Course Reserves

Course Instructor
ABM 3260: 01: Financial Analysis for Agribusiness Mulhall
ACC 4221: 01: Controllership Hii
ACC 4811: 01: Accounting Ethics Nishiyama
ACC 4821: Forensic Accounting Cardona
ACC 6000: Business Valuation Using Financial Statements Fan
AG 1110: Agriculture: The Foundation of Civilizations Merlino; Hammack; Horvath
AG 2010: 01: Global Resources for Food Dimm
AG 4010: 10: Ethical Issues in Food, Agricultural and Apparel Industries Farias
AG 4010-2: 03, 04, 05: Ethical Issues in Food, Agricultural and Apparel Industries Hammack
AG 4010-3: 01, 08, 12, 14, 17, 18: Ethical Issues in Food, Agricultural and Apparel Industries Holley; Xie; Lee
AG 4010-4: 11: Ethical Issues in Food, Agricultural and Apparel Issues Horvath
AH 2301: World Art: Prehistory through Medieval Europe Griffith
AH 2303-1: AH 2303- World Art: Asia (Prehistory to 12th Century) Wolfgram
AH 2305: 01: World Art: Africa, Oceania, and Native America Croteau
AH 3315: Art of the Middle Ages Griffith
AHS 2208: AHS 2208- Diagnostic Imaging McCormick
AHS 2210: Veterinary Terminology McCormick
AHS 3263: Companion Animal Nursing and Surgical Skills Sohn
AHS 3307: 01: Clinical Pharmacology Nagao
AHS 4450: 01: Veterinary Economics and Hospital Management Nagao
AMM: AMM-Apparel Merchandising and Management Department Senanayake
AMM 1120: Digital Illustration for Fashion Shin
AMM 1250: 04: Race, Ethnicity, and Consumption Li
AMM 1480: 01, 04: First Year Experience and Focus on the Future: Leadership Skills for the 21st Century Dwyer
AMM 1480-2: 02: AMM 1480 - First Year Experience and Focus on the Future: Leadership Skills for the 21st Century Parise
AMM 2140: Basic Patternmaking and Apparel Construction Parise
AMM 2900A: CAD for Patternmaking Activity Min
AMM 3100: Design and Merchandising Strategies Tetschner
AMM 3650: 01: Color Science - Principles of Applications Che
AMM 3810: Fashion Mass Production Laboratory Hahn
AMM 4530: 01: Fashion Supply Chain Management Dabas
ANT 1020-1: ANT 1020- Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Garcia-Des Lauriers
ANT 1020H: ANT 1020H - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Honors Garcia-Des Lauriers
ANT 3500: 03: Environment, Technology and Culture Danis
ANT 3500-1: ANT 3500 - Environment, Technology and Culture Garcia-Des Lauriers
ANT 3500-2: 02: Environment, Technology and Culture Delfin
ANT 3500-3: 01: Environment Technology and Culture Xochipiltecatl Vazquez
ANT 3600H: 01: Magic, Shamanism, and Religion Honors Garcia-Des Lauriers
ANT 3970: Cultural Resource Management Danis
ANT 4300: Archeological Method and Theory Danis
ANT 4910: Forensic Anthropology Kinkopf
ARC 1011: 01: Foundation Design I Tran
ARC 3312: Environmental Control Systems 1 Discussion Kohut
ARC 3620: Architecture through Renaissance to Modern Era Ramirez; Amoresano
ARC 3622: Architecture from Renaissance through Modern Era Discussion Amoresano; Ramirez
ARC 4190: 01: Urbanism and Film Proctor
ARO 3011: Fluid Dynamics and Low-Speed Aerodynamics Lin; Ahmadi
ARO 3180: Advanced Engineering Mathematics Nouri; Lin
ARO 3261: Aerospace Structural Mechanics I Ganapathy; Coburn; Jayasundara
ARO 3271: 01, 02: Aerospace Structural Mechanics II Coburn
ARO 4140: 01, 02: Rocket Propulsion Chandler
ARO 4351L: Wind Tunnel Testing Laboratory Royas
ARO 4811L: Space Vehicle Design Laboratory I Nakhjiri; Nanning
ARO 4911L: Air Vehicle Design Laboratory I Gonda
AVS 1113: 02: Companion, Laboratory and Exotic Animal Care Nguyen
AVS 2990: Special Topics for Lower Division Students Veterinary Medical Terminology Earle
