
Course Reserves

Course Instructor
6011: 60: Preparation for Success in Graduate Education Thomas
ACCT 4260: 04: Introduction to Taxation Dorocak
ACCT 5360: 61: Corporate and Partnership Taxation Dorocak
ACCT 6300: 01: Advanced Tax Topics: Corporate Taxation Dorocak
ADMN 6010: 61: Data-Driven Decision Making He
ANTH 3500: 60: The Race Concept in Biological Anthropology Schulz
ANTH 3603: 60: Gendered Worlds: Power, Difference, and & In/equality Velasquez
ANTH 6004: 01: History and Theory of Archaeology Hepp
BIOL 2200: 01,02: Microbiology for Allied Health Majors Pupka
BIOL 3100: 01,02,03: Cell Biology Rhoads
BIOL 3100: 05: Cell Biology Valdez
BIOL 3120: 01,02,03,04,05: Molecular Biology Newcomb
BIOL 3700: 04,05,06: Evolution Polcyn
BIOL 4130: 01: Biology of Stem Cells Sanderman
BIOL 4140: 01: Biology of Cancer Valdez
CAL 3400: 60: Enduring Questions in Literature, Culture, and Society: Surveillance Lehigh
CAL 3700: 60: African Arts Heritage May
CD 2205: 03: Diversity in Child Development Granado
CD 2244: 01: Observation and Methods: Infant and Toddler Development Del Pilar
CD 2246: 60: Observation and Methods: School Age Development Flores Marin
CD 2281: 03,04: Effective Interactions with Infants and Toddlers: Laboratory Beld
CD 2291: 01,02: Effective Interactions with Preschool and Early School Agers: Laboratory Nunez Chavez
CD 2291: 03,04: Effective Interactions with Preschool and Early School Agers: Laboratory Saucedo
CD 2292: 01,02: Preschool and Early School Age Activities and Programs: Laboratory Ventura
CD 3303: 03: Parenting and Family Relations Granado
CD 3310: 02: Applied Research Methods Rosales
CD 3342: 60: Developmental Psychobiology in Childhood Johnson
CD 3342: 86: Developmental Psychobiology in Childhood Quinlan
CD 3384: 02,60: Social and Emotional Development Granado
CD 4498: 02,03,60: Advanced Child and Family Development Hodge
CD 5822: 01: Special Topics in Child Development Rosales
CD 6690: 01: Advanced Families and Parenting Kang
CHEM 2050: 01: Survey of General Chemistry Yang
CHEM 2070: 02: Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biochemistry Jiang
CHEM 2100: 06: General Chemistry I Mink
CHEM 2200: 01,02,03,04: General Chemistry II Mink
CHEM 2400L: 02,03,04,05,07: Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 2500L: 01,02,03: Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
CHEM 3100: 60: Chemistry and the Environment Stanley
CHEM 3200: 01,02: Quantitative Analysis Beyersdorf
CHEM 3400: 01,02: Principles of Organic Chemistry I Cousins
CHEM 4100: 02: Biochemistry I Jiang
CHEM 4100L: 01,02: Biochemistry I Laboratory Jiang; Kim
CHEM 4600: 01: Physical Chemistry for Biochemists I Yang
CJUS 1102: 01: Criminal Law Kremling
CJUS 3311: 60: Research Methods in Criminal Justice Fujita
CJUS 3330: 01: Correctional Theory and Institutions Weiss
CJUS 3330: 80: Correctional Theory and Institutions Merrall
CJUS 3470: 01,60: Crime Prevention Marteache Solans
CJUS 4466: 01: Justice and the Media Merrall
CJUS 5504: 01: Criminal Procedure Kremling
CJUS 5556: 60: Transnational Organized Crime Kremling
CJUS 5585: 01: Life Course Criminality Weiss
CJUS 5598: 01: Integrative Studies in Criminal Justice Merrall
CJUS 5598: 60: Integrative Studies in Criminal Justice Shteynberg
CJUS 6604: 60: Advanced Techniques of Basic and Applied Research in Criminal Justice Bichler
