Course Reserves

Course Instructor
AA S 101: 2: First-Year Experience Daus- Magbual
AA S 108: Asian American Artistic Explorations: Creativity, Identity, and Community Nguyen
AA S 210: 1: History of Asians in the United States Lau
AA S 210: 2: History of Asians in the United States Lee
AA S 210: 3: History of Asians in the United States Woo
AA S 211: Contemporary Asian Americans Donnell
AA S 213: 04: Asian Americans and American Ideals and Institutions Le
AA S 213: 1, 2, 3: Asian Americans and American Ideals and Institutions Hom
AA S 216: 03: Introduction to Asian American Literature Obayashi
AA S 218: Asian American Culture Duller
AA S 350: Filipina/os in the United States Gambol
AA S 353: Filipina/o American Identities Pido
AA S 380: Cambodians in the United States Lee
AA S 510: 01: Asian Americans in California Woo
AA S 510: 2: Asian Americans in California Wong
AA S 512: Asian American Children's/Adolescent Literature Woo
AA S 570: Southeast Asians in the United States Lee
AA S 584: 1, 2: Asian American Sexualities Lodia
AA S 585: Asian American Religiosities Lee
AA S 591: 2: Asian American Community Health Issues Bose
AA S 696: Critical Approaches to Asian American Studies Jeung
AA S 710: Critical Approaches to Asian American Studies Lau
AA S 800: History and Theory in Asian American Studies Jeung
AA S 810: Seminar: Asian American Immigration Lau
AA S 884: Critical Asian American Educational Experience and Pedagogy Tintiangco
ACCT 100: 03: Introduction to Financial Accounting Sopt
ACCT 100: 05, 06: Introduction to Financial Accounting Huang
ACCT 100: 08: Introduction to Financial Accounting Gunn
ACCT 100: 2, 4: Introduction to Financial Accounting Luo
ACCT 101: 01, 03: Introduction to Managerial Accounting Chen
ACCT 101: 02, 06: Introduction to Managerial Accounting Ruan
ACCT 101: 04, 05: Introduction to Managerial Accounting Kang
ACCT 101: 07, 08: Introduction to Managerial Accounting Hammond
ACCT 301: 02: Intermediate Financial Accounting I Li
ACCT 301: 1: Intermediate Financial Accounting I Chou
ACCT 302: 1: Intermediate Financial Accounting II Kim
ACCT 302: 2, 3: Intermediate Financial Accounting II Chou
ACCT 305: 01: Cost Accounting Hammond
ACCT 305: 02: Cost Accounting Huang
ACCT 307: Accounting Information Systems Chen
ACCT 504: Government and Non-Profit Accounting Chen
ACCT 506: Auditing Li
ACCT 508: Federal Tax Accounting I Hetherington
ACCT 509: Federal Tax Accounting II Hetherington
ACCT 514: Fundamentals of Data Analytics in Accounting Chen
ACCT 517: Accounting Ethics and Professional Responsibilities Yang
ACCT 803: Auditing Principles and Practice Sopt
ACCT 812: Advanced Federal Taxation Golden, EA
ACCT 890: Projects in Ethics and Contemporary Accounting Issues Kim
ADM 261: Apparel Construction Martin; Ragbotra
ADM 360: 01: Fashion, Clothing, & Society Ulasewicz
ADM 360: Fashion, Clothing, and Society Martin
ADM 361: 02: Apparel Design I: Flat Pattern Scheib
ADM 361: Apparel Design I: Flat Pattern Martin
ADM 560: Supply Chain Management in the Textile and Apparel World Marketplace Markova
ADM 561: Culture and Historical Costume Dorie
AFRS 101: 03: Introduction to Africana Studies Wright
AFRS 101: 04: Introduction to Africana Studies Jones
AFRS 111: Black Cultures and Personalities Aaron
AFRS 204: 1: Black Creative Arts Aaron
AFRS 204: 2, 3: Black Creative Arts King
AFRS 208: 01: Introduction to African American History Edwards
AFRS 208: 02: Introduction to African American History Caesar
AFRS 210: Introduction to Africana Literature Wright
AFRS 215: Introduction to Black Family Studies Aaron
AFRS 221: African American Music: A 20th Century Survey Cook Iii
AFRS 300: From Africa to Olmec America: Ancient African Prehistory and History Casey
AFRS 305: Ancient Egypt Casey
AFRS 326: 2: Black Religion Teal
AFRS 345: Blacks in Urban America Casey
AFRS 350: Black Indians in the Americas Collins
AFRS 370: 2: Health, Medicine, and Nutrition in the Black Community Jones
AFRS 375: Law and the Black Community Woodfin
AFRS 400: 1, 2: Black Arts and Humanities Davis
AFRS 515: 1: Black Family Studies Wright
AFRS 525: Black Child Development James
AFRS 705: Seminar in Africana Studies Wright
AIS 150: 1, 2: American Indian History in the United States Casselman Hontalas
AIS 150: 3: American Indian History in the United States Dougherty
AIS 205: 1, 2: American Indians and U.S. Laws Casselman Hontalas
AIS 205: 3, 4: American Indians and U.S. Laws Dougherty
AIS 205: American Indians and U.S. Laws Madril
AIS 230: Urban Indians Collins; Collins
AIS 235: 01: American Indians: Image and Issues in Mass Media Madril
AIS 235: 2: American Indians: Image and Issues in the Mass Media Brandau
AIS 310: American Indian Religion and Philosophy Moncada
AIS 320: American Indian Music Madril
AIS 350: Black Indians in the Americas Collins
AMST 200: 1, 2, 4: Self, Place, and Knowing: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Inquiry Erickson
AMST 200: Self, Place, and Knowing: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Inquiry Battista
AMST 225: 01: Values in American Life Sterba
AMST 410: California Culture Sterba
AMST 485: Arts and American Culture
ANTH 100: 01: Introduction to Biological Anthropology Griffin
ANTH 110: Introduction to Archaeology Cox
ANTH 305GW: 01: Writing Anthropology - GWAR Lincoln
ANTH 305GW: Writing Anthropology - GWAR Tully
