Audiology Balan
CSAD 680: Clinical Methods: Differential Diagnosis Balan
CSC 10A: 1: Accel Intro Programming Logic Tajlil
CSC 10A: 2: Accel Intro Programming Logic Patel
CSC 130: 10: Algorithms and data structures Abdel Khaleq
CSC 131: 7: Software engineering Abdel Khaleq
CSC 135: 1& 2: Computability and Formal Language Phoulady
CSC 137: Computer Organization Singh
CSC 138: 2 & 5: Computer Network Fundamentals Tran
CSC 138: Computer Network Fundamentals Badruddoja
CSC 139: Operating Systems Principles Shobaki
CSC 140: Advanced Algorithm Design and Analysis Shobaki
CSC 15: 14 & 15: Program Concept+Method I Mukarram
CSC 155: Advanced Computer Graphics Gordon
CSC 196D: Introduction to Blockchain Badruddoja
CSC 20: 4,5,7 & 8: Program Concept+Method II Mukarram
CSC 201: Program Language Principles Zhang
DEAF 164: 1: Sign Language Structure & Usage Crudo
DEAF 51: 1: American Sign Language 1 Crudo
DEAF 51: American Sign Language Thrapp
DNCE 130: Appreciation and History of Dance Bayne; Lazenby
DNCE 150: Dance Theory and Criticism Bayne
DNCE 160: Creative Dance for Children Bayne
DNCE 5A: Mexican Folklorico Ramirez
DS 101: Data Analysis For Managers Li
DSGN 183: 1: Advanced Interior Design Studio Galvez-moretti
DSGN 196A: 1: Design Research Methods Wacker
DSGN 20: 1: Design & Society Since 1780 Carlino
DSGN 4: Design and Thinking Carlino
ECON 113: 2: Economic History of the United States Dowell
ECON 113: Economic History of the United States Siegler
ECON 130: Public Finance O'Keefe
ECON 138: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Tadle
ECON 145: 2: Economic Research Methods Walters
ECON 145: Economic Research Methods Dowell
ECON 152: 1: Economics of Education Walters
ECON 180: Urban Economics Walters
ECON 181: 1: Economics of Racism Walters
ECON 1B: Introduction to Microeconomics Analysis Walters
ECON 200A: Advanced Macroeconomic Theory Tadle
EDC 242: 1: Play and Art Therapy for Children Liles-Lourick
EDC 244: 2: Trauma and Crisis Counseling Mankowski
EDC 244: Trauma and Crisis Counseling Pulido
EDC 250: Education Research Marshall
EDC 260: 4: Career Development Marshall
EDC 260: Career Development Park
EDC 262: 1: Career Counseling Process Marshall
EDC 272: Counseling Children and Youth Castaneda
EDC 274: 1: Advocacy and Systemic Change in School Counseling Xiong
EDC 475: Counseling Practicum Rivas
EDD 600: Transformational Leadership Watson
EDD 603: Policy & Prac Edu Leader II Romero
EDD 604: 1: Introduction to Education Research Sabati
EDD 609: 1: Human Resource Management Feliz
EDD 616A: Dissertation I Romero
EDD 623: Education Foundations Adamson
EDLP 226: 1: Workforce Development Professional Competencies Cowan
EDMS 234: Classroom Inquiry Beddow
EDMS 243: Data Collection for Action Research in Multicultural Settings Ives
EDMS 314: 1: Mathematics Methods Ives
EDMS 314: Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction for the Diverse K-8 Classroom Banes
EDMS 315: 3: Elementary History: Social Studies Methods for teachers Gutiérrez-Stearn
EDMS 319A: 1: Language and Literacy I for the Diverse K-8 Classroom Loeza
EDS 239: 4: Education Specialist Seminar Cho
EDS 245: 1: Psychology in the Schools Bland
EDS 248: Human Development and Learning Swami
EDSP 119: 1: Legal & Social Foundations of Special Education Chang
EDSP 119: 2: Legal & Social Foundations of Inclusive Education Collado
EDSP 201: Developing Collaborative Partnerships with Families, Professionals, and Communities in ECSE Collado
EDSP 208: 1: Positive Behavioral Supports & Evidenced-Based Practices for Youth with Autism & Related Issues Gonsier-Gerdin
EDSP 210: a: Assessment and Evaluation in Early Childhood Special Education Chang
EDSP 210: Assessment and Evaluation in Early Childhood Special Education Collado