CJUS 6631: 60: Seminar in Corrections Giuffre
COMM 2101: 03: Introduction to Communication Studies Gotch
COMM 2201: 60,62,86: Intercultural Communication Fong
COMM 2291: 01: Practicum in Relational and Organizational Communication: Traning & Development Grant
COMM 3102: 63,86: Media, Culture, and Society Muhtaseb
COMM 3212: 02: Persuasion Gotch
COMM 3301: 01: Media Institutions in Context Corrigan
COMM 3301: 60: Media Institutions in Context Bahk
COMM 3402: 60: Writing for Public Relations Robinson
COMM 4101: 63,64,86: Communication Research Methodology Bergquist
COMM 4102: 60,61: Ethical Aspects of Communication Gotch
COMM 4302: 61: Latinx, Media, and Cultures Alvarado
COUN 6220: 01: Introduction to Counseling Darrigo-Patrick
COUN 6220: 02: Introduction to Counseling Myers
COUN 6220: 03: Introduction to Counseling Wrenn
COUN 6220: 04: Introduction to Counseling Navarrete
COUN 6220: 05: Introduction to Counseling Trejo
COUN 6220: 06: Introduction to Counseling Nguyen
COUN 6222: 01: Law & Ethics in Counseling Stewart
COUN 6236: 60,61: Psychopharmacology Stewart
COUN 6239: 01: Family Counseling Darrigo-Patrick
COUN 6239: 02: Family Counseling Wrenn
CSE 2130: 01,02: Machine Organization Ngobi
CSE 2130: 60,61: Machine Organization Georgiou
CSE 4550: 01: Software Engineering Abdoli
CSE 4550: 02: Software Engineering Jin
CSE 4600: 60,61: Operating Systems Zhang
CSE 5000: 60: Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata Theory Georgiou
CSE 5000: 61: Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata Theory Ghasemianmoghaddam
CSE 5120: 01,60: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Khan
CSE 5160: 02: Machine Learning Jin
CSE 5160: 61: Machine Learning Qiao
CSE 5410: 03,04: Robotics and Control Qiao
CSE 6300: 01,02: Theory of Algorithms and Their Analysis Salloum
CSE 6550: 01: Software Engineering Concepts Alzahrani
DES 4100: 01,02: Design Center - Collaborative Project-Based Learning Davis
EDMS 4101A: 60: Language Arts Teaching and Learning Castro
EDMS 5104: 60,61: Mathematics Teaching and Learning Sung
EDMS 5104: 63: Mathematics Teaching and Learning Nguyen
EDSP 6656: 61: Counseling Theories Leach
EMAT 5101: 01,02: Education, Diversity and Social Justice Tórrez
ENG 1050A: 01,03: Stretch Composition I Henery
ENG 1050A: 07,10: Stretch Composition I Wilcoxen
ENG 1050A: 09,16: Stretch Composition I Priamos
ENG 1050A: 15: Stretch Composition I Koepp
ENG 1050A: 80,81: Stretch Composition I Whatford
ENG 1070A: 01,08: First-Year Composition Henery
ENG 1070A: 60: First-Year Composition Priamos
ENG 1070A: 63: First-Year Composition Wilcoxen
ENG 1070A: 80,82: First-Year Composition Whatford
ENG 1120: 01: Speculative Fiction: Science Fiction, Horror, Fantasy: Horror Wasserstein
ENG 1120: 60: Speculative Fiction: Science Fiction, Horror, Fantasy: Horror Luck
ENG 1200: 61: Multi-Ethnic American Literature: Multi- Ethnic Am Lit Arakawa
ENG 1210: 06: Diversity Literature and Social Justice: Diversity Lit And Justice Asbell
ENG 1210: 60: Diversity Literature and Social Justice: Diversity Lit And Justice Wilcoxen
ENG 1210: 61: Diversity Literature and Social Justice: Diversity Lit And Justice Arakawa
ENG 1210: 86: Diversity Literature and Social Justice: Diversity Lit And Justice Lehigh
ENG 1300: 05.06: Foundation Seminar: Language, Society, and Power Asbell