ANTH 545: Bioarchaeology Griffin
ANTH 657: Ethnography of Dance
ANTH 898: Master's Thesis Fischer
ARTH 201: Western Art History I Glaros
ARTH 205: Asian Art History Stein
ARTH 401: Art and Archeology of Ancient Greece Chapman
ARTH 409: Greek Vase Painting Chapman
ARTH 412: South Asian Art II: Early Modern to Contemporary Periods Kavuri-Bauer
ARTH 602: Art History Seminar (Topic: The Art and History of Monuments: Case Studies) Kavuri-Bauer
ASTR 115: 01: Introduction to Astronomy Gonzales
ASTR 115: 1, 2, 3, 4: Introduction to Astronomy McCarthy
ASTR 300: Stars, Planets, and the Milky Way Cool
ASTR 301: Observational Astronomy Laboratory McCarthy
ASTR 470: Observational Techniques in Astronomy Brewer
BECA 200: Introduction to Media Smith
BECA 201: Life on TV: A Critical View Cecil
BECA 231: 2, 3: Audio Production Basics Naidu
BECA 300GW: Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts Research - GWAR (Units: 3) Patterson
BECA 423: Economic Aspects of Broadcasting and Electronic Media Cha
BECA 460: Industry of Broadcast News Pulley
BECA 547: Video Editing II Antonich
BECA 700: Introduction to Graduate Study Camacho
BECA 897: Research for Thesis and Creative Project Proposals Camacho
BIOL 100: 2, 8: Human Biology Murdock
BIOL 100: 3, 6: Human Biology Harris
BIOL 160: 01: Marine Biology Phong
BIOL 212: 1, 2: Principles of Human Physiology Dowdy
BIOL 220: 01: Principles of Human Anatomy Lyons
BIOL 220: 1, 2: Principles of Human Anatomy Benton
BIOL 240: 02, 03, 05, 06: Introductory Biology II Harris
BIOL 240: 11, 12, 17, 18: Introductory Biology II Murdock
BIOL 318: Our Endangered Planet Lund
BIOL 327: AIDS: Biology of the Modern Epidemic Ingmire
BIOL 328: Human Anatomy Sullivan
BIOL 337: 2: Evolution Low
BIOL 350: 1: Cell Biology Chan
BIOL 351 CW: Experiments in Cell and Molecular Biology - GWAR Yee
BIOL 357: Molecular Genetics Pasion
BIOL 411: Environmental Microbiology Anand
BIOL 435: Immunology Sullivan
BIOL 482: Ecology Tonos Luciano
BIOL 539: Plant Ecology Ekwealor
BIOL 612: Human Physiology Dowdy
BIOL 710: Advanced Biometry Ekwealor
BUS 216: 1, 2: Foundations in Business Communications Dyquisto
BUS 300: 15, 29: Business Communication for Professionals - GWAR Clark
BUS 300: 4: Business Communication for Professionals - GWAR Glanting
BUS 350: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Sethi
BUS 440: Ethics at Work: Business Impacts Kleinrichert
BUS 450: 3: Greening of Business Yousef
BUS 682: 6, 7: Seminar on Business and Society Dunham
BUS 690: 01: Seminar in Business Policy and Strategic Management 3 Fisher
BUS 690: 05: Seminar in Business Policy and Strategic Management 3 Baack
BUS 690: 06: Seminar in Business Policy and Strategic Management 3 Petkova
BUS 690: 11: Seminar in Business Policy and Strategic Management Harris-Payne
BUS 859: 01: Introduction to International Business Negotiation Baack
BUS 884: Business Ethics, Society, and Sustainability Trivedi
BUS 890: Strategic Management Bonner
C J 230: 5, 6: Crime, Data, and Analysis Dudley
C J 300: 9, 10, 11, 12: Criminal Justice: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective Tejada
C J 400: Police and Public Policy Dudley
C J 420: Introduction to Forensic Science Wong
C J 435: 1: Race, Crime, and Justice Bell
C J 450: 1, 2: Jails and Prisons Camacho
C J 460: Community Corrections and Sentencing Macallair
C J 470: Juvenile Justice Macallair
C J 480: California Corrections System Macallair
C J 501: 1: Criminal Law Viola
C J 502: 1, 2: Criminal Procedure Viola
C J 511: Critical Analysis of Housing and Reentry Turner
C W 101: Introduction to Creative Writing Galjour
C W 302: Fundamentals of Creative Reading Dickison
C W 600: 01: Special Topics in Writing (Topic: Journal Writing as a Source for Creative Writing) Galjour
C W 605: 01: Writing and Performing Monologues Galjour
C W 606: Art of Revision: from Draft to Manuscript Hoover
C W 810: Seminar in the Creative Process (Topic: Speculative Fiction) Joron
C W 854: Workshop In Poetry Hoover
C W 880: M.F.A. Craft and Process Tutorial in Fiction (Topic: The Real Thing) De Robertis
C W 882: M.F.A. Craft and Process Tutorial in Playwriting (Topic: Architectonics of Plays) Galjour
CAD 210: 04: Introduction to Applied Child and Adolescent Development Miles-Banta
CAD 210: 1, 2, 3: Introduction to Applied Child and Adolescent Development Park
CAD 210: 5: Introduction to Applied Child and Adolescent Development Wynant
CAD 210: 6: Introduction to Applied Child and Adolescent Development Babalola
CAD 450: Understanding and Working with Diverse Families Taylor
CHEM 115: G1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 115: H1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 115: J1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 115: K1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 115: L1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 115: M1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 115: N1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 115: P1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 115: Q1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 115: R1: General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry Choi
CHEM 130: 2: General Organic Chemistry Coleman
CHEM 180: Chemistry for the Energy and the Environment Lacy
CHEM 301: Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences II Guliaev
