Course Reserves

Course Instructor
AMCS 204: Gehlawat: Ethnic Studies, Storytelling, and Film Gehlawat
AMCS 204: Hess: Ethnic Studies, Storytelling, and Film Hess
AMCS 210: Moore: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Moore
AMCS 225: Moore: Racism and Resistance: African American Studies Moore
AMCS 370: Tung: Gender in Asian America Tung
AMCS 392: Ezra: Race in Film and Media Ezra
ANTH 200: Sandy: Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology Sandy
ANTH 203: Torres: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Torres
ANTH 386: Senghas: Sign Languages and Signing Communities Senghas
ARTH 210: Introduction to Art History Roberson
ARTH 211: Introduction to Art History Dierkes
ARTH 467: Museum Collections Management Nicoll
ARTH 474: Islamic Art Roberson
ASTR 100: Descriptive Astronomy Targett
ASTR 380: Astrophysics: Stars Severson
BIOL 110: Whitkus: Biological Inquiry Whitkus
BIOL 131: Bentley: Biological Diversity and Ecology Bentley
BIOL 220: Geohegan Poe: Human Anatomy Geohegan Poe
BIOL 315: Bentley: Plants and Society Bentley
BIOL 321: Crocker: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Physiology Crocker
BIOL 323: Rank: Entomology Rank
BIOL 349: Zippay: Animal Physiology Zippay
BIOL 472: Hua: Developmental Biology Hua
BIOL 480: Lin: Immunology Lin
BUS 211: Business Statistics Jung
BUS 316: Production/Operations Management Sutanonpaiboon
BUS 350: Management Canavati De La Torre
BUS 491: Seminar in Management Strategy and Policy Kappagantula
BUS 592: Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation Canavati De La Torre
CALS 219: The Latino Experience Lopez
CALS 339: Latinos and the U.S. Labor Market Lopez
CALS 445: Chicano/Latino History Lopez
CALS474: Major Authors in Chicano and Latino Literature Soto
CCJS 441: 001: Deviant Behavior Vigorito
CCJS 450: Punishments and Corrections Tosouni
CCJS 480: White Collar Crime Burton
CCJS 497: Juvenile Justice Bullock
CHEM 301: Racism, Sexism, and Bias in Science Atkinson
CINE 302: Sanders: Production Industry Ethics and Professional Practice Sanders
COMS 160: Humanities Learning Community Homzie
COMS 240: Public Relations Homzie
COMS 275: 21st Century Television As Art Skloot
COUN 503: Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Edwards
COUN 523: Working with Families in School Settings Buckley
COUN 524: Counseling Children and Adolescents Mache
COUN 582: Psychopharmacology for Counselors Thompson
CS 101: Rosen: Computing Technology and You Rosen
CS 252: Intro to Computer Organization Rivoire
CS 351: Computer Architecture Shreiner
CS 355: Salek Shahrezaie: Database Management Systems Design Salek Shahrezaie
CS 415: Algorithm Analysis Walker
CS 454: Theory of Computation Al-saadi
ECON 201: US Economic History and Institutions Amri
ECON 403: Seminar in International Finance Bouvet
EDEC 110: Drezner: Understanding Development: Birth through Adolescence Drezner
EDEC 110: Kayne: Understanding Development: Birth through Adolescence Kayne
EDEC 110: Kelley: Understanding Development: Birth through Adolescence Kelley
EDEC 160: Social Justice in Childhood and Adolescence Rabadi-Raol; Radiloff; Kayne
EDEC 160B: Questions of Equity in Childhood and Adolescence Kayne
EDEC 250: Deacon: Intro to Lifespan Development Deacon
EDEC 291: Preschool Development and Curriculum Rabadi-Raol
EDEC 406: Positive Guidance Kayne
EDEC 408: Science, Literacy, and Play Kayne
EDEC 435: Leadership on Behalf of Children and Families Lopez; Drezner
EDEC 437: Integrated Curriculum with Field Experience Murdock-Perriera
EDEC 440: Child Life Theory
EDEC 447: Children's Emotional Development and Mental Health Kelley
