HIST 500: Culminating Experience


Title Author Location Call Number Availability
How Europe underdeveloped Africa Rodney, Walter,
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HC800 .R636 2018
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King Leopold's ghost: a story of greed, terror and heroism in colonial Africa Hochschild, Adam
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DT 655 .H63 1998 pc
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Round-Trip to America : The Immigrants Return to Europe, 1880-1930 Wyman, Mark
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River of smoke Ghosh, Amitav
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PR 9499.3.G536 R58 2011 pc
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A history of bombing Lindqvist, Sven
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UG 625 .L56 2001 pc
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Before European hegemony : the world system A.D. 1250-1350 Abu-Lughod, Janet L.
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HC 41 .A28 1989 pc
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Empire of cotton : a global history (First Vintage books edition.) Beckert, Sven,
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HD9870.5 .B43 2015eb
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American revolutions : a continental history, 1750-1804 Taylor, Alan
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E 208 .T36 2016 pc
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Hungering for America : Italian, Irish, and Jewish foodways in the age of migration Diner, Hasia R.
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GT 2853 .U5 D54 2001 pc
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Crossing the color line : race, sex, and the contested politics of colonialism in Ghana Ray, Carina E.,
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DT510.4 R39 2015eb
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Forced Founders : Indians, Debtors, Slaves, and the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia Holton, Wood
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E 210 .H695 1999 pc
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Melancholy order : Asian migration and the globalization of borders Mckeown, Adam M.
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JV 8490 .M44 2008 pc
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Righteous discontent: the women's movement in the Black Baptist Church, 1880-1920 Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks
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Black Morocco : a history of slavery, race, and Islam El Hamel, Chouki,
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DT313.6.B5 E5 2013
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African print cultures : newspapers and their publics in the twentieth century Newell, Stephanie, Hunter, Emma, Peterson, Derek R., (editors)
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The Irish way : becoming American in the multiethnic city Barrett, James R.
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E 184.I6 B273 2012 pc
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Round-Trip to America : The Immigrants Return to Europe, 1880-1930 Wyman, Mar
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E 184 .E95 W96 1993 pc
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The marketplace of revolution : how consumer politics shaped American independence Breen, T. H
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E 209 .B77 2004 pc
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Crossing the color line : race, sex, and the contested politics of colonialism in Ghana Ray, Carina E.
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DT 510.4 R39 2015 pc
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The Cold War : a world history Westad, Odd Arne
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D 843 .W445 2017 pc
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Empire of cotton : a global history Beckert, Sven
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HD 9870.5 .B43 2015 pc
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African print cultures : newspapers and their publics in the twentieth century Peterson, Derek R.
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PN 5450 .A3795 2016 pc
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Black Morocco : a history of slavery, race, and Islam El Hamel, Chouki
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DT 313.6 .B5 E5 2013 pc
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The second coming of the KKK : the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American political tradition Gordon, Linda
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HS 2330 .K63 G63 2017 pc
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Notes from the cracked ceiling : Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and what it will take for a woman to win Kornblut, Anne E.
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HQ 1236.5 .U6 K67 2010 pc
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Americans at the gate : the United States and refugees during the Cold War Bon Tempo, Carl J.
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Revolutionary mothers : women in the struggle for America's independence Berkin, Carol
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E 276 .B47 2005 pc
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Righteous discontent : the women's movement in the Black Baptist Church, 1880-1920 Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks
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BX 6447 .H54 1993 pc
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The Negro in the American Revolution (1st ed.) Quarles, Benjamin,
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E269.B53 .Q37 1996
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Americans at the gate : the United States and refugees during the Cold War Bon Tempo, Carl J.
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JV 6601 .B66 2008 pc
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Impossible subjects : illegal aliens and the making of modern America Ngai, Mae M.
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KF 4800 .N485 2004 pc
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From resistance to revolution; colonial radicals and the development of American opposition to Britain, 1765-1776 Maier, Pauline
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E 210 .M27 1972 pc
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American immigration : a very short introduction David A. Gerber
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Forced Founders : Indians, Debtors, Slaves, and the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia Holton, Woody ,
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E210 .H658 1999
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The great divergence : China, Europe, and the making of the modern world economy Pomeranz, Kenneth
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HC 240 .P5965 2000 pc
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Guns, germs, and steel : the fates of human societies Diamond, Jared M.