CHEM 321: Quantitative Chemical Analysis Palmer
CHEM 335: 2: Organic Chemistry II Coleman
CHEM 340: 01: Biochemistry I Coleman
CHEM 340: 02: Biochemistry I Gassner
CHEM 341: Biochemistry II Gassner
CHEM 351: Physical Chemistry I: Thermodynamics and Kinetics Adelstein
CHEM 800: Special Topics in Chemistry (Materials Chemistry) Enright
CHEM 879: Research Methods I Adelstein
CHIN 101: First Semester Chinese Tsao; Phung
CHIN 271: The Classic Chinese Novel in Contemporary Pop Culture Green
CHIN 312: Speech and Writing Li
CHIN 401: Advanced Chinese Li
CHIN 410: Building Chinese Media Literacy Tsao
CHIN 501: Introduction to Classical Chinese Egan
CHIN 602: 01: The Narrative Tradition Egan
CHIN 802: The Narrative Tradition Egan
CINE 202: Introduction to Filmmaking Shaw
CINE 303GW: 02: Writing About Cinema - GWAR Behrens
CINE 303GW: 1, 2: Writing About Cinema - GWAR Mc Bride
CINE 331: Hollywood Representation of Race and Ethnicity Great
CINE 333: 01: Race and Independent Cinema Great
CINE 335: Art of Cinematography Zhang
CINE 343GW: Perspectives on Documentary Film - GWAR Behrens
CINE 350: 01: The Art of Short Film - GWAR Shaw
CINE 365: History of Animation Mihailova
CINE 420: 01: Projects in Film Editing Wooten
CINE 422: Performing for the Screen Shaw-Owens
CINE 424: Directing Actors Shaw-Owens
CINE 450: Fundamentals of Screenwriting Tiruchelvam
CINE 452: Screenwriting: Focus on Genre (Topic: Screenwriting: Focus on Horror) Shaw-Owens
CINE 454: 2: Writing Short Films (Topic: Writing Short Films) Shaw-Owens
CINE 456: Feature Screenwriting I Hoxter
CINE 612: 2: Directing Cinematic Style Shaw-Owens
CINE 701: Creative Process I Tiruchelvam
CLAS 230: Ancient Epic Tales Safran
CLAS 240: Greek and Roman Drama Safran
CLAS 260: Greek and Roman Mythology Safran
CLAS 415: Ancient Roman Literature McIntosh
CMX 304: Making Comics Sousanis
CMX 325: Comics and Culture Sousanis
CMX 541: Manga Asakura
COMM 120: 3: Language, Culture, and Power Wolcott
COMM 150: 17, 21: Fundamentals of Oral Communication Farris
COMM 304: Writing About Communication and Masculinities Conkle
COMM 312: Writing About Interpersonal Communication - GWAR Ryan
COMM 428: Health Communication in Visual and Graphic Medicine Koenig
COMM 525: Sexualities and Communication Yep
COMM 538: Language and Identity Wingard
COMM 541: 01: Critical Approaches to Culture and Communication Abdi
COMM 541: Critical Approaches to Culture and Communication Yep
COMM 554: Performance of Children's Literature Shimanoff
COMM 566: Communication and Social Process Steele
COMM 670: Seminar in Communication Studies Shimanoff
COMM 725: 01: Seminar in Sexualities and Communication Yep
COMM 760: 1: Seminar in Organizational Communication Gordon
COUN 110: 2, 3: Critically Thinking About Career Choice: Self, Community, Society, and the World Sneed
COUN 700: Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy Bines
COUN 704: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Health, Behavioral Health, Aging, and Disability Fitzgerald
COUN 706: Counseling Process Strear
COUN 715: 01,02: Assessment in Counseling Kwan
COUN 716: Professional Seminar I - Structural Elements in School Counseling Ortez-Galan
COUN 720: 1, 2: Career Counseling Balin
COUN 736: 04: Advanced Counseling Process Kwan
COUN 738: 01: Addictions Dempsey
COUN 793: Organization and Administration of Student Services in Higher Education Bines
COUN 794: 2: Seminar in Research Strear
COUN 857: Law and Ethics for Counselors Corwin
COUN 859: Counseling Aspects of Sexuality Cohn-Frankel
COUN 870: Professional Issues, Clinical Case Management, and Systems of Care Fitzgerald
COUN 890: 2: Integrative Counseling and Internship Chronister
COUN 890: Integrative Counseling and Internship: School Specialization Harper
CSC 210: 01, 02: Introduction to Computer Programming Ta
CSC 230: 1: Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science Tomasevich
CSC 230: Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science Davis
CSC 256: 1, 3: Machine Structures Abdur
CSC 256: 2: Machine Structures Wang
CSC 300: 01: Ethics, Communication, and Tools for Software Development Tomasevich
CSC 300: 08: Ethics, Communication, and Tools for Software Development Agha
CSC 340: Programming Methodology Hui; Carito; El Alaoui
CSC 415: 1, 2, 3: Operating System Principles Bierman
CSC 520: Theory of Computing Pico
CSC 615: UNIX Programming Bierman
CSC 647/747: Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Science Bethel; Huang
CSC 648: Software Engineering Petkovic; Villar; Song
CSC 656: Computer Organization Bethel
CSC 746: High-Performance Computing Bethel
CSC 848: Software Engineering Song; Villar; Petkovic
CSC 872: 01: Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Okada
CSC 890: Graduate Seminar (Topic: Special Topics in Technology and Society) Bethel; Huang
CWL 180: 1, 2: Introduction to Videogames: A Comparative Perspective Weinberger
CWL 250: 1: Fables and Tales Calkins
CWL 400GW: 1: Approaches to Comparative and World Literature - GWAR Johnson
CWL 437: Holocaust and Literature Millet
CWL 450: Literary Crossings Karim
CWL 480: European Jewish Writers Millet
CWL 540: Faulkner, García Márquez, and Morrison Johnson
CWL 800: Introduction to Graduate Study in Comparative Literature Weinberger
DANC 352: K-Pop: Performance and Culture Wong
DANC 430: Dance History
DANC 657: Ethnography of Dance Sherman