EDEC 450: Empowerment and Equity for Children and Families Darlington
EDEC 532: Social and Emotional Development Schonleber
EDEC 571: Research Paradigms in Early Childhood Education Xiang
EDMS 419: O'Keeffe: Identity and Agency for Socially Just Classrooms and Communities O'Keeffe
EDMS 464: Teaching Language and Literacy in the Elementary School Grades 3-6 Estrada; LaDuke
EDMS 465: Introduction to Dual Language Education Casesa
EDMS 471: Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School Belfiglio
EDMS 476S: Multiple Subject Credential Phase 1 Seminar Belfiglio
EDSP 425: Teaching Literacy in Special Education Mahdavi
EDSP 430: Foundations of Special Education O'Keeffe
EDSP430: Foundations of Special Education
EE 333: Wu: Control Systems Wu
EE 442: Wu: Analog and Digital Communications Lab Wu
ENGL 100: Hines: First-Year Composition Hines
ENGL 101: 077: Expository Writing and Analytical Reading
ENGL 101: Veiga: Expository Writing and Analytical Reading Veiga
ENGL 101: Winter: Expository Writing and Analytical Reading Winter
ENGL 160: Humanities Learning Community Wandling; Gerhard; Winter
ENGL 160B: Beatie: Sci Fi & I Beatie
ENGL 207: Introduction to Creative Writing Winter
ENGL 214: Literature of the World Kunat
ENGL 236: Later British and American Literature Wo
ENGL 313: Classical Literature and Myth Bryant
ENGL 315: California Ethnic Literature Rizzuto
ENGL 318: Introduction to Poetry Writing Winter
ENGL 448: Periods in British Literature Wo
ENGL 485: Senior Seminar Bryant
ENGL 581: Seminar: British Literature Bryant
GEOL 302: 001: Climate Change Mnich
GEOL 302: Myers: Climate Change Myers
GEOL 305: 001: World Regions in Global Context Myers
GEP 201: Global Environmental Systems Dodge
GEP 347: 001: Conservation Biology St John
HIST 201: Foundations of World Civilization Cohen
HIST 202: Bittner: Development of the Modern World Bittner
HIST 252: History of the US since 1865 Estes
HIST 307: Perspectives on the Holocaust and Genocide Bittner
HIST 380: Twentieth Century World Markay
HIST 404: The Dark Ages Cohen
HIST 473: California History II Estes
HIST 495: Halavais: Special Studies Halavais
HIST 500: Historical Methods Estes
KIN 242: Chun: Human Functional Anatomy Chun
KIN 301: History and Philosophy of Human Movement Lucas
KIN 317: Nutrition for Physical Activity & Health Sokmen
KIN 350: Biomechanics Chun
KIN 427: Adaptive Physical Activity: Theory to Practice Ryuh
LIBS 102: Anderson: In Search of Self Anderson
LIBS 102: Brautigan Swensen: In Search of Self Addicks; Brautigan Swensen
LIBS 102: Gehlawat: In Search of Self Gehlawat
LIBS 102: Hess: In Search of Self Hess
LIBS 202: Nguyen: Challenge and Response in the Modern World Nguyen
LIBS 202: Ostroff: Challenge and Response in the Modern World Ostroff
LIBS 204: Minorities in American Cinema Hess
LIBS 302: Introduction to Liberal Studies Brautigan Swensen
LIBS 320B: Elective Seminar Core B Ostroff
LIBS 320C: Brautigan Swensen: Elective Core Seminar C Brautigan Swensen
LIBS 320C: Gehlawat: Elective Seminar Core C Gehlawat
LIBS 330: The Child in Question Hobson
LIBS 402: Senior Synthesis Addicks
MacNair Scholars Program: MacNair Scholars Program Malpica; Clark
MATH 165: Elementary Applied Statistics Logan; Chae; Galbraith; Dowdall
MATH 165B: Data Visualization and Analysis Keig; Griffith; Logan
MATH 220: Brannen: Reasoning and Proof Brannen
MATH 322: Linear Algebra Brannen
MATH 445: Mathematical Statistics and Operations Research Newman
MUS 101: Introduction to Music Kahn
MUS 105: Music Theory for Non-Majors Wilson
MUS 110: Theory I: Diatonicism Wilson
MUS 160: Musicking 101 Kahn
MUS 310: Theory III: Form and Analysis Wilson
MUS 351: History of Western Music Palmer