ENG 1700: 60: Studies in Literature and Creative Writing Priamos
ENG 1700: 86: Studies in Literature and Creative Writing Lehigh
ENG 3000: 04,07: Studies in Global Literatures Garascia
ENG 3000: 62: Studies in Global Literatures Arakawa
ENG 3010: 01: Analysis of Poetry and Drama Hatch
ENG 3060: 63: Writing as Academic Inquiry Priamos
ENG 3140: 01,02: Native American and Indigenous Literatures Knapp
ENG 3140: 86: Native American and Indigenous Literatures Lehigh
ENG 3200: 01,03,60,86: Literature for Children and Young Adults Quinn
ENG 3400: 01: Analysis of Environmental Discourse Wilcoxen
ENG 3750: 01: Studies in Literary Theory Garascia
ENG 3750: 03: Studies in Literary Theory Smith
ENG 4400: 01: Studies in a Literary Period or Movement: Weird Fiction Garascia
ENG 4750: 01: Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama Andersen
ENG 5150: 03: Senior Seminar in Literature: Nathanael West And Hollywood Moran
ENG 5160: 01: Professional Pathways for English Majors Hyon
ENG 6510: 01: Seminar in a Literary Topic: Satire And Subversion Andersen
EREH 6615: 60,61: Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling Quamar
EREH 6616: 60,61: Medical Aspects of Disability Across the Life Span Lee
EREH 6625: 60,61: Fieldwork in Rehabilitation Counseling Yalamanchili
ES 3390: 01: Black Studies Brown
ESEC 6002: 60,63: Educational Equity and Advocacy Miller
ESEC 6003: 61,62: Pedagogical Foundations for English Language Learners in Secondary Classrooms Kirchhoff
ESEC 6005: 96: Literacy Across the Content Areas Lewis
ESEC 6011: 60: Methods of Teaching in the Content Areas: English Lewis
ESEC 6013: 60: Methods of Teaching in the Content Areas: Mathematics Tasova
ESPE 3350: 60,61: Introduction to Special Populations for General Education Teachers Franklin-Guy
ESPE 6602: 61,62: Research in Special Education Silva
ESPE 6631: 60,61: Assessment for Planning and Instruction Taghipour-Sharghi
ESPE 6639: 60: Collaboration and Consultation in Special Education Taghipour-Sharghi
ESPE 6672: 60: Birth to Age Three Methods in Early Childhood Special Education Stone-MacDonald
ESTM 6134: 61,62: Assessment in STEM Education Nguyen
ESTM 6203: 60: Advanced Teaching Methods in STEM Education Tasova
ETEC 6480: 60: E-Learning Delivery and Evaluation Chen
FIN 1001: 61: Financial Choices in Life Stevenson
FIN 3001: 01,02,04,05,60,61,80: Finance I
FIN 4320: 01: Financial Institutions and Capital Market Beer
FREN 2900: 01: French Literature and Film in English Martin
FREN 3900: 60,61,62: Voices & Visions from the Francophone World: Women Writers Morgan
GEOG 1030: 01: Physical Geography Meek
GEOG 1030: 02: Physical Geography Goforth
GEOG 1030L: 01: Physical Geography Laboratory Goforth
GEOG 2250: 64,65: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Cartography Shaw
GEOG 3300: 01,02: Weather and Climate Goforth
GEOG 3630: 60: Environmental Justice Youngs
GEOG 4360: 01: Climate Change Meek
GEOG 4880: 01,61: Remote Sensing of the Environment Xu
GEOL 1090: 01,02,03,80,90: Earth: The Blue Planet Leatham
GSS 1020: 60: Introduction to Transgender Studies Asbell
HIST 1440: 60,86: World History from c.1500 Jones
HIST 1460: 61: History of the United States: Pre-Colonization to Present Robinson
HIST 3050: 01: Ancient and Medieval Europe to the Renaissance Thompson
HIST 3360: 01: Ancient Egyptian Archaeology Liszka