DES 200: Visual Design Literacy Comacchio
DES 310: 01: Product Design I Felicio Dos Santos De Carvalho
DES 310: 02: Product Design I Porter
DES 320: Drafting and Sketching for Design Young
DES 324GW: 1: Research and Writing for Design - GWAR Hussaini
DES 324GW: 2: Research and Writing for Design - GWAR Delshadi
DES 360: Model Development Laboratory Porter
DES 410: Product Design II Felicio Dos Santos De Carvalho
DES 420: Rapid Visualization Young
DES 427: Interactive Design II Mcveigh-Schultz
DES 448: User Experience Design
DES 800: 1: Seminar in Design Topics Gomes
DS 110: Calculus with Business Applications Shibuya
DS 412: 02, 03: Copy of Operations Management Soorapanth
DS 412: 10, 11: Operations Management Zhao
DS 412: 8, 9: Operations Management Ozsen
E ED 603: Understanding and Supporting Children's Socio Emotional Development O'Shea
E ED 610: Classroom Assessment and Evaluation for Young Children Vanegas-Grimaud
E ED 616: 1: Language and Literacy in Multilingual Early Childhood Education Settings Vanegas-Grimaud
E ED 708: Language and Literacy in the Early Years Meier
E ED 717: Narrative Inquiry and Memoir in Early Childhood Education Meier
E ED 721: International Education in Early Childhood and Elementary Education Meier
E ED 782: 18: Teaching Reading and Language Arts: K-5 Escamilla Calan
E ED 784: 1, 2, 13, 14: Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics (CLAD Emphasis) Zavala
ECON 101: 04, 05: Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis Banks
ECON 301: 1, 2: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Hu
ECON 302: 1, 2: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Janko
ECON 612: 1: International Finance and Macroeconomics Janko
ECON 618: 01: Economic Inference: Methods and Applications Chernomaz
EDDL 961: American Education Leadership Hill
ENG 104: 13, 39, 44: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Stretch I Wong
ENG 104: 17, 29, 43, 57: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Stretch I Miller
ENG 104: 18, 31, 42: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Stretch I Beach
ENG 104: 31, 32, 33, 65: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Stretch I Schriner Kellogg
ENG 104: 36, 37, 38: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Stretch I Borland
ENG 105: 8: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Stretch II Chan
ENG 114: 20: Writing in the First Year: Finding Your Voice Miller
ENG 114: 20, 23, 25, 32: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Coopman
ENG 114: 26,: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Vigo
ENG 114: 30: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Lugo
ENG 114: 37: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Patchen
ENG 114: Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Cao
ENG 202: Writing the First Year: Global Perspectives of Multilingual Speakers Stretch II Chan
ENG 209: Writing the First Year: Global Perspectives of Multilingual Speakers Chan
ENG 210: Oral Communication - Multilingual Holland
ENG 216: 11: Cultivating Curiosity: Explore Your World, Your Identity, and Your Future Clark
ENG 216: 13: Cultivating Curiosity: Explore Your World, Your Identity, and Your Future Stec
ENG 216: 15: Cultivating Curiosity: Explore Your World, Your Identity, and Your Future Kwok
ENG 216: 16: Cultivating Curiosity: Explore Your World, Your Identity, and Your Future Schoerke
ENG 217: 2, 3: Multilingual Voices: Bridging the Distance with Our Stories Warden
ENG 218: 1: Literature Is Not A Luxury: Writing For Self and Community Kwok
ENG 218: Literature Is Not A Luxury: Writing For Self and Community Cannon
ENG 417: Academic Literacy and the Urban Adolescent Gilligan
ENG 426: Second Language Acquisition Olsher
ENG 460: Literature in English to 1800 Christmas
ENG 461: 2: Literature in English Since 1800 Stec
ENG 465: Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction Schoerke
ENG 480GW: 2: Writing in English: GWAR Seminar Soliday
ENG 525: Studies in American Literature (Topic: Bob Dylan) Green
ENG 533: Holocaust and Literature Millet
ENG 540: Professional Editing Lindeman
ENG 554: Modern American Novel Schoerke
ENG 580: Individual Authors (Emily Dickinson) Schoerke
ENG 581: Jane Austen Christmas
ENG 583: Shakespeare: Representative Plays Mylander
ENG 600: Theory of Literature Green
ENG 636: Myth, Literature, and Adaptation Paulson
ENG 640: Global Texts and Practices (Topic: Global Cities) DeGuzman
ENG 655: Literature and the Adolescent Reader Gilligan
ENG 707: 01: Topics in Language Analysis (Topic: Advanced Pedagogical Grammar for TESOL) Olsher
ENG 710: Course Design in Composition Lockhart
ENG 713: Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction in English I Gilligan
ENG 732: TESOL Reading and Writing Skills Kohls
ENG 734: TESOL Curriculum and Assessment Abeywickrama
ENG 741: Seminar: Literary Theory and Research Methods Green
ENG 753: Seminar: 18th Century British Literature and Culture Christmas
ENG 758: Seminar: Southern African Literature in English Stec
ENG 760: Seminar: Studies in American Literature 1600-1899 (Topic: Emily Dickinson and American Women Writers)
ENG 762: Seminar: Twentieth Century American Literature (Topic: Experimental Books) Schoerke
ENG 826: Second Language Acquisition Olsher
ENGR 290: Engineering Project Management Thomson
ENGR 350: 01: Introduction to Engineering Electromagnetics Kohan