EDSP 211: Curriculum, Intervention: Infancy Morrison
EDSP 212: 1: Curriculum, Intervention Strategies and Environments in ECSE: Preschoolers & Kindergarteners Chang
EDSP 213: 1: Early Language and Literacy Development, Instruction, and Intervention in EC SE Chang
EDSP 216: Understanding the Implications of Developmental Diversity in Children and Youth Collado
EDSP 217: 1: Foundations of Positive Behavioral Supports: Creating Safe and engaging Learning Environments Collado
EDSP 217: 1.1: Foundations of Positive Behavioral Supports Huey
EDSP 281: 1: Critical Issues in Special Education Research and Practice Benitti
EDSP 281: 2: Critical Issues in Special Education Research and Practice Collado
EDSP 283: 1: Critical Analysis and Interpretation of Data within Diverse School and Community Contexts Benitti
EDSP 293: 2: Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms: Education Specialist Collado
EDSP 500: Classroom Inquiry/Action Research Portfolio-Culminating Experience Benitti
EDSS 474A: 1: Field Experiences in Secondary Schools Benitti
EDSS 500: 8: Classroom Inquiry Project: Culminating Experience Benitti
EDTE 227: Curriculum and Instruction Flores
EDTE 268: 1.1: Theories and Practice of Gender Issues and Race Leslie
EDUC 10: 15: Critical Thinking Mehta
EDUC 100A: 2: Educating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings Gardner
EDUC 100A: Educating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings Chalios
EDUC 158: 1 & 2: Latinas/os/x in Education Flores
EDUC 160: Urban Education William
EDUC 169: 1,2,3,4,5: Cross-Cultural Bridges: A Humanist Approach to Education Leslie
EDUC 170: Bilingual Education: Introduction to Educating English Learners Beddow; Baker; Cintron; Sellens; Becker; Flores
EDUC 175A: 1: Pedagogy Bil Ed Spanish MS Loeza
EDUC 21: First Year Seminar: Becoming an Educated Person Screechfield
EEE 192A: Senior Power Engineering Project I Mearns
EEE 64: 1: Intro To Logic Design Najafi; Pang; Vadhva; Dahlquist
ENGL 10: 3: Academic Literacies I Pickrel
ENGL 10: 4: Academic Literacies I Laporte
ENGL 109W: 2: Preparing for WID Linville
ENGL 10M: 2: Academic Literacies I – Multilingual Laporte
ENGL 11: Academic Literacies II Pickrel
ENGL 110A: Linguistics and the English Language Komiyama
ENGL 110J: Traditional Grammar and Standard Usage Komiyama
ENGL 110P: Second Language Learning and Teaching Komiyama
ENGL 110Q: English Grammar for ESL Teachers Komiyama
ENGL 116A: 1: Studies in Applied Linguistics. Scharf
ENGL 116B: Children's Literary Classics Zarins
ENGL 11M: 1: Academic Literacies II Durosko
ENGL 120A: 2: Advanced Composition Martinez
ENGL 125E: Academic Reading and Writing for Second Language Students Komiyama
ENGL 130C: Intermediate Fiction Writing Martinez
ENGL 140M: 1: Modern British Drama, 1889-Present Gieger
ENGL 145B: Shakespeare: Early Plays Gieger
ENGL 145C: Shakespeare's Later Plays Gieger
ENGL 170D: Drama Gieger
ENGL 170I: Introduction To Tragedy Gieger
ENGL 190D: Detective Fiction Gieger
ENGL 191A: Masterpieces of Cinema Gieger
ENGL 198t: 3: Senior Seminar Clark-Oates
ENGL 198T: Senior Seminar in English Gieger
ENGL 20: 2: College Composition II Pickrel
ENGL 20: 3: College Composition II Linville
ENGL 20: 5: College Composition II Levy
ENGL 20: 6: College Composition II Ochoa
ENGL 20: College Composition II Laflen
ENGL 200E: Curriculum and Assessment Design Heather
ENGL 201D: Contemporary Theory Toise
ENGL 20M: College Composition II for Multilingual Students Linville
ENGL 215A: Reading/Vocabulary Acquisition Komiyama
ENGL 230B: Advanced Poetry Writing Martinez
ENGL 275: 1: Seminar in Literary History Martinez
ENGL 40A: Introduction to British Literature I Zarins
ENGL 5: 2: Accelerated Academic Literacies Levy
ENGL 5: 3: Accelerated Academic Literacies Linville
