Course Reserves

Course Instructor
ACC 3110: Intermediate Accounting I Xie
ANTH 2060: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Becker
ANTH 2090: Introduction to Archaeology Frost
ANTH 3000: Anthropology and Global Issues Becker
ART 2530: Art Appreciation Brown Jr.
ART 4400: New Media Theory Scheiwiller
BIOL 3680: General Ecology Fleming
BOTY 4000: Medicinal Plants and Herbs Stanfield
CDEV 3140/PSYC 3140: Child Development I Fanconi
CDEV 3170: Early Cognitive Development Turley
CDEV 3240/PSYC 3240: Human Development II: Adolescence Fanconi
CDEV 3550/PSYC 3550: Early Intervention with High-Risk Children Rashid
CHEM 1100: General Chemistry I Drake
CHEM 3010: Organic Chemistry I Drake
CHEM 4400: Biochemistry I Schara
CIS 2000: 011: Introduction to Business Computer Systems Li
CIS 2000: Introduction to Business Computer Systems Petratos
CJ 2250: Introduction to Criminal Justice Gerstenfeld
CJ 3120: 002: Causes of Crime Hiropoulos-Ramatlhodi
CJ 3170: 009: Criminal Justice Research Methods Gao
CJ 3170: Criminal Justice Research Methods Panagia
CJ 3315: Hate Crimes Gerstenfeld
CJ 4230: 001: Juvenile Justice (ACT) Gao
CJ 4830: The Holocaust Sclofsky
COMM 2000: Public Speaking Mariona; Biedendorf; Horvath; Tumolo
COMM 2200: Introduction to Mass Media Chvasta
COMM 2300: Argumentation and Critical Thinking Biedendorf
COMM 3110: Organizational Communication Dawson
COMM 3215: Public Relations Dawson
COMM 3400: 04: Oral Interpretation of Children's Literature Chvasta
COMM 3400: Oral Interpretation of Children's Literature Jacobs
COMM 4160: Intercultural Communication Burroughs
COMM 4175: Activism and Social Movements Dawson
COMM 4180: Health Communication Dawson
COMM 4215: Public Relations Campaigns Dawson
ECON 2500: Principles of Macroeconomics Banerjee; Carter
ECON 2510: Principles of Microeconomics Jasek-Rysdahl; Soydemir; Carter
ECON 4500: Economics of Investment Erickson
EDMS 4121: Mathematics Methods Ward
EDSE 4310: Introduction to Special Education Programs Liu
EDSE 4430: Assessment in Special Education Liu
EDSS 4550: Education Equity, Diversity, Access Bryan; Sedillo
EDUC 4400: Foundations for Bilingual Education Policy and Practice (Seminar) Valenzuela
ENGL 1001: 008: First-Year Composition Erro
ENGL 1007: 002: First-Year Composition (Stretch B) Lanser
ENGL 1007: First-Year Composition (Stretch B) Psiropoulos
ENGL 1010: Introduction to Literature Psiropoulos
ENGL 3920: Survey of World Literature Wolfe
ENGL 4620: Children's Literature Spencer
ETHS 2050: 004: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Van
GEND 4150: Gender and Ethnicity in Child Literature Baldridge
GEND 4170: Gender and Sexuality in Pop Culture Eudey
GEND 4304: Women's Spirituality Kiel
GEOG 2010: Introduction to Physical Geography Bowen
GEOG 2350: Water and Power McNally
GEOG 3020: Human Ecology Avwunudiogba
GEOG 3340: 001: California Cultures and Environments Bowen
GEOG 3340: 003: California Cultures and Environments Helzer
GEOG 3910: Geography in Film Diaz-Garayua
GEOG 4050: Restorative Human Ecology McNally
GEOG 4700: Geographic Landscapes Processes McNally; Bowen
GEOG 4750: Introduction to GIS Hauselt
GEOG 4750: : Introduction to GIS Mccarthy
HIST 3640: 001: Contemporary United States Wolfe-Hunnicutt
HIST 3720: Ethnic and Immigrant Past Cullison
HUM 3000: Explorations in Humanities Psiropoulos
JOUR 2150: Writing for the Media Grimshaw
JOUR 3012: Journalism Laboratory Stevens; Young
KINS 3100: Foundations, History, and Philosophy of Physical Education Deaner
KINS 3500: Drugs in Athletics Salafia
KINS 4600: Exercise Testing and Prescription Herring
MGT 4360: Organizational Behavior Hinrichs
MGT 4900: 003: Business Policy Kim
MGT 4900: Business Policy Kotrozo
MGT 5200: Organizational Behavior Hinrichs
MGT 5310: Business Organization, Theory and Behavior Brown
MKT 4400: Consumer Behavior Chronis
NURS 5030: Health Disparity Goliaei
OM 3020: 001: Management Science Akpovi
Permanent Reserves: Permanent Reserves Circulation; Stockton Library
PHIL 4200: Advanced Studies in History of Philosophy Radzins
PHIL 4401: Professional Ethics Brown
PSYC 1000: Sexual Behavior Luevano
PSYC 3000: Experimental Methods and Design Montenegro
PSYC 3100: Introduction to Physiological Psychology Williams
PSYC 3400: Introduction to Perception Williams
PSYC 3700: Learning and Motivation Bianchi
PSYC 5025: Research Methods in Behavior Analysis Wiskow
SOCL 3810: 002: Body Image and Society Strangfeld
SOCL 4000: Introduction to Gerontology Jordan
SOCL 4010: Race and Ethnic Relations Laus
SOCL 4030: 009: Research Analysis Fleenor
SOCL 4960: Senior Seminar Sniezek

Last updated 02-08-2025 8:03 am