ENGR 434: 01: Principles of Environmental Engineering Enssani
ENGR 441: Fundamentals of Composite Materials Williams
ENGR 442: Operational Amplifier Systems Design Jiang
ENGR 451: Digital Signal Processing Ghose
ENGR 463: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Thermal Power Systems Codron
ENGR 467: 1: Heat Transfer Cheng
ENGR 469: Alternative and Renewable Energy Systems Ganji
ENGR 476: 1, 2, 3, 4: Computer Communications Networks Shahnasser
ENVS 331: Global Environmental Crisis Rosenmoss
ENVS 470: Climate Politics and Policy Fieldman
ENVS 690: Senior Seminar in Environmental Studies Fieldman
ERTH 115: 1, 2: History of Life Horrigan
ERTH 240: Environmental Water Resources Danfoura
ERTH 310: 01: The Violent Earth Haddon
ERTH 310: 8: The Violent Earth Danfoura
ERTH 330: 01: California Water Danfoura
ERTH 365: Extreme Weather in a Warming World Levey
ETHS 110: 13, 14: Critical Thinking in the Ethnic Studies Experience Suzara
ETHS 110: 17, 18: Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience Robles
ETHS 110: 3, 4: Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience Mann
ETHS 110: 6: Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience Lara
ETHS 110: Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience Garcia-Fraire
ETHS 300GW: Writing in Ethnic Studies - GWAR Tejada
FIN 350: 13: Business Finance Wong
FIN 365: Real Estate Principles Mattes
GEOG 101: Our Physical Environment Creed
GEOG 427: Agriculture & Food Supply Blecha
GEOG 644: Water Quality Nanus
GEOG 647: Geography of Water Resources Wilkinson
GEOG 658: 1, 2: Land-Use Planning Rubin
GEOG 666: 1, 2: Geography of Garbage: Recycling and Waste Reduction Blecha
GEOG 820: Seminar in Human Geography Blecha
GER 514: Political Violence and Terrorism in German History, Film, and Visual Media Langbehn
GPS 315: Introduction to Global Peace Studies Nutting
GPS 375: Peace Law and Human Rights in the U.S. Nutting
GRN 765: Aging and Continuum of Care Fair
HH 200: 01: Holistic Approach to Academic Success Evans
HH 200: 1, 2, 3: Holistic Approach to Academic Success Shafarman
HH 380: 1, 2: Holistic Health: Western Perspectives Peper
HH 382: Holistic Health: Human Nature and Global Perspectives Burrows
HH 420: Qigong Body-Mind Energetics Bhatnagar
HH 450: Somatics: Body Awareness, Movement, and Well-being Shafarman
HH 535: Western Nutrition and Herbs Mousel
HIST 114: 1, 2: World History to 1500 Arrieta
HIST 115: 1, 2: World History Since 1500 Behrooz
HIST 120: 01: History of U.S. Through Reconstruction Sheppard Wolf
HIST 120: 2, 4: History of the U.S. through Reconstruction Arrieta
HIST 120: 3: History of the U.S. through Reconstruction Crabtree
HIST 121: History of the U.S. since Reconstruction Viator
HIST 130: U.S. History for International Students Arrieta
HIST 278: 01, 02: History of Latinos in the U.S. Margarita
HIST 278: 03: History of Latinos in the U.S. Leon
HIST 300: 2: Seminar in Historical Analysis Sheppard Wolf
HIST 300GW: 1: Seminar in Historical Analysis - GWAR Viator; Campbell
HIST 300GW: 3: Seminar in Historical Analysis - GWAR Harris
HIST 331: 1: The High Middle Ages Rodriguez
HIST 340: Saints, Demons, and Popular Beliefs in Medieval Europe Rodriguez
HIST 346: Europe since 1914 Curtis
HIST 376: History of Southeast Asia Elkind
HIST 380: Islamic World I: 500-1500 Behrooz
HIST 381: Islamic World II: 1500 - Present Behrooz
HIST 422: The American Revolution Sheppard Wolf
HIST 450: 1: History of California Viator
HIST 450: 2: History of California Sigmon
HIST 461: The United States and the World after 1913 Elkind
HIST 470: The U.S. Constitution to 1896 Stein
HIST 474: 01: History of Labor in the United States Postel
HIST 478: American Popular Culture History: Barnum to Reality TV Viator
HIST 696: Proseminar in History (Topic: Muslims and Christians in Medieval Europe) Rodriguez
HIST 700: 1: History as a Field of Knowledge Sheppard Wolf
HIST 702: Sexuality in Historical Perspective
HIST 710: Seminar in Ancient and Medieval History (Topic: Imperial Collapse: Rome and Beyond) Campbell
HIST 780: Seminar in American History To 1877 Sheppard Wolf
HTM 301: 1, 2, 3, 4: Food Science and Production Castillo Ortiz
HTM 301: 5, 6, 7, 8: Food Science and Production Shaw
HTM 324: 1: Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Food, Beverage, and Culture in America Ergul
HTM 421: 1: Food, Wine, and Culture in California Yang
HTM 421: 2: Food, Wine, and Culture in California Shaw
HTM 515: Hospitality and Tourism Management Internship Walls
HTM 531: Hospitality Services Management Yang
HTM 560: 1, 2: Hospitality Human Resource Management Roe
HUM 225: 01: Values in American Life Sterba
HUM 300GW: Junior Seminar Humanities Writing - GWAR Ruotolo
HUM 304: Making Comics Sousanis
HUM 320: 1, 2: Music, Ideas, and Culture Savage
HUM 345: Humanism and Mysticism Leonard
HUM 373: Biography of a City: European Cities (Topic: Paris) Curtis
HUM 376: 02: San Francisco Connelly
HUM 402: Ancient Roman Literature McIntosh
HUM 404: The High Middle Ages Rodriguez
HUM 415: Thinking the Present: Comparative Arts and Culture Garcia-Moreno
HUM 440: Mind, Body, Culture de Barros
HUM 450: California Culture Sterba
HUM 485: The Arts and American Culture Connelly
HUM 541: Topics in Comics: Manga Asakura
I R 259: Children and Youth in International Relations Ellis
I R 310: U.S. Foreign Policy Skonieczny