MUS 403: Instrumental Conducting and Methods Collinsworth
NAMS 165: Native Cultures of Northern California Sarris
NAMS 346: 001: Philosophic Systems and Sacred Movements in Native North America Soto
NAMS 346: Philosophic Systems and Sacred Movements in Native North America Churchill
NURS 412: Community/Public Health Nursing Practicum Werder
NURS 480: 001: Health, Sexuality and Society Todorova
NURS 509: Advanced Health Assessment Rose
PHIL 101: 005: Critical Thinking Dietz
PHIL 101: Mulder: Critical Thinking Mulder
PHIL 120: Introduction to Philosophy Parker
PHIL 203: Global Justice Burke
PHIL 309: Philosophy and Robotics Sullins III
PHIL 376: Gender and Social Justice Burke
PHYS 210A: General Physics Kassis
POLS 151: Boaz: Credit by Exam: California Government Boaz
POLS 200: Gouveia: American Political System Gouveia
POLS 200: Switky: American Political System Switky
POLS 303: Boaz: Comparative Political Analysis Boaz
POLS 307: Perspectives on the Holocaust and Genocide Bittner
POLS 314: Environmental Political Theory Ray
POLS 315: Ray: Modern Political Ideologies Ray
POLS 315: Switky: Modern Political Ideologies Switky
POLS 487: Selected Topics in Comparative Politics Boaz
PSY 270: Callahan: Psychology of Self-Discovery Callahan
PSY 270: Gomes: Psychology of Self-Discovery Gomes
PSY 270: Ni: Psychology of Self-Discovery Ni
PSY 270: Sowerby: Psychology of Self-Discovery Sowerby
PSY 280: Ni: Research Methods in Psychology Ni
PSY 302: Garvin: Life Span Development Garvin
PSY 306: Martinez: History of Modern Psychology Martinez
PSY 322: Bogart: Myth, Dream, and Symbol Bogart
PSY 322: Sowerby: Myth, Dream, and Symbol Sowerby
PSY 325: Martinez: Social Psychology Martinez
PSY 325: Ni: Social Psychology Ni
PSY 418: Storino: Psychology of the Family Storino
PSY 425: 001: Psychopathology Nguyen
PSY 428: Nguyen: Introduction to Counseling Nguyen
PSY 430: Bogart: Depth Oriented Psychologies Bogart
PSY 446: Lintz: Cognitive Psychology Lintz
PSY 447: Najm-Brisco: Learning and Behavior Najm-Briscoe
PSY 448: Schindler: Cognitive Development Schindler
PSY 450: DeBellis: Physiological Psychology DeBellis
PSY 471: Fatemi: Psychology of Religion Fatemi
PSY 490: Hobson: Psychology Seminar Hobson
PSY490: Bogart: Psychology Seminar Bogart
SOCI 225: Doughty: Social Problems and Promises Doughty
SOCI 300: Doughty: Sociological Research Methods Doughty
SOCI 301: Vigorito: Statistics for Sociologists Vigorito
SOCI 301: Yoon: Statistics and Society Yoon
SOCI 306: Career Planning for Sociology Majors Doughty
SOCI 314: Vigorito: Deviant Behavior Vigorito
SOCI 326: Vigorito: Social Psychology Vigorito
SOCI 345: Yoon: Sociology of Families Yoon
SOCI 440: Doughty: Sociology of Reproduction Doughty
SOCI 498: Paterniti: Senior Seminar Paterniti
SPAN 300: Advanced Spanish Language Clark
SPAN 301: Clark: Advanced Composition and Conversation Clark
SPAN 402: Clark: Latin American Literature Clark
THAR 160: Humanities Learning Community Horstein
THAR 375: Horstein: Race, Gender, and Performance Horstein
UNIV 150: Frymer: Learning Across Disciplines Frymer
UNIV 150: Jolly: Learning Across Disciplines Jolly
UNIV 150: Kim: Learning Across Disciplines Kim
UNIV 150: Ott: Learning Across Disciplines Ott
WGS 200: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies McQuade
WGS 202: Queer Studies Lecture Series Romesburg
WGS 360: Horstein: Race, Gender, and Performance Horstein
WGS 370: Tung: Gender in Asian America Tung
WGS 375: Tung: Gender, Race, and Class Tung
WGS 440: Doughty: Sociology of Reproduction Doughty
WGS 455: Romesburg: Queer & Trans Theory & Lives Romesburg
WGS 485: Senior Seminar McQuade

Last updated 02-10-2025 5:03 pm