ENGL 5: 5: Accelerated Academic Literacies Pickrel
ENGL 5: 7: Accelerated Academic Literacies Laporte
ENGL 50B: 1: Introduction to American Literature Part II Martinez
ENGL 50B: 2: Introduction to American Literature II Gieger
ENGL 5M: 4: Accelerated Academic Literacies for Multilingual Writers Komiyama
ENGL 65: 1: An Introduction to World Literatuers in English Martinez
ENGR 105: 1: Sustainable Design+Const Salahi
ENGR 106: 1: Energy and Modern Life Aguilar Rudametkin
ENGR 120: Probability and Random Signals Eltayeb
ENGR 124: Thermodynamics Romani
ENGR 132: 4: Fluid Mechanics Poindexter
ENGR 140: Engineering Economy Mearns
ENGR 199: 1: Special Problems Penn
ENVS 10: 3: Introduction to Environmental Science Fulton
ENVS 10: Introduction to Environmental Science Reede Jr
ENVS 11: 1: Environmental Issues and Critical Thinking Popejoy
ENVS 111: Environmental Ethics Papouchis
ENVS 121: Field Methods in Environmental Science Rosenblatt
ENVS 122: Environmental Impact Analysis: CEQA and NEPA. Reede Jr
ENVS 158: Wetlands Ecology Stevens
EPSY 246B: Preventive Mental Health Interventions Bland
ETHN 100: 1: Ethnic America Cook
ETHN 100: 4,7: Ethnic America Mallare
ETHN 100: Ethnic America Yonemura
ETHN 11: 14: Intro to Ethnic Studies Lorenzana
ETHN 11: 2: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Yonemura
ETHN 11: 3.1: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Flores
ETHN 11: 8: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Bautista
ETHN 11: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Mallare
ETHN 110: 2: Asian American Experience Lorenzana
ETHN 110: 3: Asian American Experience Yamashita
ETHN 114: Asian Americans and Globalization Mallare
ETHN 118: Asian American Women Yonemura
ETHN 11H: 2: Intro to Ethnic Studies Wade
ETHN 121: 1: Hmong American Experiences Lo
ETHN 123: Asian Americans in Media and Popular Culture Lo
ETHN 13: 1: Magic & religion & World Mythology Karam
ETHN 130: Chicano/Mexican-American Experience Figueroa
ETHN 131: 1,2,3: La Raza Studies Ramirez
ETHN 133: 1: Crosscultural Aging in America Ramirez
ETHN 133: Crosscultural Aging in America Yonemura
ETHN 14: 2: Introduction to Asian American Studies Lo
ETHN 14: 3: Intro to Asian American Studies Yamashita
ETHN 14: 4: Intro to Asian American Studies Lorenzana
ETHN 14: Intro To Asian American Studies Soriano
ETHN 140: 2: Native American Experience Baker
ETHN 140: 3: Native American Experience Soza War Soldier
ETHN 142: 1: Native American Tribal Government Soza War Soldier
ETHN 145: Native Voice, Memory, and Biography Soza War Soldier
ETHN 150: Native Oral Traditions and Story Telling Bill
ETHN 151: Native American Women Reed
ETHN 155: 2: Genocide and Holocaust Studies Yonemura
ETHN 155: Genocide and Holocaust Studies Cook
ETHN 170: 2: Pan African Studies Wade
ETHN 172: Black Women In America Wade
ETHN 177: Genocide and Human Rights in Africa Cook
ETHN 195B: 1: Ethnic Studies Seminar Baker
ETHN 30: 3: Chicano/Latino Studies Vargas
ETHN 30: 4 & 5: Intro to Chicanx/Latinx Studies Juarez
ETHN 53: 3: Introduction to Native American Studies Thomas
ETHN 53: 3.1: Introduction to Native American Studies Thomas
ETHN 53: 3 & 5: Introduction to Native American Studies Baker
ETHN 53: Introduction to Native American Studies Soza War Soldier
ETHN 70: 2: Introduction to Pan African Studies Wade
FACS 52: The Child in the Family Gonzalez
FASH 130: 1: History Of Western Fashion Anderson
FASH 135: 1: Merchandise buying Surprenant
FASH 136: 2: Fashion Retailing Amato
FASH 136: Fashion Retailing Shen
FASH 148: Fashion Law Parr
FILM 128: Non-Studio Video Production Janos
FILM 130: Staging and Lighting Digital Video Kasic
FILM 155: Contemporary World Cinema Glamsch
FILM 185: Senior Practicum in Video Production Janos