I R 315: Introduction to Global Peace Studies Nutting
I R 323: The Persian Gulf in International Relations Monshipouri
I R 325: Chinese Foreign Policy Byun
I R 346: Europe since 1914
I R 362: The Making of US Foreign Policy Skonieczny
I R 404: Politics of China Guo
I R 407: Politics of Russia Tsygankov
I R 409: Russia and World Order Tsygankov
I R 416: Ethnicity and Nationalism Volk
I R 550: 01: Senior Thesis in International Relations Skonieczny
I R 550: 2: Senior Thesis in International Relations Tsygankov
I R 725: The Analysis of Foreign Policy Skonieczny
I R 734: International Migration Ellis
IBUS 531: Cross-Cultural Innovation and Creativity in Business and Management Lee
IBUS 590: 1, 2: International Environmental Analysis Lee
IBUS 590: 1Z: International Environmental Analysis Clark
IBUS 659: 1, 2: Introduction to International Business Negotiation Harris-Boundy
ISED 797: 1, 2, 3: Seminar in Educational Research Hyun
ISYS 363: 1, 2, 3: Information Systems for Management Ciomek
ISYS 412: Application Development for Data Analytics Faddoul
ISYS 565: Managing Enterprise Networks Abdur
ISYS 812: Programming and Applications for Data Analytics Faddoul
JAPN 101: 1: First Semester Japanese Rustigan
JAPN 101: 1, 2, 3: First Semester Japanese Muranaka
JAPN 101: 2, 3: First Semester Japanese Kosaka
JAPN 103: Third Semester Japanese Minami
JAPN 510: Modern Japanese Literature McKeon
JOUR 304: Cultural Diversity and News Media Cardenas
JOUR 310: Journalism Ethics Wagner
JOUR 410: Building Chinese Media Literacy Tsao
JOUR 580: Environmental Journalism Moorhead
JS 437: Holocaust and Literature Millet
JS 480: European Jewish Writers Millet
KIN 250: 1, 3, 5, 7: Introduction to Kinesiology Mitchell
KIN 310: Youth Development Instructional Analysis I Walsh
KIN 312: Youth Development Instructional Analysis II Walsh
KIN 331: Peak Performance Dhedhi
KIN 355: 01: Science, Sport, and Fitness Ross
KIN 355: 03: Science, Sport, and Fitness Torres
KIN 401: 1, 2: Elementary School Physical Education: K-5 Guedes
KIN 404: 03: Sport and Exercise Physiology Dinardi
KIN 485: Biomechanics Bernardi Bagesteiro
KIN 486: 01: Motor Learning Dixon
KIN 486: 02: Motor Learning Parma
KIN 537: Movement for Individuals with Severe Disabilities Yao
KIN 539: Motor Assessment of Individuals with Disabilities Yao
KIN 555: Exercise Testing and Prescription Dhedhi
LATN 101: Elementary Latin Avinger
LATN 202: Intermediate Latin McIntosh
LIB: Library
LOT: Library of Things
LS 200: 02, 04: Self, Place, and Knowing: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Inquiry Hennessy
LS 200: 2, 4: Self, Place, and Knowing: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Inquiry Erickson
LS 300: 1: Perspectives on Liberal Studies - GWAR Coopman
LS 304: Making Comics Sousanis
LS 401: International Development and Resource Justice Hennessy
LS 402: 01: Introduction to Human Rights Education for Teachers and Local Communities Ferreira
LS 410: Social Justice Themes in the Interdisciplinary Humanities Augsburg
LS 426: Thought and Image: Creative Arts Augsburg
LS 690: 01: Liberal Studies Senior Seminar Augsburg
LS 690: Liberal Studies Senior Seminar de Barros
LTNS 110: Critical Thinking and the Rhetoric of Latino Discourse Chinchilla
LTNS 210: 03: Latina/o/x Health Care Perspectives Hagedorn
LTNS 230: 1, 2: Introduction to Latina/o Literature Zamora
LTNS 270: 1, 2, 3: Latina/o/x Murals, Memes, Music, and More: Latina/o/x Arts & Humanities Tejada
LTNS 276: 1, 2: Latina/o, U.S. Government, and Constitutional Ideals Davila
LTNS 278: 01, 02: History of Latinos in the U.S. Margarita
LTNS 278: 03: History of Latinos in the U.S. Leon
LTNS 305: Latina/o Studies Creative Writing Workshop Hernandez
LTNS 430: 01: Race, Crime, and Justice Bell
LTNS 455: Resistance Literature of the Americas Hernandez
LTNS 470: 1: Latina/o Immigration to the U.S. Carrillo
LTNS 560: Contemporary Latina/o Literature Zamora
LTNS 565: Central Americans Writing in the United States Hernandez
LTNS 670: Mexican Politics and Society Carrillo
LTNS 679: Central American Literature: Roots to the Present Zamora
M S 681: Preparation for Museum Practicum Fogarty
M S 794: Museum Collections Management and Registration DeVere
MATH 226: Calculus I Mathematics Department
MATH 227: Calculus II Mathematics Department
MATH 228: Calculus III Mathematics Department
MATH 301GW: 1: Exploration and Proof - GWAR Ross
MATH 310: Elementary Number Theory Beck
MATH 335: Modern Algebra I Beck
MATH 400: Numerical Analysis Kotas
MATH 442: Probability Models Piryatinska
MATH 742: Advanced Probability Models Piryatinska
MATH 760: Multivariate Statistical Methods Kafai
MEIS 300: Foundations in Middle East and Islamic Studies Volk
MGMT 605: 01, 02, 03: Seminar in Developing Management Skills Harris-Boundy
MGMT 648: Seminar in Leadership and Influence Skills Harris-Boundy
MGMT 659: 1, 2: Introduction to International Business Negotiation Harris-Boundy
MGMT 670: Managing Organizational Development and Change Harris-Boundy
MGMT 788: Management Principles and Organizational Behavior Harris-Boundy
MKTG 431: 02: Principles of marketing Sinapuelas
MKTG 431: Principles of Marketing Strebel
MKTG 633: 1, 2: Consumer Behavior Tumbat
MKTG 644: Services Marketing Appin
MSBA: Master of Science in Business Analytics
MUS 551: European and American Classical Music History of the 18th and 19th Century Ellison