HIST 3460: 01: Women in the Black Freedom Movement Robinson
HIST 3560: 01: The United States, 1877-1917 Lorimer
HIST 3680: 80: The United States, 1960s Standley
HIST 3830: 01: Classical Islamic Civilization Yaghoubian
HIST 5840: 01: Proseminar in History Hawkins
HIST 5840: 60: Proseminar in History Yaghoubian
HIST 5850: 03: Research Seminar in History Gutierrez-Romine
HIST 6001: 01: Historical Thinking and Research Murray
HIST 6005: 01: Advanced Writing and Research in History Scholarship Murray
HON 1200: 06,08: Thinking Critically Zane
HON 1200: 80,81: Thinking Critically Deadman
HON 3300: 01: Social Science and the Humanities Seminar Pytell
HRM 4560: 61: Staffing Flaherty
HRM 4570: 60,61: Industrial and Labor Relations Huang
HSCI 3051: 01,60,86: Health and Human Ecology Rose
HSCI 3605: 01,80: Cultural Practices and Cuisines Murphy
HSCI 4578: 60: Environmental Health Management Kethireddy
HSCI 4621: 01,80: Foodservice Principles and Practice Elick
IST 1110: 60,61: Introduction to Information Technology He
IST 2210: 60: Computer Networks and Security He
IST 3110: 67: Management of Information Technology He
IST 4310: 60,61: Web Technologies Brown
IST 6090: 61: Information Systems and Technology Management Mosher
IST 6670: 60: Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Brown
JAPN 1111: 60,61: Beginning Japanese I Amaya
JAPN 3900: 02,03,04: Voices & Visions from the World of Japanese Anime and Manga Winston
KINE 2050: 02,05: Foundations for Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Lofrano do Prado
KINE 2050: 12: Foundations for Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Flores
KINE 2100: 01,02: Orientation to Kinesiology Castro
KINE 2100: 03: Orientation to Kinesiology Flores
KINE 2100: 04: Orientation to Kinesiology Jean
KINE 2700: 04: Introduction to Fitness and Programming Castro
KINE 3100: 01,02,03,04,05: Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity
KINE 3200: 03: Principles of Human Movement Castro
KINE 3200: 04: Principles of Human Movement Jackson
KINE 3800: 01: Exercise Physiology Chen
KINE 3800: 02,04,05,09: Exercise Physiology Harbin
KINE 4100: 02: Motor Learning and Control Bodell
KINE 4800: 04,05,06: Biomechanics Jackson
KINE 4900: 01: Seminar in Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education Rizzo
MATH 2270: 01: Differential Equations with Dynamical Systems I Scott
MATH 2372: 01: Discrete Mathematics Vicknair
MATH 3010: 01,02,03,04,06,80: Mathematical Concepts and Problem Solving for Educators I
MATH 3012: 04: Mathematical Concepts and Problem Solving for Educators II Balady
MATH 3013: 01,02,03,04,80: Mathematical Concepts and Problem Solving for Educators III
MATH 3100: 01,03: Mathematical Thinking: Communication and Proof Johnson
MATH 3272: 02: Discrete Mathematics Aikin
MATH 3345: 01: Number Theory Aikin
MATH 3372: 01: Combinatorics Johnson
MATH 5170: 01: Complex Analysis Lim
MGMT 2300: 61: Legal Environment of Organizations Johnson
MGMT 3020: 01,02: Organizational Behavior Addae
MGMT 3020: 62: Organizational Behavior Habich
MGMT 3020: 64: Organizational Behavior Seal
MGMT 3300: 01: Legal Environment of Business Johnson
MGMT 3350: 01,02: Business, Ethics, and Society Seal
MGMT 3500: 11,56: Applied Communication Bakeman
MGMT 3500: 11,56,60: Applied Communication Bakeman
MGMT 3500: 59,69: Applied Communication Boyraz
MGMT 4520: 61: Leadership and Followership Trainor