FIN 101: 2: Business Finance Ikromov
FIN 134: Financial Management Liu
FIN 135: 2: Investments Moore
FIN 136: Modern Portfolio Management Vygodina
FIN 137: Financial Institutions and Markets Lin
FIN 138: Principles of Risk Management and Insurance Lin
FIN 140: 1: Employee Benefits Tymochko
FIN 142: Real Estate Finance Ikromov
FIN 190: Multinational Business Finance Liu
FREN 120: French Civilization Elstob
GEOG 1: 2: Physical Geography Gervais
GEOG 100: 3: Themes In World Geography Rosenberg
GEOG 100: 4: Themes In World Geography Arpagian
GEOG 105: 1.1: Cartography Oberle
GEOG 109: Geographic Information Systems Oberle
GEOG 110: Advanced Geographic Information Systems Oberle
GEOG 111: Elements Of Meteorology Gervais
GEOG 121: 2: United States and Canada Tsai
GEOG 128: Geography Of Europe Arpagian
GEOG 145: Population Geography Krabacher
GEOG 148: Urban and Regional Planning Arpagian
GEOG 182: 1: Qualitative Methods in Geography Molana
GEOL Lab: Geology Lab - Mineral and Rock Boxes Hammersley; Griffin
GERM 1A: Elementary German Wade
GERO 100: Aging Issues in Contemporary America Walsh
GERO 101: 1: Older Adult Services and Strategies Paumer
GERO 103: Applied Care Management in Gerontology Practice Schier-Anzelmo
GERO 121: Models for Successful Aging Jensen
GERO 130: Gerontology Practicum Jensen
GERO 131: Gerontology Capstone Practicum Jensen
GPHD 120: Typography I Park
HHS 6: 1 & 2: Medical Terminology Hampton
HIST 10: 1: History's Mysteries Bly
HIST 10: 1 & 3: History's Mysteries Lee
HIST 102A: Culture and Language in Modern Greece, 1821-1909 Lagos
HIST 102B: 1 & 2: History of Modern Greece Lagos
HIST 109: 1: History of Modern Greece Lagos
HIST 111: 2: Ancient Greece Lazaridis
HIST 111: Ancient Greece Reed
HIST 114: 1: Europe High Middle Ages Seery-Murphy
HIST 116: Europe, 1648-1815, The Age of Revolution Selwyn
HIST 122B: History of Women in Western Civilization, Renaissance-Present Selwyn
HIST 131: History of Sexuality in Comparative Perspective Selwyn
HIST 137A: 1: Latin American Revolutions, 20th. century Ibarra
HIST 137B: Latin American History through Film Ibarra
HIST 143A: Middle Eastern History to 1800 Atamaz-Topcu
HIST 143B: The Modern Middle East Atamaz-Topcu
HIST 148A: 1.1: Hist China:Antqty-1600 Ad Qin
HIST 151B: Founding Documents Bly
HIST 152: Young Republic, 1790-1840 Schneider
HIST 159: History of US Foreign Relations Palermo
HIST 167: History of American Women Slutsky
HIST 169: 2: Hollywood and America Gough
HIST 170A: 1: Sports in America Vann
HIST 171A: American Indian History to 1840 Schneider
HIST 174C: 1: Disability in World History Lupo
HIST 17A: 1: U.S. History 1607-1877 Lupo
HIST 17A: 2: United States History, 1607-1877 Schneider
HIST 17B: 2: United States History, 1877-Present Palermo
HIST 17B: 3: United States History, 1877-Present Burke
HIST 17B: 4: United States History, 1877-Present Tamai
HIST 18B: Becoming America: Immigrants in American History, 1877-Present Ettinger
HIST 191: 2: Seminar in Historical Interpretation and Analysis Burke
HIST 191: Seminar in Historical Interpretation and Analysis Selwyn
HIST 192A: Seminar in Recent Interpretations of United States History Palermo
HIST 192C: 2: Seminar in Recent Interpretations of Asian History Dym
HIST 192Z: Seminar in Recent Interpretations of a Special Topic Siegel
HIST 197A: Senior Research Seminar: Public History Tamai
HIST 198: Summative Assessment for Teachers Burke
HIST 209C: Research and Writing in World History Lazaridis
HIST 50: 2 & 6: World History I: to 1500 Vann
HIST 500: Culminating Experience Vann
HIST 6: Asian Civilizations Dym
HLSC 112: Disease Prevention Brincko
HLSC 130: 2: Alcohol and Other Drugs Diaz
HLSC 147: Health Data Analysis Nave
HLSC 151: Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System Perez