NURS 312: Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing (GWAR) Doan
NURS 702: Health Systems Management Baj
NURS 706: Health Care Policy and Nursing Leadership Baj
NURS 804: Professional Issues and Nurse Practitioner Skills Carr
NUTR 353GW: 1: Foodservice Systems Management - GWAR Qamar
NUTR 353GW: 2: Foodservice Systems Management - GWAR Stimson
NUTR 453: Nutrition in the Life Cycle Siu-Chan
OLOB: One Library One Book Lamberti
P A 700: Foundations of Governance and Management Joaquin
P A 705: 01: Design and Consumption of Research Silverman
P A 705: Design and Consumption of Research Wang
P A 722: Performance Management and Planning Stowers
P A 725: Managing Human Capital Naff
P A 727: Program and Service Delivery Joaquin
P A 753: Decision Making in the Public Sector Joaquin
P A 890: 01: Capstone Course in Public Administration Joaquin
P A 890: Capstone Course in Public Administration Stowers
PA 725: 01: Managing Human Capital
PH 210: Personal and Social Determinants of Health Craig
PH 420: 1, 2: Epidemiology Rebanal
PH 431: Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Ranger
PH 450: Public Health Policy Allen
PH 455: 2: Community Organizing and Community Building for Health Rath
PH 520: 01: Structural Oppression and Social Foundations of Health Turalba
PH 520: 02: Structural Oppression and Social Foundations of Health Moore
PH 688: Racial Capitalism, Neoliberalism, and Public Health Moore
PH 810: Public Health and Principles of Community Organizing Chavez
PH 815: Theories of Social Behavioral Change in Community Health Education Fonseka
PH 884: Public Health Inquiry Mamo
PHIL 110: 29: Introduction to Critical Thinking I Nutting
PHIL 110: Introduction to Critical Thinking I Dimond
PHIL 130: Political and Social Philosophy Nutting
PHIL 150: 3: Contemporary Moral/Political Issues Nutting
PHIL 205: Formal Logic I Islami
PHIL 303: Modern Philosophy Sowaal
PHIL 315: Introduction to Global Peace Studies Nutting
PHIL 321: Being and Knowing Lindsay
PHIL 330: 01: Political Philosophy Nutting
PHIL 330: Political Philosophy Lindsay
PHIL 335: Law and Society Nutting
PHIL 355: Politics and Ethics of the Consumer Society Kassiola
PHIL 375: Peace Law and Human Rights in the U.S. Nutting
PHIL 378: Philosophy of Criminal Law Nutting
PHIL 380: 1: Philosophy of Law Nutting
PHIL 395: 1, 2: Ethical Issues: Science and Technology Blackmon
PHIL 455: 01: Sex and the Law Nutting
PHIL 621: Minds, Brains, and Computers Blackmon
PHIL 770: 01: Seminar in a Classical Author (Topic: Marx) Landy
PHIL 770: 02: Seminar in a Classical Author (Topic: Heidegger's Being and Time) Azadpur
PHIL 772: Seminar in a Classical School (Topic: Avicenna and the Persian Schools of Philosophy) Azadpur
PHIL 795: Early Modern Philosophy (Topic: Mysticism and Modern Philosophy) Sowaal
PHIL 828: Philosophical Issues in A.I. Blackmon
PHIL 850: Seminar in the Philosophy of Science Islami
PHYS 101: 2: Conceptual Physics Fielder
PHYS 121: General Physics II McCarthy
PHYS 305: Physical and Astronomical Approaches to Climate Change Solutions Sakari
PHYS 321: Modern Physics Laboratory Begum
PHYS 330: Analytical Mechanics I Xu
PHYS 775: Statistical Mechanics Golterman
PLS 310: Communication Skills and Legal Ethics Donnelly
PLS 320: Legal Research & Writing Babcock
PLSI 150: 3: Contemporary Moral/Political Issues Nutting
PLSI 200: 3: Introduction to American Politics Croshal
PLSI 200: 5: Introduction to American Politics Kashani
PLSI 200: 6, 7: Introduction to American Politics Schendan
PLSI 275: 2: Introduction to Political Theory Otruba
PLSI 355: Politics and Ethics of the Consumer Society Kassiola
PLSI 404: Politics of China Guo
PLSI 407: Politics of Russia Tsygankov
PLSI 409: Russia and World Order Tsygankov
PLSI 416: Ethnicity and Nationalism Volk
PLSI 424: Social Movements Hayduk
PLSI 472: Civic and Political Engagement Hayduk
PLSI 473: California Politics and Government Croshal
PLSI 492: Research Methods Rubin
PLSI 606: Politics of Inequality Hayduk
PLSI 760: Seminar in Comparative Politics Watts
PRSN 100: Persian Language Ara
PRSN 101: Persian Language Ara
PRSN 102: Second Semester Persian Ara
PSY 101: Psychology of Personal Development Leong
PSY 111: The Logic and Psychology of Critical Thinking Anders-Jefferson
PSY 300: Current Issues in Psychology Gard
PSY 305GW: 10: Writing in Psychology - GWAR (Topic: Controversial Issues) Halligan
PSY 305GW: 2: Writing in Psychology - GWAR (Topic: Law and the Death Penalty) Smith
PSY 320: Sex and Relationships Chen
PSY 435: Developmental Psychopathology Wolf
PSY 441: The Psychology of the Family Liu
PSY 450: Variations in Human Sexuality Carrington
PSY 451: 3: Theories of Personality Shrayber
PSY 451: Theories of Personality Hagan
PSY 455: Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Psychology Matsumoto
PSY 472: Introduction to Legal Psychology Smith
PSY 493: 01: Motivation Chandler
PSY 493: 03: Motivation Peng
PSY 493: 04: Motivation Ihorn
PSY 547: Social Conflict and Conflict Resolution Halligan
PSY 723: Clinical Methods: Psychological Assessment Holley
PSY 728: 02: Conference to Accompany Psychology Practicum Ihorn
PSY 742: Seminar in Survey Research Tate
PSY 748: 02: Conference to Accompany Psychology Practicum Ihorn
PSY 751: Seminar in Therpeutic and Developmental Change I Perry
PSY 770: Research Methods and Techniques Morsella