AVS 3311: 01: Animal Industry and Society Atomre
AVS 3350L: Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Watson
BIO 1060: Human Biology King
BIO 1110L: BIO 1110L-Life Science Laboratory Sanchez
BIO 1150: BIO 1150-Basic Biology 1686983930002915
BIO 2050: BIO 2050- Form and Function in Plants Bobich
BIO 2060: 01: Basic Microbiology Lin
BIO 2060-3: 03: Basic Microbiology Dixon
BIO 2340L: BIO 2340L- Human Anatomy Laboratory Kageyama
BIO 2340L-1: BIO 2340L- Human Anatomy Laboratory Montes
BIO 2340L-3: BIO 2340L- Human Anatomy Laboratory King
BIO 2350: BIO 2350 - Human Physiology Jellyman
BIO 2350-2: Human Physiology Talmadge
BIO 2400: BIO 2400 - Genetics Kageyama
BIO 3010: Human Sexuality Marin-Rothman; Sanchez; Iverson
BIO 3090: BIO 3090- Biology of the Brain Kageyama
BIO 3130: Marine Biology Valdés
BIO 3220: 01: Cell and Molecular Biology Steele
BIO 3240-1: 01: Principles of Evolution Scordato
BIO 4190: BIO 4190- Neuroscience I: Cell and Molecular Processes Kageyama
BIO 4540: Plant Genetics Sharma
BIO 4990: 02: Special Topics for Upper Division Students: Issues in Health Equity Lima
CE 1011: Surveying Engineering Ng
CE 2070: 02, 03, 04, 05: Computer Programming and Numerical Methods Danielian; Klein
CE 2070-1: 01: Computer Programming and Numerical Methods Andrei
CE 3101: Construction Engineering Cho
CE 3401: Geotechnical Engineering Kamalzare; Sivathasan; Tolksdorf
CE 3501L: Structural Design Laboratory Duong; Yadegari; Gershfeld; Jo
CE 4130: Construction Contracts Gad
CE 5250: Advanced Water Treatment Palomo
CE 5470: Slope Stability and Earth Dams Shafiee
CE 6510: CE 6510- Structural Dynamics Wang
CHE 1311: 01: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Jallo
CHE 2301: Process and Automation Dasamoni
CHE 4450: Chemical Process Synthesis and Design I Jallo; Li; Donahue
CHE 4450L: Chemical Process Synthesis and Design I Laboratory Jallo; Donahue; Li
CHM 2010 - 6: Elements of Organic Chemistry Dang
CHM 2210: 01: Quantitative Analysis Sun
CHM 3140-1: CHM 3140-Organic Chemistry I Klavetter
CHM 3150: CHM 3150- Organic Chemistry II Starkey; Klavetter; Thane; Osberger
CHM 3270-1: Biochemistry McCulloch
CHM 3280-1: Biochemistry II McCulloch
CHN 1111: 01, 02: Elementary Chinese I Chen
CHN 2111: Intermediate Chinese I Chen
CIS 2100: 02, 03: Programming for Business Analytics Orang
CIS 3150: CIS 3150-Introduction to Systems Analysis & Design Ma
CIS 3454: Data Warehousing Cheng
CIS 3470: 02: Telecommunication Networks Bennett
CIS 4230: Aritificial Intelligence Applications in Business Shi
CIS 4321: Data Mining Salehan; Batarseh
CIS 4567: 01: Big Data Analytics Salehan
CIS 4670: 02, 03: Network Security Brown
CIS 4680: Advanced Data Analytics Koohikamali
CIS 4710: Information Security Brown; Zheng
CIS 4810: 01: Computer Forensics Carlton
Civil Engineering Department: Civil Engineering Sadeghi
CLS 4100: CLS 4100 - The United Nations and the World; Historical Perspectives, Salient Issues, and Current Events Scarcelli
COM 1100-2: Public Speaking Communication Department; Cruz-Pobocik
COM 1101: 02: Survey of Mass Communication Turcotte
COM 2201: Introduction to Communication Theory Generous
COM 2204-1: Advocacy and Argument Mahlke; Miller; Franko; Ozminkowski; Kern
COM 2280-2: 01, 02: Understanding and Appreciating the Photographic Image Turner
COM 4222: Crisis Communication Vasquez Guevara
COM 4404: COM 4404 - Gender and Communication Lie
CPP Storytime: CPP Storytime Kit
CRM 3360: CRM 3360 - Juvenile Delinquency 1693646980002915