HONR 1: First Year Seminar: Education, Self-Examination, and Living Cook
HROB 101: 2: The Management of Contemporary Organizations Michael
HROB 101: 9: The Management of Contemporary Organizations Shao
HROB 151: Management of Human Resources Michael
HRS 11: Arts and Ideas of the West: Renaissance to Modern Shinbrot
HRS 113: The Culture of Classical Greece Nystrom
HRS 114: 1: Culture of Classical Rome Spitzer
HRS 117: 1: Paganism In Roman World Brodd
HRS 119: 2: Classical Mythology Warnes
HRS 121: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Akiyama
HRS 131: Medieval Culture Doyno
HRS 154: Food, Farming, and the Sacred Warnes
HRS 155: Spirit and Nature Jaoudi
HRS 169: 2: Hollywood and America Gough
HRS 171: 1: Introduction to the East Asian World Qin
HRS 190D: Seminar in HRS: Death and Afterlife Brodd
HRS 196S: 1: Storytelling & Myth in World Cultures Dubois
HRS 290D: Seminar in HRS: Death and Afterlife Brodd
HRS 296S: 1: Seminar in HRS: Story & Myth Dubois
HRS 296S: Seminar in HRS: Story & Myth Brodd
HRS 4: 1: Exploring World Religions Karam
HRS 4: 2: Exploring World Religions Dubois
HRS 4: Exploring World Religions Akiyama
HRS 70: 1: Arts and Ideas of Asia Qin
IBUS 190: 1: International Business Chinen
ID 96I: Exp Offerings Intd Studies Fuller
IMBA 211: Global Corporate Finance Liu
INTD 124A: American Design Sledge
INTD 153: Interior Design Studio I Sledge
INTD 163: 1: Interior Architecture Studio 2 Gibbs
INTD 175: Professional Practice III Galvez-moretti
INTD 183: 1: Advanced interior Design Studio Galvez-moretti
INTD 185: Pro Practice - Career Preparation Potts
INTD 196: Professional Preparation Roddy
INTD 96: 1: Intro to INTD Arch Studio/CAD Gibbs
IPE Book Club: IPE Book Club Stark
ITAL 102: 1: Italian Advanced Conversation Ardeni
ITAL 103: Italian Advanced Conversation Ardeni
ITAL 104A: 2: Introduction to Italian Cinema I Silvestri
JAPN 128: 1: Introduction to Japanese Popular Culture Vassil
JOUR 153: Mass Media Law and Regulation Gardner
JOUR 55: 2: Media Communication and Society Gooley-Carson
JOUR 55: Media Communication and Society Gale
KINS 132: 1-3: Plan, Design + Management Fitness Center Tompkins
KINS 137: Sociology Of Sport Jamieson
KINS 151: Kinesiology Imamura
KINS 152S: 4: Energy Production and Performance Panchal
KINS 158: 1: Motor Learning and Control Morris
KINS 158: Motor Learning Brown
KINS 99: 2: Exercise Healthy Living Hoyt
LIB 101: 1: CR TESTING Pulido
MATH 1: Mathematical Reasoning Walker
MATH 24: Modern Business Mathematics White
MATH 30: Calculus I Ghosh Hajra
MATH 35: Introduction to Linear Algebra Wiscons
ME 120: 1 ,3, & 5: Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engr Romani
ME 138: Concurrent Product and Process Design Suh
ME 157: Solar Energy Engineering Romani
ME 159: 1: High Efficiency HVAC Romani
ME 37: 10: Manufacturing Processes Tang
ME 76: 3 & 4: Programming & Problem Solving Chen
MGMT 102: 3: Business Communications Ozcelik
MGMT 102: 5: Business Communications Embree
MGMT 102: 7: Business Communications Fuller
MGMT 102: 8: Business Communications Jeppeson
MGMT 102: Business Communications Benfield
MGMT 21: First Year Seminar: Becoming an Educated Person Jeppeson
MIS 140: Business Telecommunications Ashtari
MKTG 101: 2: Principles Of Marketing Tong
MUSC 10A: 1: Survey of Music Literatire I Wilcox
MUSC 10C: Survey of Music Literature III Thompson
MUSC 110: 1: Research in Music History Thompson
MUSC 110: Research in Music History Frankenbach
MUSC 136C: 1: Song Literature for Solo Performance and Study Fisher
MUSC 206: Topics in Music History Frankenbach
MUSC 42: 1: Introductory Composition Li
NUFD 10: 1: Nutrition And Wellness Buchan
NUFD 10: 3: Nutrition And Wellness Shilts
NUFD 10: Nutrition And Wellness El-Murr