RPT 230: 01: Growth Through Adventure Yoshino
RPT 230: 2, 3: Growth Through Adventure Thapar
RPT 300: Leadership in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Yoshino
RPT 350: Facilitating Wellness Through Leisure Yoshino
RPT 410: Therapeutic and Inclusive Recreation Tobin
RRS 101: Introduction to Arab and Muslim Communities Zahzah
RRS 110: 17, 18: Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience Robles
RRS 110: 3, 4: Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience Mann
RRS 110: 6: Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience Lara
RRS 240: 01: All Power to the People: Comparative Freedom Movements of the "Sixties" Ferreira
RRS 240: 2: All Power to the People: Comparative Freedom Movements of the "Sixties" Hagedorn
RRS 250: Race, Ethnicity, and Power in America Hagedorn
RRS 280: 1, 2: Race, Gender, and Science Fiction Mann
RRS 285: Race, Sports, and Society Salomon
RRS 571: Women, Race, and Class Tanemura
S ED 701: 4, 5: Teaching for Equity in Secondary Schools Watanabe
S ED 759: 3: Curriculum and Instruction I (Topic: Curriculum and Instruction I: Mathematics) Baldinger
S ED 770: Current Issues in Secondary Education Fan
S ED 780: Advanced Curriculum Development Baldinger
S W 450: Introduction to Research in Social Work Hermoso
S W 456: Urban Community Organizing and Citizen Action Melara
S W 710: 01: Human Behavior and the Social Environment Bombola Guerrero
SLHS 300: 02: Introduction to SLHS Cartwright
SLHS 300: Introduction to SLHS Epstein
SLHS 655: Langauge Development Epstein
SLHS 656GW: 2: Diagnosis of Communicative Disorders - GWAR Heidenreich
SLHS 656GW: Diagnosis of Communicative Disorders - GWAR Menn
SLHS 657: Aural Rehabilitation Raggio
SLHS 659: Articulatory and Phonological Disorders Kilby
SLHS 661: Neurolinguistics Kimmerling
SLHS 668: 2: Typical and Atypical Social Communication Development Yu
SLHS 701: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Practices in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Yu
SLHS 702: Social Communication Development Yu
SLHS 708: 1, 2: Neurogenic Disorders of Language Gray
SLHS 709: Speech Sound Production Cooper
SLHS 756: Right Hemisphere Syndrome, TBI, Dementia in Communicative Disabilities Gray
SLHS 880: 05: Advanced Communication Therapy Kim
SOC 272: Social Inequality: Poverty, Wealth, and Privilege Moore
SOC 300: 3, 4: Sociological Analysis - GWAR Gurtuna
SOC 370: 2: Classical Theories of Society Moore
SOC 400: Variations in Human Sexuality Carrington
SOC 452: Juvenile Justice Macallair
SOC 500: 3: Senior Seminar (Topic: Money Image Culture: Soc Identity Mass Market Cap) Moore
SOC 511: Critical Analysis of Housing and Reentry Turner
SPAN 205: 01: Spanish for Heritage Speakers Chion-Cunningham
SPED 671: Positive Behavior Support for Young Children Wolf
SPED 675: 1, 2: Working with Families of Young Children with Disabilities Omahony
SPED 675: 3: Working with Families of Young Children with Disabilities Anderson
SPED 726: Workshop: Student Teaching Support Sessions for Mild/Moderate Support Needs or Orientation Mobility Wolf
SPED 738: Inclusive Curriculum Development and Supports in Early Childhood Settings (Preschool - Kindergarten) Omahony
SPED 751: Instruction for Learners with Visual Impairments Siu
SPED 754: Basic Communication Skills for Learners with Visual Impairments Leader
SPED 770: Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Support Needs Requa
SPED 777: Introduction to Disability, Development, and Equity for Young Children and Their Families Mitsch
SPED 778: Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Special Education Wolf
SPED 779: Family-Centered Practices and Services for Young Children with Disabilities Friesen
SPED 801: Development, Diversity, and English Language Learners: Special Education Requa
SPED 885: Allyship, Leadership, and Collaboration for Young Children with Disabilities (Topic: Early Childhood Special Education) Friesen
SXS 320: Sex and Relationships Chen
SXS 400: Variations in Human Sexuality Carrington
SXS 569: 01: Sex and the Law Nutting
SXS 701: Sexual Cultures, Sexual Identities Clay
SXS 702: Sexuality in Historical Perspective Linton
TH A 223: The Actor's Speaking Voice: Skills and Techniques for Acting and Characterization Tomalin
TH A 401: Global Theatre History I Hoskins
TH A 406: The Art of Comedy Felder
TH A 605: Writing and Performing Monologues Galjour
USP 400: Dynamics of the American City Pamuk
USP 401: Seminar in Urban Studies and Planning - GWAR Rubin
USP 492: Research Methods Rubin
USP 493: 1, 2: Data Analysis Pamuk
USP 511: Critical Analysis of Housing and Reentry Turner
USP 514: Sustainable Development in Cities Rivera Pinderhughes
USP 580: Housing Policy and Planning Pamuk
USP 658: 1, 2: Land-Use Planning Henderson
WGS 150: 04: Women and Gender in U.S. History and Society Alamilla Boyd
WGS 150: Women and Gender in U.S. History and Society Mann
WGS 200: 1, 2: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies Tully
WGS 210: Introduction to Feminism and the State Cohler
WGS 511: 01: Women and Violence White
WGS 514: Women and the Prison Industrial Complex White
WGS 541: Women Writers and Social Change Cohler
WGS 593: 01: Gender, Health, and the Environment Magnone
WGS 593: Gender, Health, and the Environment Allison
WGS 720: Feminist Pedagogies Cohler

Last updated 02-09-2025 5:02 pm