CRM 4611: Senior Symposium Gender and Crime Gerstenberger
CS 2410: Fundamentals of Data Science Posadas
CS 3310: 01: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Salloum; Chen
CS 3700: Parallel Processing Huang
CS 4750: Mobile Application Development Johannsen
CS 4990: 02: Special Topics for Upper Division Students Diaz
EBZ 3050: EBZ 3050 -Enterprise Resource Planning Zhu
EC 4407: History of Economic Thought McLaren
EC 4408: EC 4408 - Money and Banking Brown
EC 4990: EC 4990- Special Topics for Upper Division Students Brown
ECE 1101: Electrical Circuit Analysis I Ghaneh; Gharibian; Mortensen; Aliyazicioglu; Ebrahimi; Kang; Jeon
ECE 2101: Electrical Circuit Analysis II Abed; Mortensen; Kang; Le; Kahrobaee
ECE 2300: Digital Logic Design Rafiquzzaman; Tran; Torousian
ECE 3301: Introduction to Microcontrollers Rafiquzzaman; Omar; Pinai; Torousian
ECE 3715: Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Electrical and Computer Engineers Ketseoglou; Olson; Regev
ECE 4310: 02: Operating Systems for Embedded Applications Oniciuc
ECE 4704: Robotics Pernalete
ECE 5460: Advanced Software Engineering Monemi
ECE 5780: Electric Vehicle and Energy Storage Le
ECI 5510: Diversity and Cultural Perspectives Ramirez
ECS 1100: Child, Family and Community Dhammapala; Ohlaker
ECS 2010: 02: Early Childhood Observation and Assessment Ohlaker
ECS 2100: Childhood Clinical Practicum I Ly-Hoang
ECS 3100-1: Prenatal to Age Three Development Lopez; Guyon
ECS 3250: 01, 03: Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education: Alternative Narratives DeJohnette
ECS 3250-1: Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education: Alternative Narratives DeJohnette; Izabal
ECS 3300: Early Childhood Education Leadership and Social Justice Reynolds; Tucker
ECS 3310: Introduction to Working with Children with Disabilities and their Families Haywood-Bird; Cortes; Izabal
ECS 3320: Application and Curriculum for Children with Disabilities Haywood-Bird
ECS 3400: Language and Literacy in Multilingual Families and Communities Song
ECS 3600: Emergent Literacy in First and Second Language Acquisition Jang; Diaz
ECS 3800: Childhood Physical Growth and Health Reynolds; Jannati
ECS 4610: 01: Early Childhood Capstone Kennedy
ECS 4750: Early Childhood Inquiry and Methodology Reynolds
EDD 7030: Quantitative Research Methods for School Improvement Hypolite
EDD 7111: Advanced Qualitative Research Morales
EDD 7140: 01: Leadership for Equity and Advocacy Martinez
EDD 7340: Organizational Culture, Leadership and Change in Postsecondary Education Hypolite
EDL 5460: Theory and Practice I; Visionary and Instructional Leadership Woodward
EDU 5010: EDU 5010 - Foundations of Teaching and Learning Ahn
EDU 5020-3: Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society Larriva
EDU 5110: Theory and Practice in Mathematics Education Larriva
EDU 5115: 01, 02: Theory and Practice in Science and Health Education Partida
EDU 5120: EDU 5120- Theory and Practice in Teaching Elementary Social Sciences Neumann
EDU 5205-2: 07: Secondary Curriculum and Methods Riveire
EDU 5205-3: 02: Secondary Curriculum and Methods Maupin
EDU 5210: 03: Teaching Secondary English Learners Casimir
EDU 5210-1: 01: Teaching Secondary English Learners Flores
EDU 5215: 01: Models of Secondary Instruction Jordan-Ortega
EDU 5220: 02: Building Relationships with Youth, Families, and Communities Casimir
EDU 5220-2: 01: Building Relationships with Youth, Families, and Communities Castaneda
EDU 5302-2: Educating Students with Disabilities in Diverse Settings