NUFD 113: Nutrition And Metabolism Buchan
NUFD 115: Nutrition: Pre-conception Through Childhood Braunstein
NUFD 119: Nutrition: Adolescence through Older Adulthood Braunstein
NURS 143: Leadership and Management in Nursing Practice Jacobs
NURS 160: Human Sexuality Lakich
One Book: One Book
OPM 101: 5 & 6: Operations Management Lojo
PHIL 102: Professional and Public Service Ethics Binder
PHIL 104: Bioethics DiSilvestro; Denman
PHIL 117: Existentialism Warnes
PHIL 2: Ethics DiSilvestro
PHIL 6: Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge, World and Self Chung
PHIL 61: Inductive Logic I Vandergriff
PHOT 102: 1: Photography, A Social History Dertinger
PHOT 141: Intermediate Darkroom Photography Shepard
PHOT 149: 1: Artificial Light, Location Shepard
PHOT 15: Survey of Photography Gregory
PHOT 165: Issues in Contemp Photo Practice Gregory
PHOT 175: 1: Studio Topics in Photography Gregory
PHOT 40: 1: Beginning Darkroom Photography Shepard
PHOTO 165: 1 & 2: Issues in Contemp Photo Practice Gregory
PHOTO 180: 1 & 2: Senior Capstone in Photography Gregory
PHYS 107: Conceptual Physics and Scientific Inquiry Armstrong
PHYS 187: Seeing the Light Ray
POLS 1: 11: American Government Lapp
POLS 1: 3: Essentials of Government Shiu
POLS 1: 4: Essentials of Government Martin
POLS 1: 6: Essentials Of Government Nalder
POLS 1: 7: Essentials Of Government Choppin
POLS 1: 8 & 9 & 10: Essentials Of Government Higgins
POLS 111: 2 & 3: Modern Political Thought II Brown
POLS 113: American Political Thought Tutschka
POLS 114: Feminist Political Thought Daily
POLS 120B: Constitutional Rights and Liberties Snyder
POLS 127: International Law Rae
POLS 130: 2: International Politics Cannon
POLS 130: 4: International Politics Rae
POLS 136: International Political Economy Cannon
POLS 138: UN Simulation Shiu
POLS 140: 2: Comparative Politics Lapp
POLS 140: Comparative Politics Lee
POLS 145: 2: Government and Politics in Asia Lee
POLS 145: Government and Politics in Asia Rae
POLS 147: Latin American Government and Politics Lapp
POLS 150: American Governments Shiu
POLS 155: The Legislative Process Hussey
POLS 157: Politics, Opinion, and Participation Nalder
POLS 162: American Film and Culture in the Nuclear Age Rae
POLS 166: Gender Politics Lee
POLS 180: 1: California State and Local Government Hussey
POLS 180: California State and Local Government Latino
POLS 293A: Senate Fellows Introductory Seminar Latino
POLS 293B: Senate Fellows Policy Seminar Latino
POLS 35: 3: World Politics Razavi
PPA 200: 1 & 2: Intro to Public Policy & Administration Kumar
PSYC 100: 2: Cross-cultural Psychology Dhindsa
PSYC 100: 3: Cross-Cultural Psychology Kim-Ju
PSYC 100: 5: Cross-Cultural Psychology Aceves-Azuara
PSYC 100: Cross-cultural Psychology Flicker
PSYC 102: Advanced Methods and Statistics in Psychological Research Qin
PSYC 103: Perception Strand
PSYC 110: 02: Cognitive Psychology Cabrera-haro
PSYC 110: 2: Cognitive Psychology Qin
PSYC 120: 4: Psychological Testing Hurtz
PSYC 121: 7: Methods and Statistics in Psychological Research Furtak
PSYC 122: 2: Qualitative Research in Psychology Aceves-Azuara
PSYC 130: Personality Theories Shen
PSYC 135: 2.1: Psychology of Multicultural Groups Garcia Peraza
PSYC 135: Psychology of Multicultural Groups Young
PSYC 143: Practicum in Community Psychology Knifsend
PSYC 148: Child Psychology Tanaka
PSYC 149: 2: Psychology of Adolescence Tanaka
PSYC 149: Psychology of Adolescence Knifsend
PSYC 150: 3: Psychological Aspects of Aging Walsh
PSYC 150: Psychological Aspects of Aging Soares-Dabalos
PSYC 151: 3: Psychological Aspects of Death and Dying Walsh
PSYC 168: 2: Abnormal Psychology Shen
PSYC 168: 3: Abnormal Psychology Flicker
PSYC 168: Abnormal Psychology Akutsu