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HM 206 .D48 1997 pc
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The making of the English working class Thompson, E. P.
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HD 8388 .T47 pc
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African perspectives on colonialism Boahen, A. Adu
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JV246 .B63 1987 pc
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Impossible subjects: illegal aliens and the making of modern America Mae M. Ngai
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The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America Rosen, Ruth
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HQ 1421 .R68 2000 pc
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God of liberty : a religious history of the American Revolution Kidd, Thomas S.
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BR 520 .K53 2010 pc
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Manliness & civilization : a cultural history of gender and race in the United States, 1880-1917 Bederman, Gail
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HQ 1075.5 .U6 B43 1995 pc
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God of liberty : a religious history of the American Revolution Kidd, Thomas S.
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When victims become killers: colonialism, nativism, and the genocide in Rwanda Mamdani, Mahmood
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DT 450.435 .M35 2001 pc
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The politics of war : race, class, and conflict in revolutionary Virginia McDonnell, Michael A.
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E 263.V8 M39 2007 pc
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The age of trade : the Manila galleons and the dawn of the global economy Giráldez, Arturo
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HF 353 .G57 2015 pc
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The fate of Africa: a history of fifty years of independence Meredith, Martin
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DT 30.5 .M455 2005 pc
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The politics of war : race, class, and conflict in revolutionary Virginia McDonnell, Michael A.
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The radicalism of the American Revolution Wood, Gordon S.
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E 209 .W65 1992 pc
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The world and a very small place in Africa : a history of globalization in Niumi, the Gambia (3rd ed.) Wright, Donald R.
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DT 532.23 .W75 2010 pc
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The world that trade created : society, culture, and the world economy, 1400 to the present (4th ed.) Pomeranz, Kenneth
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HF 352 .P58 W67 2018 pc
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They came before Columbus : the African presence in ancient America Van Sertima, Ivan
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E 109.A35 V36 2003 pc
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The dawn watch : Joseph Conrad in a global world Jasanoff, Maya
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PR 6005 .O4 Z7475 2017 pc
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The métis of Senegal : urban life and politics in French West Africa Jones, Hilary
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DT 549.9 .S24 J66 2013 pc
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American colonies: the settling of North America Taylor, Alan
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E 188 .T35 2001 pc
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How Europe underdeveloped Africa Rodney, Walter
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HC 800 .R62 2018 pc
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The ideological origins of the American Revolution (Fiftieth anniversary edition) Bailyn, Bernard
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JA 84.U5 B3 2017 pc
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American immigration : a very short introduction Gerber, David A.
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JV 6465 .G47 2011 pc
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How to hide an empire : a history of the greater United States Immerwahr, Daniel
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F 965 .I46 2019 pc
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The Minutemen and their world Gross, Robert A.
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F 74.C8 G76 1976 pc
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Working toward whiteness : how America's immigrants became white : the strange journey from Ellis Island to the suburbs Roediger, David R.
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E 184 .A1 R645 2006 pc
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The Negro in the American Revolution Quarles, Benjamin
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E 269.N3 Q3 1996 pc
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The age of trade : the Manila galleons and the dawn of the global economy Giráldez, Arturo
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Hungering for America : Italian, Irish, and Jewish foodways in the age of migration Diner, Hasia R.
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Sea of poppies Ghosh, Amitav
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PR 9499.3 .G536 S43 2008 pc
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The rise and fall of the plantation complex : essays in Atlantic history (2nd ed.) Curtin, Philip D.
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HT 1048 .C87 1998 pc
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The Métis of Senegal : Urban Life and Politics in French West Africa Jones, Hilary
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Manliness & civilization: a cultural history of gender and race in the United States, 1880-1917 Bederman, Gail
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The melting-pot Zangwill, Israel
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PR 5922 .M4 2015 pc
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The rise and fall of the plantation complex : essays in Atlantic history (Second edition.) Curtin, Philip D.,
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HT1048 .C87 1998
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Tambora : the eruption that changed the world Wood, Gillen D'Arcy
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QC 981.8 .V65 W66 2014 pc
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Last updated 03-14-2025 10:12 pm