EDU 5336: EDU 5336- Mathematics Instruction for Students with Disabilities Van Boxtel
EDU 5346-5: EDU 5346- Clinical Practice and Seminar for Preliminary Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Intern Credential Van Boxtel
EDU 5348: EDU 5348 - Clinical Practice and Seminar for Preliminary Education Specialist Moderate/Severe Intern Van Boxtel
EDU 5370: Role of the Education Specialist in the 21st Century Taylor
EGR 4810: Project Design Principles and Applications Jallo
EGR 4820: Project Design Principles and Applications Jallo; Li
EGR 4830: EGR 4830 - Project Design Principles and Applications Jallo
EGR 5090: Advanced Differential Equations for Engineers Lipovetsky
ENG 1100: 01, 02, 03: Stretch Composition I Casey
ENG 1100-1: 07: Stretch Composition I Watson
ENG 1101: ENG 1101- Stretch Composition II Casey
ENG 1101-2: ENG 1101- Stretch Composition II Vazquez De Diriye
ENG 1103: ENG 1103-First Year Composition Vazquez De Diriye
ENG 1103-2: ENG 1103-First Year Composition Casey
ENG 1103-4: 04, 37: First Year Composition Molina
ENG 2105: ENG 2105- Written Reasoning Freshmen Composition Cravello
ENG 2330: Introduction to Multicultural Literature in the U.S. Burton
ENG 2331: Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Literature Quintanilla
ENG 2500: Introduction to Shakespeare Aaron
ENG 2720: World Literature II Baker
ENG 2804: Children's Literature Schorr
ENG 3010: Literary Theory and Cultural Studies Luo
ENG 3150: 01: Advanced Expository Writing Hodson
ENG 3151: Writing for the Professions Collins
ENG 3212: Language Acquisition Sky
ENG 3520: ENG 3520- Harry Potter as Literature and Culture Aaron
ENG 3800: ENG 3800- Children's Literature Aaron
ENG 4220: Language in Society Sky
ENG 4503: Shakespeare before 1600 Aaron
ENG 4610: Senior Symposium Corley
ENG 4720: The Novel in the Modern World Burton
ENG 4731: The Literature of Exile Luo
ENG 4881: Intersectionality and Literature Burton
ENG 5010: 01: Introduction to Graduate Literary Research DeRosa
ENG 5151: Rhetoric and Poetics Collins
ENG 5230: Introduction to TESOL Sky
ENG 5368: Multicultural Literatures in the U.S. Smith
ENG 5779: Hemispheric American Literature Quintanilla
ERA 5900: 01: Introduction to Graduate Studies Cohen
ERA 6930: 01: Evaluating, Understanding, and Using Research Methodology Woodward
ESM 0110: ESM 0110 - Basic Algebra Shirley
ETE 1151: C/C++ Programming Qayyum
ETE 1151-2: 02: C/C++ Programming Powers
ETM 3101: 01: Applied Fluid Mechanics I Millan Higuera
EWS 1401: 01, 08: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Okuhata
EWS 1401-2: 04: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Cook
EWS 1401-3: 05: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Cid
EWS 1401-4: 06: Introduction to Ethnic Studies Lopez Mata
EWS 2011: African American Historical Experience Jamieson
EWS 2021: 03: Latina and Latino American Historical Experience Beltran
EWS 3010-2: 01: Ethnic Identity Filipinos Dela Cruz
EWS 3010-3: 02: Ethnic Identity North American Tribes Dixon
EWS 3300: 01: Ethnicity and Families Lopez Mata
EWS 3750: 01: Gender, Ethnicity, and Film Cid
EWS 3900: 01: U.S. Women of Color Kafai
EWS 4020-1: 01: Contemporary Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies Huerta
FRE 1111: 01, 02, 03: Elementary French I Mouawad; Fucaloro
FRL: Finance, Real Estate & Law Wyatt
FRL 2013: FRL 2013- The Legal Environment of Business and its Transactions Wyatt
FRL 3000: Managerial Finance Wu; Tomkoria; Tan; Brender
FRL 3253: FRL 3253- Contract Administration Wyatt