MKTG 3160: 01,65: Research Methods Choi
MKTG 3160: 62: Research Methods Kim
MKTG 3160: 63: Research Methods Paik
MKTG 3160: 64: Research Methods Tan
MKTG 4100: 01: Consumer Behavior Tameez
MKTG 4100: 62: Consumer Behavior Kordrostami
MKTG 4160: 60: Marketing Research Paik
MKTG 4160: 61: Marketing Research Newman
MKTG 4200: 62,63: Marketing Communications Song
MKTG 4300: 61: Professional Selling and Sales Management Hattar
MKTG 4600: 60: Retailing and Ecommerce Cofield
MKTG 4700: 60: International Marketing Ryan
MKTG 6050: 01: Marketing Management Tameez
MUS 3050: 01: Western Music History from 1700 to 1900 Getman
MUS 3080: 61: Women in Music Edwards
MUS 3650: 01: Music for the Screen Getman
MUS 3705: 60,61,86,97: Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers Ryden
NURS 4222: 01: Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Davis
NURS 6000: 60: Population Health Assessment Lama
NURS 6011: 60: Preparation for Success in Graduate Education Thomas
PA 3050: 60: Organizations in Multicultural and Diverse Societies Medina Gutierrez
PA 3050: 62: Organizations in Multicultural and Diverse Societies Ortiz
PA 3150: 60: Society, Business, & Global Governance Pierce
PA 3150: 62: Society, Business, & Global Governance Holliman
PA 3150: 64: Society, Business, & Global Governance McWeeney
PA 3800: 60,61: Introduction to Public Administration Gannon
PA 4630: 60: Governmental Budgeting Holliman
PA 5010: 60: Administrative Leadership Miller
PA 5170: 60: Nonprofit Fundraising and Grantwriting Medina Gutierrez
PA 5570: 60: Public Sector Labor Relations Holliman
PA 6640: 61: Management of Public Organizations Miller
PA 6800: 60: Public Policy Analysis Collins
PHIL 1001: 01: Moral Choices in Life Weede
PHIL 1005: 07: Critical Thinking Through Argument Analysis Zane
PHIL 1015: 60: Introduction to Knowledge and Reality Sedgwick
PHIL 3007: 63: Philosophy in Young Adult Literature Garcia
PHIL 3010: 01,02,05,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68: Truth, Lies and Bullshit
PHIL 3014: 02,62: Environmental Ethics Heim
PHIL 3014: 60: Environmental Ethics Sedgwick
PHIL 3040: 03,04: Philosophy and Film Johns
PHIL 3210: 01: Ancient Philosophy Tu
PHYS 1000: 01: Physics in the Modern World Litzenberger
PHYS 3100: 01: Mathematical Methods of Physics Wimberly
PHYS 3200: 01: Classical Mechanics Kim
PHYS 4700: 01: Quantum Mechanics Kolehmainen
PSCI 2030: 63: Government of the United States Borges Herrero
PSCI 3000: 60: Western Political Systems Field
PSCI 3100: 60: Classical Political Thought Villegas
PSCI 4840: 60: National Security Policy Childs
PSCI 5900: 01: Seminar in International Relations: Cases In Strategy Janiskee
PSCI 5900: 60: Seminar in International Relations: Cases In Strategy Field
PSCI 5920: 03: Seminar in Government: Research Meth Polit Sci Janiskee
PSCI 6020: 01: International Security Childs
PSYC 1100: 02: Introduction to Psychology Emery
PSYC 1100: 60: Introduction to Psychology Williams
PSYC 1105: 01,02: Critical Thinking in Everyday Life Clapper
PSYC 1105: 04: Critical Thinking in Everyday Life Stuebner
PSYC 1115: 01: Personal Adjustment and Growth Cortez
PSYC 1115: 02,03,62: Personal Adjustment and Growth Maharjan
PSYC 1115: 04: Personal Adjustment and Growth Stuebner
PSYC 1115: 60: Personal Adjustment and Growth Flores