PSYC 169: Industrial Psychology Hurtz
PSYC 171: 4: Applied Behavior Analysis Penrod
PSYC 181: 1,2,3: Exper Analysis Behavior Miguel
PSYC 184: Clinical Issues in Applied Behavior Analysis Penrod
PSYC 185: Psychology of Exceptional Children Heinicke
PSYC 191: 1: Ethics in Behavior Analysis Zhelezoglo
PSYC 2: 10: Introductory Psychology Brand
PSYC 2: 2: Introductory Psychology McKeown
PSYC 2: Introductory Psychology Clifford
PSYC 268: Advanced Psychopathology Flicker
PSYC 281: Advanced Experimental Analysis of Behavior Miguel
PSYC 4: Navigating Psychology Flicker
PSYC 8: 2: Methods of Psychology Tanaka
PSYC 8: 7: Methods of Psychology Knifsend
PSYC 9: 2: Introductory Statistics for Psychology Clifford
PT 600: Pathokinesiology Escamilla
PT 604: Principles of Human Movement Macleod
PT 606: Therapeutic Measurements and Techniques Dias
PT 622: Evidence Informed Practice II Macleod
PT 634: Diagnostic Imaging for Physical Therapy Macleod
PT 636: Geriatrics/Gerontology for Physical Therapists Lazaro
PT 662: Differential Diagnosis in Physical Therapy Garcia
PT 663: Integumentary Care Macleod
PUBH 100: 2: Fundamentals of Safety and Health Gebo
PUBH 100: 3: Fundamentals of Safety and Health Asseko
PUBH 114: 1: Human Ecology+Health Younis; Emeh; Borg; Diaz
PUBH 116: 2: Public Health Policy, Management & Administration Garcia-ochoa
PUBH 119: 2: Community Health Promotion Burton
PUBH 122: 1: Health Psychology Ho
PUBH 124: 1: Ethical Considerations in Public Health Suleiman
PUBH 130: Alcohol and Other Drugs Nozicka
PUBH 134: 2: Understanding Human Sexuality Borg
PUBH 136: School Health Education Sheffield
PUBH 148: 1: Epidemiology Mansyur
PUBH 148: Epidemiology Diaz
PUBH 151: Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System Crandell
PUBH 153: 1 & 2: Fundamentals of Health Care Administration Gebo
Reference: Reference Zhou
RPTA 106: 2: Introduction to Inclusive Recreation and Recreation Therapy Jorgensen-Easterla
RPTA 106: Introduction to Inclusive Recreation and Recreation Therapy Luvaas
RPTA 116: Recreation Therapy Principles and Practices and the Recreation Therapy Process Luvaas
RPTA 117: 2: Recreation Therapy and Contemporary Aspects of Disability Krause
RPTA 119: Inclusive Recreation Luvaas
RPTA 122: 2: Perspectives On Leisure Sheppard
RPTA 124: 1: The Science of Nature Engagement & Human Health and Wellbeing Young
RPTA 124: 3: The Science of Nature Engagement Elder-Gok
RPTA 126: The Science of Play Jorgensen-Easterla; Erickson; Elder-Gok; Merritt
RPTA 130: Community Sport Programming Bening
RPTA 137: Community Organization Jorgensen-Easterla
RPTA 164: Leadership and Fundraising for Non-profit Organizations Krause
RPTA 30: 2: Recreation, Park & Tourism in Contemporary Society Jorgensen-Easterla
RPTA 30: Recreation, Parks and Tourism in Contemporary Society Bening; Martinez
RPTA 32: Leadership and Group Development Bening
RPTA 42: Recreation and Parks: Natural, Cultural, and Heritage Resources Rolloff
SOC 1: 2: Principles of Sociology Varesio
SOC 1: 8: Principles of Sociology Carnero
SOC 1: 8.1: Principles of Sociology Yonemura
SOC 1: Principles of Sociology Tello
SOC 101: 1: Intro To Stat For Soc Burke
SOC 101: Introduction to Statistics for Sociologists Fitzgerald
SOC 102: 5: Research Methods Menard
SOC 102: Research Design and Analysis Duckett
SOC 106: 1: Births,Deaths+Borders Burke
SOC 120: 4: Ethnic and Race Relations Durden
SOC 120: Ethnic and Race Relations Rodriguez
SOC 123: Black Studies in Sociology Yonemura
SOC 124: Social Justice in Interdisciplinary Perspective Carnero
SOC 126: 1: Sociology of Gender Durden
SOC 150: 2: Social Psychology Durden
SOC 150: Social Psychology Ida
SOC 156: Delinquency Duckett
SOC 158: Sociology of Deviance Duckett
SOC 166: The Family Fitzgerald