FRL 3263: FRL 3263- Contract Aspects of the Uniform Commercial Code Wyatt
FRL 3273: FRL 3273 - Contract Case Study/Practical Application Wyatt
FRL 3283: FRL 3283 - Contract Cost/Price Techniques-Negotiation Wyatt
FRL 4321: Bond Market Analysis and Investment Management
FST 3190: 01: Food Packaging Xie
FST 3190A: 01: Food Packaging Activity Xie
FST 3210: Experimental Food Science Trinh
FST 3250: Food Safety and Current Issues WilliamsHill; Trinh; Yang
FST 3321: 01: Food Process Engineering Xie
FST 3321L: Food Process Engineering Laboratory Xie
FST 3330: 01, 02: Introduction to Plant Based Functional Foods Hasan
FST 4170: 01: Unit Operations in Food Processing I Harrison
FST 4261: Food Chemistry Harrison
FYE: FYE Common Read Reserves
GBA: Graduate Business Administration Wyatt
GBA 5100: Fundamentals of Information Technology Auditing Xu
GBA 6070: 01: Programming Foundation for Business Analytics Salehan
GEO 3120: Economic Geography Marshall
GEO 3510: 04: Geography of California Wu
GEO 3510-1: 02, 03: Geography of California Honey
GEO 3510H: Geography of California Honors Marshall
GEO 4430: 01: Geospatial Data Analysis Granco
GER 2111: 01: Intermediate German I Alimirzai
GSC 1010: Planet Earth: A Citizen's Guide Van Buer
GSC 1120: GSC: Earth, Time, and Life Young
GSC 1160: 01, 02: Introduction to Astronomy Hughes
GSC 2150: Mineralogy Van Buer
GSC 2550L: Field Methods Laboratory Murray
GSC 3210: GSC 3210- Engineering Geology I Roumelis
GSC 3210-1: GSC 3210 - Engineering Geology I Nourse
GSC 4230: Sedimentary Geology Murray
GSC 4910L: 02: Field Module Laboratory : Geo of the Hauser Geode Beds Murray
GSC 5950: Advanced Topics in Sedimentolgy/Stratigraphy Murray
HRT 1010: First Year Experience: HRT 1010- Introduction to the Hospitality Industry First Year Experience ; Dewald
HRT 2020: 01, 02: Dining Room and Banquet Management Dewald
HRT 2030-2: 01, 02: Introduction to Hotel/Resort Operations Lee
HRT 2400: Hospitality Management Law Cote
HRT 2550-1: 01, 02, 03: Healthy American Cuisine Ge
HRT 2760: HRT 2760- Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls Lopez
HRT 2760-2: 01, 02: Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls Fogle
HRT 3020: Hospitality Marketing Management Yoo
HRT 3120: Beer and Culture Johnson
HRT 3120-1: Beer and Culture Williams
HRT 3150: HRT 3150 - Wines, Beers, Spirits Butler
HRT 3500-1: Management of Human Resources in Hospitality Kwok
HRT 3740: HRT 3740 - Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting St. Hilaire
HRT 4150: International Tourism Singh
HRT 4760: Hospitality Operations Analysis Seminar Dewald
HRT 6030: Hospitality Strategic Marketing Yang
HST 1102: HST 1102 - World Civilizations from 1500 Wirtschafter
HST 1102-2: 02: World Civilizations from 1500 Lewis
HST 2201: HST 2201- United States History to 1877 Van
HST 2201-5: 02, 03: United States History to 1877 Okuhata
HST 2202: HST 2202 - United States History, 1877-Present Wang
HST 3300: Theory and Practice of History DeVore; Gilli-Elewy; Slaughter
HST 3303: 01: China 1644-1927 Hu
HST 3320: Medieval Europe DeVore
HST 3331: Pre-Colonial Africa to 1885 Hill
HST 3340: 01: History of American Institutions and Ideals, 1877 to Present Kumar
HST 3347: HST 3347 - United States since 1945 Wang
HST 3370: 01: History of California Antonucci
HST 3370-1: 03, 04: HST 3370 - History of California Hoikkala
HST 4230: HST 4230 - Modern Science in World History Wang
HST 4405: Becoming American: Migration, Immigration, and Citizenship in the United States Beltran