PSYC 1115: 61: Personal Adjustment and Growth Fell
PSYC 2210: 01,02,03, 06,07: Psychological Statistics Coulson
PSYC 2220: 60,86: Brain and Behavior Pipkin
PSYC 3311: 07: Research Methods in Psychology Diaz
PSYC 3318: 60: Health Psychology Lofrano do Prado
PSYC 3331: 01: Psychology of Women and Gender Stuebner
PSYC 3334: 60: Addiction and Recovery Maharjan
PSYC 3355: 61: Industrial Psychology Lotto
PSYC 3357: 60: History and Systems of Psychology Lotto
PSYC 3362: 60,80: Learning and Motivation Lotto
PSYC 3364: 02: Perception Emery
PSYC 3382: 02: Social Psychology Williams
PSYC 3384: 01: Social and Emotional Development Emery
PSYC 3386: 03: Introduction to Psychotherapy Maharjan
PSYC 3390: 60: Abnormal Psychology Flores
PSYC 4421: 61: Advanced Seminar in Psychology: Developmental Coulson
PSYC 4422: 62,63: Advanced Seminar in Psychology: Clinical Flores
PSYC 6123: 01: Directed Readings Badiee
PSYC 6636: 01: Multicultural Counseling Santos
PSYC 6644: 01,02: Applied Psychological Measurement Moon
PSYC 6671: 01,02: Marriage and Family Therapy Skills I Chavez
PSYC 6682: 60: Clinical Assessment Jones
PSYC 6971: 01: Advanced Practicum in Counseling Psychology I Chavez
PSYC1100: 02: Introduction to Psychology Emery
SOC 1100: 60,61: Latino Communities, Wellness, and Life Skills Fuentes
SOC 3010: 02: Qualitative Analysis & Field Research Munoz
SOC 3010: 03,04,05: Qualitative Analysis & Field Research O'Quinn
SOC 3070: 08,66,67: Quantitative Analysis & Survey Research Abromaviciute
SOC 3390: 61: Socialization Washington
SOC 3400: 01: Sociology of Families Carroll
SOC 3410: 01: The African American Family Washington
SOC 3750: 01: Population and Society Vogelsang
SOC 4200: 01: Social Movements Rizzo Lara
SOC 4440: 63: Sociology of Sex and Gender Howey
SOC 5900: 03: Seminar in Sociology: Hispanic Serving Institutions Munoz
SPAN 1111: 61: College Spanish I Zurita
SPAN 1111: 62: College Spanish I Robles
SPAN 1111: 86: College Spanish I Cabrera Lucero
SPAN 2900: 60,62: Spanish Literature and Film in English Jerez-Gomez
SPAN 3900: 62,63,64: Voices & Visions from the Hispanic World: Hisp Lit In Trans Fernandez-Gibert
SPAN 5507: 01: Seminar in Special Interdisciplinary Topics in Spanish Literature, Linguistics, or Culture: Bilingualism Dagostino
SSCI 3000: 62: Global Issues and Perspectives: Conflict & Globalization Patino
SSCI 3010: 60: Revolutions and Revolutionary Ideas Murray
SSCI 3010: 62: Revolutions and Revolutionary Ideas Eaton
SSCI 3011: 95: Revolutions and Revolutionary Ideas Eaton
SSCI 3060: 55,56: Expository Writing for the Social Sciences Hatch
SSCI 3160: 65: Race and Racism Gutierrez-Romine
SSCI 3250: 86: Perspectives on Gender Eaton
SSCI 5940: 60: Senior Seminar Smith-Trafzer
SW 4001: 02: Social Work Practice I Anderson
SW 6012: 04: Social Work Research II Lim
SW 6021: 01: Generalist Micro Practice I Ghant
SW 6061: 01: Generalist Macro Practice I Li
SW 6061: 03: Generalist Macro Practice I Young
SW 6902: 02: Advanced Topics in Social Work II Lim
TA 1140: 01: Fundamentals of Acting Schulz
TA 1631: 01: Makeup for Stage and Screen Harrington
TA 3210: 01: Voice and Movement Schulz
WLL 3920: 01: Great Works, Revolutionary Ideas, and Important Discoveries: French Revolution Nelson
WLL 3920: 60: Great Works, Revolutionary Ideas, and Important Discoveries: Asian Supernatural Tales Kanesaka

Last updated 11-14-2024 3:03 am