SOC 168: Self and Society Durden
SOC 171: 1: Sociology of Religion Welkley
SOC 192: 2: Sociological Theory Pappas
SOC 192: Sociological Theory Luna
SOC 3: 2: Social Problems Varesio
SOC 3: Social Problems Tello
SOC 8: Sense and Nonsense in Social Issues and Research Varesio
SPAN 7: Spanish Read Proficiency Boyer
STAT 50: Introduction to Probability and Statistics Cetin
SWRK 102: 1.1: Crosscultural Theory and Practice Furio
SWRK 102: 2: Crosscultural Theory and Practice: Issues of Race, Gender, and Class Roberts
SWRK 102: Crosscultural Theory and Practice: Issues of Race, Gender, and Class Woodford
SWRK 11: 1 & 4: Introduction to Research Methods and Program Evaluation Dinis
SWRK 110: Statistics and Research for Social Workers Nam
SWRK 111: 2: Research Methods and Program Evaluation Nam
SWRK 111: Research Methods and Program Evaluation Dinis
SWRK 125A: 2: Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Theory Montgomery
SWRK 125A: Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Theory Williams
SWRK 125B: 1.1: Human Behavior Soc Environment Constante
SWRK 125B: 7: Human Behavior in the Social Environment Coppedge
SWRK 125B: Human Behavior/Social Environment: Infancy through Adolescence Williams
SWRK 129: Human Sexuality in Social Work Perspectives Woodford
SWRK 134: Crimes without victims Stafford
SWRK 140A: Social Work Practice Stafford
SWRK 140C: Undergraduate Practice DEMETRAL
SWRK 150: 1 & 4: Welfare in America Coppedge
SWRK 151: 2: Health Services and Systems Evans
SWRK 151: Health Services and Systems Stafford
SWRK 195: Field Instruction and Integration Seminar Reed
SWRK 202: 2: Social Work and Diverse Populations Nylund
SWRK 202: 4: Social Work and Diverse Populations Kenney
SWRK 204A: 2: Social Work Practice I Reed
SWRK 204A: 4: Social Work Practice I Savin
SWRK 204B: 2: Beginning Social Work Practice II Reed
SWRK 206A: Advanced Behavioral Health Furio
SWRK 206B: All: Advanced Behavioral Health Kenney
SWRK 208: 1: Multi-Level Practice in Health and Aging Savin
SWRK 208A: 1: Multi-Level Practice for Health & Aging Reed
SWRK 208B: 1: Multi-Level Practice in Health and Aging Reed
SWRK 213: 2: Public Child Welfare Practice Christian
SWRK 223: 2: DSM New Developments in Psychodiagnosis Demetral
SWRK 235A: Theoretical Bases of Social Behavior Furio
SWRK 235B: Theoretical Bases of Social Behavior Furio
SWRK 245: Death, Grief, and Growth Reed
SWRK 250: 4: Field Seminar Savin
SWRK 254: Advanced Policy for Health & Aging Evans
SWRK 261: Grant Writing and Resource Development Evans
SWRK 298A: Field Instruction for Health & Aging Reed
SWRK 501: Advanced Research Methods Reed
SWRK 95: 1: Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives Constante
SWRK 95: 1 & 2: Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives Montgomery
SWRK 95: Introduction to Social Work Hill Hughes
THEA 107: 1: Directing Limon
THEA 155: Contemporary World Cinema Glamsch
THEA 16: Stagecraft
THEA 173: Contemporary Chicano/Latino Theatre: Themes and Performance 1965-Present Limon
THEA 174: Multicultural Perspectives in American Theatre Limon
THEA 2: History of the Theatre: Ancient to Renaissance Kaplan
WGS 125: Sex & Gender in South Asia Moni
WGS 139: 1: Violence Against Women Moni
WGS 139: 1.1: Violence against women Nunez
WGS 175: 1: Gender & Disability Jones
WGS 50: Introduction to LGBTQ Studies Terry
WGS 75: Introduction to Disability Studies Jones
WLL 15: 1: World Literatures in Film Ardeni
WOMS 110: Introduction to the Women's Movement in Contemporary Society Moni
WOMS 125: Sex & Gender in South Asia Moni
WOMS 136: Gender, Race, and Class Mukiibi
WOMS 137: 1 & 2: Women of Color Moni
WOMS 146: Women in Art Hall
WOMS 85: Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies Moni

Last updated 03-13-2025 2:00 pm