HST 4408: HST 4408- History of American Science and Technology Wang
HST 4431: Topics in World Civilization Sethia
HST 4496: 01: Digital Research Project in United States History Wallis
HST 4620-1: 02: Senior Thesis in History Wang
HST 5501: Advanced Graduate Methods Wang
IBM 3012: IBM 3012 - Principles of Marketing Management Ozkaya
IBM 3072: IBM 3072 - Promotional Strategies Ozkaya
IBM 4141: IBM 4141- International Marketing Ozkaya
IBM 4212: 02, 03: Marketing Problems Assumma
IBM 4912: 01: Marketing of Movies Bryant
IE 3270: IE 3270 - Systems Engineering Mirzaei
IE 3270-1: Systems Engineering Placencia
IE 3921: Principles of Lean Implementation Nouri
IE 4160: Operations Research I Nouri Houshyar
IGE: IGE Program First Year Experience ; Davis; Haakenson
IGE 3200: First Year Experience : IGE 3200- Visions of Science and Technology First Year Experience
IGE 3600: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07: UFOs, Illuminati, and Other Conspiracy Theories Antonucci; Rietveld; Welch; Polk
IME: Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Department Placencia
IME 3011: IME 3011- App. of Stats in Engineering Young
IME 3311: Facilities Planning, Layout and Design Jiang
IME 3510: Industrial Applications of Aritificial Intelligence and Robotics Masehian
IME 4020: Ethical Concepts in Technology and Applied Science Lee; Rashidi; Yazdy
IME 4020-2: Ethical Concepts in Technology and Applied science Rodriguez; Gonzalez; Rosenkrantz
IME 4020-3: Ethical Concepts in Technology and Applied science Davis
IME 4030: Fiscal Implications in Technical Decision Making Ahmadi; Nouri Houshyar; Rosenkrantz; Alibabaei; Abedini
IME 4150: Statistical Quality Control Seif
INA 5120: Concept Driven Design Svoboda-Spanbock
KIN 2050: 01: Applied Health and Well Being Daugherty
KIN 2220: Introduction to Physical Education Teacher Education Hansen
KIN 2460: Foundations of Adapted Physical Activity De La Rosa
KIN 2700-3: 01: KIN 2700- Stress Management for Healthy Living Daugherty
KIN 4700: 01: Emotional Wellbeing and Stress Prevention Daugherty
LA 1771-1: 01: Reading and Representing the Landscape Lehrman
LA 2441: Plant Ecology and Design Fernandez
LA 3111L: 01: Design V: Landscape Systems Laboratory Ta
LA 3611: 01: Construction I: Site Engineering Uesugi; Yamashita; Ta
ldjones: 1: ldjones testing course record Jones
Leadership Library: Leadership Library Lamb
LIB 1500: LIB 1500-The Information Diet: Information Literacy Skills for Academic Success and Healthy Information Habit Hottinger; Romero
LS 1020: LS 1020 - Integrating Knowledge, Learning, and Engagement for Success Hume-Dawson; Chavez-Reyes
LS 1020-1: 03: Integrating Knowledge, Learning, and Engagement for Success Partner; Robles
LS 2011: History and Purposes of the Liberal Arts: What is a Liberal Studies Mindset? Peña; Cowan
LS 2200: Sound, Rhythm, and Race Roy
LS 3011: Knowledge and Knowing in the Liberal Arts Hume-Dawson; Jian
LS 3041: 02: The Natural Sciences and the Liberal Arts Cowan
LS 3042S: 02: Equity Issues in K-9 Environmental and Science Education Service Learning Peña
LS 4211: 02: Arts in Action Samaniego
LS 4211-2: 01: Arts in Action Roy
MAT 0110-1: MAT 0110- Basic Algebra Shirley
MAT 0120-1: MAT 0120- Intermediate Algebra Shirley
MAT 1050-1: MAT 1050- College Algebra Shirley
MAT 1060-1: MAT 1060 - Trigonometry Shirley
MAT 2240-1: MAT 2240 - Elementary Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Xie
MAT 3060-1: History of Mathematics Math Department
MAT 3100: MAT 3100- Introduction to Mathematical Proof Ventura
ME 1101-1: Computer-Aided Computations Mitri; Hosseini Toudeshki
ME 3111: Fluid Mechanics Anderson; Chen; Taghavi; Xue
ME 3121: Intermediate Thermal-Fluids Engineering Nissenson; Seong; Chen
ME 3250: ME 3250- Machine Design Kim
ME 3401: Synthesis of Mechanical Engineering Problems Lipovetsky; Dinsmore
MFE 1260: Engineering Graphics I Darweesh
MFE 2010: Manufacturing Systems and Processes Davis; Rabea
MFE 3260: MFE 3260 - Design for Manufacturing Sadat
MFE 3341: 01, E01: Net Shape Engineering Okhuysen
MHR 3010-2: MHR 3010- Principles of Management Wadhwa
MHR 3020: MHR 3020 - Organizational Behavior Bassett
MHR 3020-1: MHR 3020 - Organizational Behavior Wadhwa
MHR 3020-2: 04, 05: Organizational Behavior Carlock
MHR 3030: MHR 3030 - Management of Not-for-Profit Organizations Bassett
MHR 3210: MHR 3210- Human Resources Management Bassett
MHR 4010: Business Ethics, Diversity and Social Responsibility Gutierrez
MHR 4020: MHR 4020- Leadership: Theory and Practice Wadhwa
MHR 4230: MHR 4230 - Human Resources Staffing, Planning, Recruiting and Selection Bassett
MHR 4250: MHR 4250-Employment Law Farmer
MHR 4260: Human Resources Information Systems Bassett
MHR 4270: MHR 4270-Management Union Relations Farmer
MHR 4430: Technology Entrepreneurship Kushev
MPA 5225: City Management Sandoval
MTE 4220: Fracture and Failure Analysis Jata
MU 1010: MU 1010- Music Appreciation Lee-Song
MU 1040: Careers in Music Millar
MU 1050-1: 01: Music Foundations Baxani; Fenderson; Pitts
MU 2221A: Musicianship II Pitts; Fenderson
MU 3100: 03, 04: History of Technology in Music Shiotsuki
MU 3211A: Musicianship III St Clair
MU 3221A: Musicianship IV St Clair
MU 3281: MU 3281- Music Recording Winer
MU 3971: Music for Media Chubb
MU 4081: MU 4081 - Interactive Composition Winer
MU 4180: MU 4180-Western Classical Traditions I Kopplin
MU 4190: MU 4190-Western Classical Traditions II Kopplin; Shiotsuki
MU 4240: Beatlemania Millar
MU 4270: MU 4270 - Tracking and Mixing in Music Recording Winer
MU 4280: Music Mastering, Editing and Delivery Goknar
NTR 1000: Introduction to the Nutrition Professions Kiresich; Subhan
NTR 2030: NTR 2030- Health, Nutrition and the Integrated Being Young
NTR 3050: NTR 3050- Nutrition, Science and Health Young
NTR 3050-1: NTR 3050- Nutrition, Science and Health Chan
NTR 3280: 01, 03: Food and Culture Subhan; Ilkay
NTR 3670: Institutional Food Service I Edens
NTR 3680L: 01: Institutional Food Service II Laboratory Yu
NTR 5200: Statistics for Nutrition and Dietetics Edens
NTR 6594: Qualitative Research I Ilkay
PHL 2010: 01: Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy Dolske
PHL 2020-2: 11, 22: Critical Thinking Reardan
PHL 3050: 01: Philosophy and Religion of China Zhu
PHL 3330: Bioethics Zhu
PHL 3810: Race and Racism Markle
PHY 3600: Mathematical Methods of Physics I Abdolrahimi
PLS 2010-5: PLS 2010- Introduction to American Government Chaturvedi
PLS 2060: Introduction to Public Administration Castro-Graham
PLS 2070: PLS 2070 - Introduction to Public Law Sabado
PLS 3551: 01: International War and Peace Scarcelli
PLS 3821: Politics, Policies, Pop Culture Castillo
PLS 4050: Jurisprudence Menounou
PLS 4205: American Political Institutions and Behavior Taylor
PLS 4440: Latin American Governments and Politics Scauso
PLS 4531: Terrorism Scarcelli
PLS 4541: Transnational Crime Scarcelli
PLS 4610: 02: Senior Thesis in Political Science I Menounou
PLS 4811: California Government Stoughton
PLS 4990: Special Topics for Upper Division Students Scauso
PLT 1120: 01: Plant Science I Ravishankar
PLT 2400: 01: Introduction to Turfgrass Management McLaughlin
PLT 3310: Weed Science Takeuchi
PLT 4400: Integrated Pest Management Takeuchi
PLT 5500: 01: Seminar on Plant Science Graduate Seminar on Leadership Brown
PSY 2201: PSY 2201- Introduction to Psychology Siaw
PSY 3307: 03: Statistics for Psychology Langford
PSY 3325: 02: Multicultural Psychology Barker
PSY 3325-3: 01: Multicultural Psychology Lamothe Francois; Fu
PSY 4404: 01: Qualitative Methods in Psychology Nemiro
PSY 4610: 02: Senior Project Park
PSY 4611: 02, 03: Senior Symposium Critical Thinking Siaw
PSY 4611-1: 05: Senior Symposium PSY of Trauma and Resilience Park
PSY 4611-2: 01, 08: Senior Symposium Controversies Develop PSY Fuqua
PSY 6607: Diagnosis and Treatment of Children and Child Abuse Park
RBR: Reserve Book Room Reserves
RS 3010: 01: Life Support Processes Kent
RS 4650: Ecological Patterns and Processes Cook
RS 5100: Regenerative Concepts and Applications Conway-Gómez
RS 5200: Nature as Model Kent
SCI 1010: First Year Experience: SCI 1010-Science and Mathematics: Freshman Experience I First Year Experience
SCI 1010-1: 01: Science and Mathematics: Freshman Experience I Salik
SE 5130: System Engineering Life Cycle Design and Management Mirzaei
SOC 2201: 02: Introduction to Sociology Aleman
SOC 3315: Asian American Sociology Yoo
SOC 3328: 02: Gender and Sexuality Gerstenberger
SOC 3340: 01, 02: Social Change and Social Movements Redman
SOC 4100: 02: Quantitative Methods for Sociology Wachs
SOC 4110-1: 01, 03: Qualitative Methods for Sociology Robinson; Giorgi
SOC 4402: Socialization: Self and Society Giorgi
SOC 4470: Peer Mentor I: Introduction to Leadership Daniels
SPN 1130: 01: Spanish for Spanish Speakers I Romero
SPN 2130: 01: Spanish Intermediate Composition Salazar Jimenez
STA 1200-2: STA 1200- Statistics with Applications Math Department
STA 1200-3: STA 1200- Statistics with Applications Shirley
STA 1300: STA 1300- Biostatistics Claisse
STS 4610: Science, Technology, and Society Capstone Seminar Ross
TH 1310: Stagecraft Newman
TH 1510: Acting I Trujillo
TH 2030: TH 2030- Introduction to Theatre Kachingwe
TH 2080: 07: Introduction to Film and American Culture Wachtel
TH 2210: 01: Race and Ethnicity on Stage and Screen Portillo
TH 2210: 02: Race and Ethnicity on Stage and Screen Truett
TH 2540: Movement for Theatre Trujillo
TH 3110-2: Developments in World Theatre I Truett
TH 3540: Shakespeare in Performance Trujillo
TH 4540: Styles of Acting Trujillo
TOM 4010-1: TOM 4010 - Quality Management Halati
TOM 4340: TOM 4340 - Purchasing Management Wyatt
TOM 4360: TOM 4360- Project Management Halati
TOM 6010: Supply Chain Management Fundamentals Guyse
URP 1051: 01: Ethnic Communities, Places, and Urban Planning Huerta
URP 1051-2: 02, 03, 04: Ethnic Communities, Places, and Urban Planning Fonza
URP 3320: 01: Demography and Statistics for Planning Baek
URP 3350: 01: Plan Making History and Future Reimers
URP 3350A: 02, 03: Plan Making History and Future Activity Belmudez
URP 4220: The Just City Wen
URP 4230: Planning with Minority Commuities Huerta
URP 4360: Public Finance Belmudez
URP 4630: Professional Practice for Planning Belmudez
URP 5430: Methods in Leadership and Entrepeneurship Huerta
URP 5430A: Methods in Leadership and Entrepreneurship Activity Huerta
VCD 1311A: First Year Experience: VCD 1311A- Foundations in Drawing 1 Activity First Year Experience
VCD 2301A: 02: Typography Flicker
VCD 2301A-2: 03: Typography Cloutier

Last updated 10-22-2024 5:03 am